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Stardew Valley Multiplayer Beta: Known Issues & Fixes

Discussion in 'Support' started by Katzeus, Apr 30, 2018.

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  1. eikomei

    eikomei Space Hobo

    Cavalo Buga quando os dois sobem ao mesmo tempo, e um jogador fica preso a tela do outro, podendo se guiar somente pela tela dele. O jogador bugado fica com um cavalo invisível que mais parece montado em uma vassoura flutuando por ai. lol.

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    • rockstump

      rockstump Void-Bound Voyager

      My friend and I are crashing when we go to bed before the game can save. This happened once before but resolved itself the next day (in real life), this time it doesn't seem to be resolving after multiple real life days.

      It's the 7th of winter, the day before the Festival of Ice.

      All the crashes have had an identical error log, so I'll just include the latest one. I'll also attach our save.

      Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
      Stack Trace:  at StardewValley.Game1.Update(GameTime gameTime) in C:\Users\gitlab-runner\gitlab-runner\builds\5c0f9387\0\chucklefish\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Game1.cs:line 1831
        at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
        at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.HostIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameHost.OnIdle()
        at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.RunOneFrame()
        at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.ApplicationIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponent.FDoIdle(Int32 grfidlef)
        at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
        at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
        at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
        at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form mainForm)
        at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.Run()
        at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(Boolean useBlockingRun)
        at StardewValley.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\gitlab-runner\gitlab-runner\builds\5c0f9387\0\chucklefish\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Program.cs:line 122

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      • chickenfeet

        chickenfeet Space Hobo

        Hi, I'm having a problem with upgrading my farmhand cabin. I've tried to upgrade twice using materials and money, but Robin will take my everything and not work on my cabin. Any advice on what to do? Need help! I've lost 20,000g's to her already!
        • Flidget

          Flidget Void-Bound Voyager

          I've had freezing issues while fishing. Most catastrophically at the Stardew Valley Fair, but that one's been reported a lot. I'm also getting it during regular fishing but usually it's only the animation itself that hangs, everything else progresses normally.

          I'm also seeing "gifts per week" reset if I close the game and then re-start it. For example I had already given Abigail two gifts for the week if I shut down the game and then restart it when I do she'll be listed as not having been given any gifts yet but I still keep the increase in friendship points.
          • Red Apple

            Red Apple Void-Bound Voyager

            A few bugs I've found in single player:

            I hear doors closing very often, even in areas that don't have buildings.
            I picked up Lewis's shorts up twice, but I could still only give them to him once, after that I've got the message that I am giving them to the wrong person, and because it's impossible to throw them away, I have an extra pair of shorts laying around.
            When the Junimo's are repairing stuff at night the music starts playing as if the day has already started.
            The prices of some stuff are not correct, screenshot below.
            My grapes refused to die in the winter, screenshot below.
            Minor lag issues.
            What the weather report says doesn't match what I see on the TV, after checking the weather the second time the text changes to match the image on the screen.

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            • HitmanCacti

              HitmanCacti Intergalactic Tourist

              I'm having my game crash when I walk through a gate on my pen for my chickens, I've had this happen five times now, I have tried this at different times in the day and it still happens (It happened in the morning for the first three times, so I tried it later in the day) I've attached all five ErrorLogs, I uploaded my save as well.

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              • PHYZ1X

                PHYZ1X Space Spelunker

                Minor bug - multiplayer: Seasonal background music does not play for non-host players on the first day they join the game.
                • SteepSheep

                  SteepSheep Yeah, You!

                  So here's a list of several bugs we (3 player multiplayer game) encountered so far:
                  • Horse glitches - especially for non-host players the horse auto-follows the player if not at farm. This makes it hard/almost impossible to enter buildings, forage stuff, talk to villagers, ...
                    Furthermore the horse graphics are glitching a lot (it seems to be flying a lot) and sometimes it seems to be influenced by doors and is dragged towards them.
                  • Community Center - only the host player can access the right information of the bundles/progress of the community center from the menu. All other players have to actually go to the community center to check the bundles.
                  • Museum item information - for non-host players all items from the museum collection say "gunther can tell you more about this", no matter whether it already is part of the collection or not.
                  • Sound/Animation - the host (me) hears the farm sounds (chickens and cows and cutting grass) sounds while in the mines. And the grass cut animation too. This happens every time.
                    Furthermore the host can't hear the wood chopping sounds if chopping tree stumps, but after chopping trees (or stumps?) a bit later I hear something that sounds like an explosion sound, or maybe an amplified tree chopping sound. A bit like the meteorite.
                  • Seed Maker - the seed maker always shows the "speech bubble" after collecting seeds. This stays even after saving, loading. So currently we have that speech bubble all the time on screen (look at the attached screenshot)
                  I also uploaded my save files. All of those issues are reproducable easily by just playing (they happen every time, every day).
                  All of us (3 players) play on windows 10 machines.

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                  • hiabara

                    hiabara Aquatic Astronaut

                    Found another bug (playing with one other person who is the host). We both have version 3.11 and no mods.

