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Stardew Valley Multiplayer Beta: Known Issues & Fixes

Discussion in 'Support' started by Katzeus, Apr 30, 2018.

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  1. rgmyrth

    rgmyrth Big Damn Hero

    Got a weird bug! This happened to me before the multiplayer update a few times, but then it stopped, so I assumed it was fixed. But it's shown up again in the multiplayer when I'm playing on my single player file (haven't tried it on the co-op yet). Sometimes when I'm holding the obsidian edge while I place an item into a bundle at the community center, the animation on my avatar gets stuck like the picture below. It's not a major bug, since I can still move the avatar, it just sort of moonwalks since it's animation is stuck. While it's doing this, I also can't scroll to another item, and it doesn't stop when I change screens. It usually stops when I enter my house. It's happened twice to me so far, and I wish I could remember more details about the first time. I'll take notes on this occurrence if it happens again. Hopefully I can give more info.


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    • fruityoddish

      fruityoddish Void-Bound Voyager

      Blank recycling machines and furnaces. No mods used.

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      • HopeTsuki

        HopeTsuki Intergalactic Tourist


        Seem to be crashing on the 10th day of summer right before the luao in multiplayer.

        Also crash after being asked if my husband and I want a child.
        • LuluTheBest

          LuluTheBest Intergalactic Tourist

          These are just several of the bugs I've run into while playing multiplayer:
          1. Barn/Coup animals get locked outside even though the doors are open. :( had to sell them, they wouldn't go back inside even when raining.
          2. Minerals/Artifacts still have "show to Gunther to discover" text even though they have been donated.
          3. One/Couple uses of a fishing tackle(treasure in this case) already causes it to wear out
          4. Host game crashes when other player is at the Skull Mine but Host is just about to walk into the farm from the bus stop
          5. Trying to gift someone but text reads already gave that person a gift today.
          6. Occasionally will get 'floor is overrun with monsters' text when cave floor is a regular level
          • Chronoite

            Chronoite Space Hobo

            Due to not all players receiving rewards for town hall; some items are unobtainable like hte recipe for chocolate cake...
            • faronheights

              faronheights Tentacle Wrangler

              I wanted to follow up on what was found yesterday with regards to the current 1.30.11 beta and a crash during Maru's heart event. We tested it out more extensively today under some of the same conditions as yesterday. Still Summer 13, still raining, still a 2 heart event with Maru.

              There's some interesting things to the event. I, the host, can go through Maru's event and have no ill effects. The farmhands cannot go through that event without their game crashing. However, the farmhands can skip the event safely and have no ill effects on their game. The result of all this is that I suspect the game isn't handling Maru's theme properly. I would attach more logs, but they read the same as the ones attached yesterday. Hopefully this can be resolved soon.
              • CardiacArrest

                CardiacArrest Space Hobo

                There is a problem where the game stops at a black screen after the 10 heart cut scene with Emily and the game won't progress only for the person with the cut scene. The server crashes for everyone when the person with the cut scene leaves the game.
                • Zayroen

                  Zayroen Space Hobo

                  having an issue where npcs keep walking when the second player tries talking to them. Chat box pops up as usual but they dont stop. they also walk through second player as if they arent there.
                  • SuperGamerRob

                    SuperGamerRob Void-Bound Voyager

                    The chocolate cake recipe is learned from the Queen of Sauce in Y1 winter. From the community center you get a single reward, and it is NEVER a recipe, thus nothing is "unobtainable" for any player as a result of this. Stardrops, on the other hand, are not shared and (at least the one in the mines) cannot be obtained by multiple players. I would assume the Museum one would suffer the same issue. I have heard people talk about getting the Canoli one for each person, though.
                    • Awfimuze

                      Awfimuze Space Hobo

                      I can see servers that I've been invited to in the list of farms. When I host i can see the invite code button but when I click it just says connecting... forever. I've tried reinstalling the visual studio package file, I've tried reinstalling the game, I've tried reinstalling steam, I've tried turning off antivirus and firewall. Nothing works.
                      • Badboyzone123

                        Badboyzone123 Intergalactic Tourist

                        i connect in my friend's game every 1-3 minutes it says "The Server Has Closed The Connection" he is online and playing so i dont think he was the one closing the server
                        • Dimol

                          Dimol Void-Bound Voyager

                          1. When player is trying to milk cow again(after cow being milked before), the information about lack of milk is shown to all players, happens everywhere (milking player can be in farm/in barn, and second player gets this pop-up while bein in mine)
                          2. It's possible to trade each other simultaneously, which causes both players to wait for their trade mate to accept, which neither of them can do.
                          3. There's problem with opening reward chests in the mine, mostly only first player that opened chests get the reward, for other players it is empty.
                          4. When mining one rock together with another player, little desync causes drops(minerals like copper, iron or diamonds etc.) to be doubled.
                          • Dayshi90

                            Dayshi90 Void-Bound Voyager


                            I assume the most "bugs" were already mentioned in this thread, but I just wanted to specify my and my friends issues (3 coop, 2 farmhands, 1 host).
                            We don't use gameplay mods, but different skins on animals and npcs. I hope you'll find a solution.

