REQUEST Witch's Hut change?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by thingwithwings, Dec 4, 2017.

  1. kimberly6979

    kimberly6979 Phantasmal Quasar

    I really love your map !!It is always perfect:love:
    If that is a farmer's hous it's great~
    • kimberly6979

      kimberly6979 Phantasmal Quasar

      If you do not mind maybe you could raise a mermaid in the witch's cabin~
      My farmer is also a witch I am doing similar work.

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        hunni likes this.
      • thingwithwings

        thingwithwings Phantasmal Quasar

        I officially have her first test working in the game! Once I start setting up her schedule I'll be making a WIP post for her! Do ya'll wanna see her current look?
        Also, kimberly, that mermaid is super cute! What mod is that?
          nekoCrimson likes this.
        • nekoCrimson

          nekoCrimson Subatomic Cosmonaut

          I would love to see her design/sprite if you're ready to post that, it'd be nice to see as many pieces fitting together as possible :)

          I also like the idea you mentioned of her wearing all black for the "witch-y" aesthetic but having hints of her past and her other tastes around somewhere, that sounded cool. Though ultimately it's up to you guys.
          • thingwithwings

            thingwithwings Phantasmal Quasar

            Here she is! Like I said, this is the first test for her. Pretty much everything is possible to be changed around at least a little.
            I just realized how blue her hair is on the sprite. That's getting changed right now haha
              Karmylla and nekoCrimson like this.
            • Coolwyngs

              Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

              I love that mermaid in the pool where did you find it?
              • kimberly6979

                kimberly6979 Phantasmal Quasar

                That's mermaid I imitate Harvest Moon.I plan to add her to my mod later.

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                • Karmylla

                  Karmylla Space Kumquat

                  Sorry I haven't updated anything, I've been pretty busy, but hopefully I'll be able to continue working on the map tomorrow!
                  @thingwithwings the witch looks very nice, good job!

                  @kimberly6979 I'm loving your mermaid, can't wait to see what else you got in store! :D
                  • Coolwyngs

                    Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

                    I can't wait for your mod wait. She looks so cute
                    • thingwithwings

                      thingwithwings Phantasmal Quasar

                      Hey, @Karmylla I was just wondering if there's any update on the map? It's ok if you've been too busy or haven't felt like it, I understand haha.
                      • Karmylla

                        Karmylla Space Kumquat

                        Yeah, I'm sorry, but with the Holidays and New Year's I got a little lazy, I'm sorry xD
                        I'll be sure to continue working on this when the new year begins, don't worry :D
                        • thingwithwings

                          thingwithwings Phantasmal Quasar

                          That's totally fine, hope you had a good holiday season!!

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