                    The host bought a horse and I borrowed it, but when I got off the horse and walked around the horse always followed me (maybe the same glitch as the user above me said). When you have the magnet ring items move towards you and that's how the horse looked like - It was always moving/getting pulled towards me. I couldn't interact with items because the horse was always in front of me and I interacted with the horse instead of the items. I got on the horse, put it in another area and that seemed to fix the bug for now (it only happened once so far).
                    • Heather1234

                      Heather1234 Void-Bound Voyager

                      Husband and I are both playing on windows 10 machines playing a LAN game husband is the host. I am seeing Gunther can tell you about this even though I donated most the items to the museum myself. Husband didn't notice if he had same will update when he gets home and checks his game. Also time did not stop when we were both in the wizard cut scene at the same time learning how to read the tiles in the community center. Also when we got the community center cut scene it triggered for me as well when I was heading to the mine but I didn't see my character icon I saw my husband's character I assumed this was because he triggered it but time did not stop and both these scenes take a good chunk of time.

                      Ok so checked my husband's game and it shows info on relics for him the host, so seems may be not updating for the non host players.
                        Last edited: May 22, 2018
                        gtasthehunter likes this.
                      • MrBootybreath

                        MrBootybreath Void-Bound Voyager

                        Got a bit of a weird one, was playing singleplayer for a bit and upgraded the original farmhouse (to include a kitchen) and had three kinds of flooring in it. Later on I host the farm on multiplayer and my friend comes on, I tell him to check out the new upgraded farmhouse, and as soon as he enters the building the floor just transforms into one flooring, the tile from the kitchen area I believe? It's a bit of an eyesore. I don't have any screenshots of what it looked like before, but here's what it looks like now

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                        • Yami_Gita

                          Yami_Gita Space Hobo

                          My girlfriend and I were playing in the Skull Cavern and it happened multiple times that one of us would get a hole, but the other one got a ladder. Also if there happens to spawn a hole for both of us, we didn't jump the same amount of floors.

                          Skull Cavern - Hole.jpg Skull Cavern - No Hole.jpg
                          • gtasthehunter

                            gtasthehunter Intergalactic Tourist

                            Or maybe that is a new beta feature to help with testing? Well for me It takes too long to be able to get Iridium at least in single player they should leave that or add some Iridium Nodes to last 9 floors of the mines or more chance for them to spawn in the quarry, I'm on Day 11 Spring - Year 2 have yet to see any Iridium Nodes or Mystic Stones.

                            If it is when there is no other stones/rocks by the time you remove some you'll find a ladder! Well if it is any floor in the mines? Even in skull caverns? That should be fixed but the one on 120 could stay.

                            Or give us a way to make a reusable ladder that would take some late game resources to make like 10 Iridium Bars + a lot of Fiber, cloth or something. or just give us ladders that uses 20-30 wood, 10 fiber to make rope ladders that stack maybe 5-10 for each stack maybe more but not by much
                            • Reskareth

                              Reskareth Space Hobo


                              I've also discovered two bugs, not sure if the second one is a bug, but the first one is quite annoying.

                              When I upgraded my pickaxe from copper to steal, my friend tried upgrading his pickaxe as well at the same time (To a copper pickaxe, if that matters), which resulted in my pickaxe being send to me the next day with the mail, saying "You must have lost it" or something like this. The pickaxe was resetted to a standart pickaxe, the materials and upgrade costs were lost.

                              The second bug I've encountered was in the mines, where I died and lost my sword, but I'm not sure if that's a bug or made like that on purpose.

                              Anyway, thanks for reading, hoping that these bugs will be addressed sooner or later!
                              Great Game, having much fun with it!
                              • xciting1993

                                xciting1993 Space Hobo

                                I've discovered a bug pertaining to Alex's full heart event in the Saloon.

                                When Emily comes in to serve food, she walks into the window.
                                • Windotiha

                                  Windotiha Aquatic Astronaut

                                  There is a bug for everyone that isn't the host. If you right click the shipping bin you can pull out the last item sold and resell it. Like for instance if you sell all 15 parsnips on day 5 then at the start of day 6 you will get the money then the other players can take the 15 parsnips back out and then put them back in and it will sell a again. You can keep doing this daily. The last item you put into the shipping box is what you can take out and only the last item.
                                  • Reskareth

                                    Reskareth Space Hobo

                                    Another bug ist the Community tree, which can be displayed by clicking on the symbol in the right hand corner in the inventory. It seems that on client side, the tree and the interaction with it is bugged. It doesn't show me the correct things we've already given the community center, and I also don't seem to be able to switch the different trees with the arrows on the left and the right side.

                                    The host however has not problem with it
                                    • Melodie Everly

                                      Melodie Everly Poptop Tamer

                                      No fix on the gift resetting yet? :(
                                      • Windy4sun

                                        Windy4sun Void-Bound Voyager

                                        I got this crash after me and my friend tallied how much money we got. It was on Spring day 28 going to Summer 1 of year 1. I believe the crash happened while trying to save . I got this blank background and the server just kicked my friend off. I was the host. Hope this error report helps

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                                          Last edited: May 21, 2018
                                        • rockstump

                                          rockstump Void-Bound Voyager

                                          That's the exact error I am getting, just a different day.
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