                            - when the farmhands put items in their fridge, they stay there while you're playing (sleeping). But when you log out and in again, they've disappeared

                            - when the farmhand jumps off the horse, the horse slides next to him and follows him. When he goes out of a building, he instantly sits on his horse.
                            I'm the host and for me, it looks like the farmhand is still on his horse even if he's not and I can't get on the horse

                            - the horse also bugs into buildings or between trees while the player sits on it. When you try to get off the horse, the player automatically jumps on the horse again and you can't go in any way possible.
                            The only way to get out of it is to relog so that the famhand is in his house again

                            - when you jump on a horse near the sea, pond, river or anything else, the horse bugs on the water.
                            You basically ride a horse on the water and you can fish in the middle of the pond

                            - we've already completed the community center so I don't know wether the bug is fixed or not, but only the host can skip through the whole community rooms in his menu. The farmhands can only see the first "room" and they also can't see finished bundles; they look unfinished to them

                            - when someone tries to milk a goat etc. and it doesn't have milk, the pop up shows up for everyone on the farm and interrupts whatever they're doing

                            - I don't know wether it's a bug or not and I'm not sure if it's already fixed.
                            When one farmhand has the profession Tiller (example), and the others have another profession, the sell price is different for him and only for him. When sleeping, the screen in the end shows other sell prices for everyone playing on the farm, but I don't know which one is added to the money we have together

                            - the shorts (purple shorts quest; Lewis) can be picked up twice by one farmhand and by the host. In the end, we all had 2 shorts in our inventory

                            - when we play with different ip-addresses, at some point the player's clocks aren't in sync anymore
                            Example: The host and one farmhand had 11pm and the other farmhand with a different ip-address had 8pm.
                            We've tried this with the same address and the problem was gone. The farmhand with the other ip-address had also very log loading screens. I assume that the sync could related to the loading times

                            - the boxes in the mines can only be opened by one person and disappear after that. Boots, weapons and even the stardrop in the mines can only be taken by one player

                            - the skull mine. While one player sees a hole and falls several floors down, the others only see stairs. That's a bug I think, but we have a lot of fun with it. It's really funny when you suddenly meet the other players on one floor and you're like "oh, hi, what's up?". It would be sad when this bug is fixed

                            - the items that you sell in the box don't appear for everyone in their menu (they stay grey). It could be on purpose, but I think it's better when sell products count for everyone and not only the person who's selling it. You have a buget together and you sell items together, so the items should show up for everyone.

                            - that's not a bug, but I think it would be a good change, when the horses would look a little different. Of course you can ride every horse, but the houses look different from the outside and the characters, too.
                            One player could have a grey horse, one a brown and one a black or white or something else.
                            I, myself, have a skin for my horse (unicorn) and when you have only one "horse-file", every horse looks like a unicorn...
                            That's only my personal issue but I think that would be a great idea

                            - the gift recipient (Feast of the Winter Star) changes (only for farmhands so far) when the player gets the remider on the day before the festival.
                            Example: The first message was "Vincent" and the second message was "Caroline".
                            When you're lucky, one of the names is right (you bring two gifts and hope one will be correct) but we also had the problem that none of the npcs was the farmhands gift recipient (even though he had two names) and we had to relog a few times until everyone could give their gift to someone.
                            Or a completely different npc was the gift recipient (not one of the two names) so that you have to bring one gift for EVERY villager and try everyone out.
                            We also had the problem that two players had the same gift recipient. One could give him a gift (mostly the host) and the other one couldn't.

                            - while you're in the coop mode, nobody, not even the host, can move the farm buildings. We've tried it in single mode and it worked, but everytime we want to move our buildings, we lost at least one day because I have to go online alone in single mode, move the buildings and have to go to sleep so that the game saves

                            - when the host makes a house upgrade, robin shows up and works on it until it's finished. The farmhands can have upgrades, too, but rubin doesn't show up to work on it. One day, suddenly, the house is upgraded.

                            - when the community center is finished, you have a sequence where all villagers are in the community center. You are there, too and they thank you. All players see the sequence at the same time, but they see only the host and not themselves. They could at least stand beside and the villagers thank them, too

                            That's everything so far. I'll edit the post when something else comes to my mind.
                            • gtasthehunter

                              gtasthehunter Intergalactic Tourist

                              I've seen this happen a few times and it happens cause time doesn't pause, when you talk to npcs, or open any windows or even while fishing, like it does in single player, something will have to be done and let the game pause like normal for stuff like this and certain heart events. (and for this fishing you get less time to fish now in co-op cause time doesn't pause)
                              • Majinique

                                Majinique Void-Bound Voyager

                                Seems like there is currently a bug concerning the quest to enter the Mutant Bug Lair. Talked to Krobus multiple times to no avail and still no access
                                • Garinn

                                  Garinn Void-Bound Voyager

                                  Crashed on sleep after the farmhand built a coop (tried it twice).

                                    Attached Files:

                                  • emaalinen

                                    emaalinen Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                    Small bug: On the night of the Stardew Valley fair Maru sleeps in her nurse uniform.
                                    • singingmiri

                                      singingmiri Poptop Tamer

                                      So, last night we played again. While the game was very stable (no crashes or disconnects) we found several issues:

                                      - went together in the skull cavern. When the host "defeated" the mummys so they crumpled to the ground, they sometimes showed to me (farmhand) as still standing. I realizied that I could place the bombs already only, when I tried to hit them as well and read "miss" everytime. It shows correctly for the host, when I hit the mummys. But that seems to be only a problem with the animations, so nothing really gamebreaking

                                      - don't know if that was a bug, but the weather is a bit strange. We had in autumn (year 1) and spring (year 2) almost no rainy days (only 2-3 perhaps) whereas the summer (year 2) so far has been very rainy. we're on day 9 and at least 4 or 5 rainy days. Could be by chance, but to be honest, I never had to wait for three weeks in spring to have one rainy day in all my previous saves. We also played many days in a row, so unless you count the frequent disconnects I had until spring day 14 or so, it can't be related to having restarted the game and thus getting good weather.

                                      - the host wanted to give Leah a gift the day before the flower dance. We checked Leahs schedule on the wiki to see where she was, but she definitely wasn't in the saloon that night. So, not sure, if the wiki was wrong, because the host was standing in front of her cabin for hours to see if she left or got home.

                                      - the fridge doesn't seem to be working properly. We placed several ingredients in their (lots of beans, oil, milk, eggs, flour, etc.), but when we went to the stove apparently there weren't any ingredients in stock. When we removed whatever we wanted to use, we could cook, but as far as I remember the whole point of the fridge was that it's connected to the stove

                                      - Demetrius' pufferfish quest gave us a bit confusion. In the letter and the questlog it said we would receive 1000g as reward for bringing him the pufferfish. So, we both went and each gave him the fish, but when he thanked us he said to both of us, he'd give us 750g as reward. Is that related to us setting the profit to 75%? Either way, I think it should be consistant with what it says in the quest log.

                                      - we also can confirm that only the host's professions seem to count at least with regard to the income from the shipping box. It may not make a huge difference in the early game, because things tend to have lesser value, but it did make a difference when we sold the legend fish. I had caught two of them and placed them in the box. I have the Angler profession, the host has the Pirate profession. So that night, according to my screen we would have made over 16000g from fish, for the host it was something like 14000g. These 2000something gold we didn't get kind of hurt.

                                      - we also investigated with regard to the fishing tackle problem. We found out a pattern in the behaviour, we think. At first it seemed completely random as to when they break at first use and when not. But as far as we can tell it seems to be related to the tackle being placed in chests or gifted to other players. We had various tackles left from (treasure chests, the ice fishing challenge, or crafted by ourselves). All of them broke after first use. Then I found a dressed spinner in a treasure chest while fishing and placed it immediately in my fishing pole. That one behaved normally. So, when we set out to catch the legend fish I crafted two trap bobbers, placed one in my fishing pole, the other in my inventory. It didn't break and I caught the legend fish quite easily. The host didn't bring any tackle with him, so I gifted him my second one. He placed it in his fishing pole and it broke immediately. Since then we're careful not to place the fishing tackles in chests, but to leave them in our inventory and so far none of them broke at first use. The host also found out by accident, that you can, if you accidently placed a tackle in a chest, still use it as long as you didn't close the chest inbetween.

                                      - There is a thing I want to add in general. We're playing in german and found quite a lot of mistakes in the translation. Sometimes the grammer or the usage of some of the words is very wrong, sometimes it just sounds awkward.
                                      • Purin

                                        Purin Void-Bound Voyager

                                        I'm having a bug where I started a new game and Sam won't get out of bed no matter what (no he's not my spouse). I'm using the latest version of SMAPI and Stardew Valley, removed all the mods that didn't work, so I'm not sure what's the problem? The only explanation I can come up with is that one of my friends in multiplayer married him (And she's the only one that's married yet so it's only him), but since I started a new non multiplayer game that shouldn't affect my game should it??
                                        • viridiannet

                                          viridiannet Intergalactic Tourist

                                          Some more bugs (all while playing as the client/farmhand):

                                          - Horse is like a magnet. After dismounting, it floats around me (going through obstacles).
                                          - Possibly related to ^. Horse occasionally duplicates (but the duplicate is gone by the next day) or follows me to locations (via minecart). Ie., I leave the horse at the bus stop, take the mine cart to the mines, and then exit into the lake area and I enter the map and my horse is there. If I dismount and go back to the bus stop, I enter the bus stop map suddenly already mounted on my horse (the one that was left there).
                                          - Shipping amounts appear different to me at the end of the day compared to the host. (If I had to guess, possibly I see the flat/base value while he sees the properly starred/quality value?)
                                          - Fortunes for the day appear different to me compared to the host (he sees neutral, I see very happy, etc.)
                                          - At the Egg Festival during Year 2, the host can see and talk to Kent but I can't. I can walk through the space where he should be.
                                          - Can not grab hay from the Deluxe upgraded barn feeder, nor put hay in. We used to be able to from the original and the first upgraded barn version.
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