RELEASED New Handsome Elliott Portrait and Sprite Version 1.0

New portraits and sprites for Elliott! Includes two versions, and an optional vanilla version!

  1. Sabreene

    Sabreene Astral Cartographer

    Sabreene submitted a new mod:

    New Handsome Elliott Portrait and Sprite - New portraits and sprites for Elliott! Includes two versions, and an optional vanilla version!

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      Yaoilover-89 and HopeWasHere like this.
    • Sabreene

      Sabreene Astral Cartographer

      New portrait and character sprites for Elliott
      (You can also find this mod on Nexus: New Handsome Elliott Portrait and Sprite)
      (And my Elliott dialogue expansion mods on Nexus: Main Dialogue and Married Dialogue)

      I love Elliott, and thought his portrait didn't do him justice. I also love several mods for his portrait, but none of them fit exactly what I was looking for in my Elliott.

      I felt like Goldilocks... this one is too pretty, this one is too young, this one is too anime....

      Eemie and Dreamburrows portraits came the closest, and originally I'd made a personal mash-up of them. However, after marriage and staring at him for hours while working on my dialogue mod for Elliott, the Goldilocks syndrome started to kick in again. This time, I had to make it just right!!!


      These portraits are based on Dreamburrows and Eemie's Elliott portraits, along with some of the original early character designs and my own vision for Elliott. I wanted him to face forwards, with a good nose, strong jaw, nice shoulders, hair that looked as if it really would be time-consuming, and facial expressions that said "Elliott" to me. I also wanted to keep the slightly older look, so there are very faint laugh lines, as well as some subtle shading at the jaw. (All credits are listed at the bottom of the page, with their mod links. I encourage checking all of them out!)

      There are two main versions, and one optional version:
      • "New" Elliott: The colors have been tinted for a more natural look. Slightly darker jacket, warmer hair and better skin tone. This has a matching sprite with slightly darker jacket and dark pants.
      • "Vintage" Elliott: Slightly less saturated colors with the brown jacket and sage tie found in Eemie's mod and one of the early original character designs. This has a matching sprite with brown jacket and darker pants.
      • "Vanilla" Elliott: Optional for those that love the vanilla colors. Yellow tones, bright red jacket /bright green tie of the un-modded game. (No matching sprite - I recommend using the Refined Elliott sprite, linked below)
      The character sprites (based on Refined Elliott) have longer hair and modified colors based on the vintage or new portrait colors. They also use the modified outfit for the spring dance from the "slightly cuter character sprites".

      New Elliott
      (normal, happy, love/blush)

      Vintage Elliott
      (normal, happy, love/blush)

      Vanilla Game Colors Elliott
      (normal, happy, love/blush)

      New Elliott Matching Sprites
      red jacket, darker pants, white collar

      Vintage Elliott Matching Sprites
      brownish jacket, darker pants, white collar

      How to use:
      The zip file includes the .xnb files for the portrait/sprites, .png files to view and the original .xnb files as a backup. The mod files for the portrait and sprites are in the "Content" folder, in their proper folders. To use, overwrite the existing Elliot.xnb files with these ones. The directories are: Content - Characters for the sprite and Content - Portraits for the portrait.

      The version on Nexus (New Handsome Elliott Portrait and Sprite) separates each version into its own download. The download on this site has all three versions in the one zip file for download.

      If you would like to check out the dialogue mods for Elliott, the portrait coding is optimized to work with this portrait mod. In the portrait images, most of the dialogue shown is from my mod. You can find my dialogue mods here:

      Elliott's Main Dialogue Expansion
      (Standalone and Doki Doki compatible versions, expands his dialogue by over 130 lines/200+ sentences)

      Elliott's Marriage Dialogue Expansion
      (Expands the married dialogue by about 20 lines, plus a lot of the existing conversations have been expanded in length)

      Disclaimer - The mods following were either used as a base, or were inspirations for this mod. I encourage everyone to check them out!

      Dreamburrows Elliott Portrait by DreamBurrow
      This mod was a huge inspiration, and was used as the base for the hair and eyes. I loved their take on the hair, and their blushy eyes! Basically the hair is a mesh of Dreamburrow's hair and Eemie's hair. The eyes were just tweaked slightly. I haven't been able to reach Dreamburrows. If I hear from them and they would like the hair and eyes changed, I will do so immediately!

      Front View Elliot by Eemie / Eemiestardew.
      This mod helped me with the broader shoulders and clothes -- they were just slightly tweaked to fit the portrait better, and bottom side hair was used as well. It also gave me inspiration on how to draw the chiselled jaw. It is with her authorization that I've made the "Vintage" Elliott! (I love all her mods! You can see some of that reflected in my screenshots)

      Elliott Refined by Chrysanthe
      I used this mod as the base for the new sprites! If you're using the vanilla version of the portrait mod, I'd go here to get the sprite!! Or if you want a refined sprite without the new dance outfit, I recommend downloading this one too! It removes the gap in the legs, and slightly tweaks the face to look better, among other things.

      Slightly Cuter Character Sprites by Poltergeister. I used the Spring Dance/Flower Festival outfit from this mod in the character sprites. You can see in the picture, that I've used different outfits for everyone at the dance. Most were taken from this, although I adjusted Sebastian's myself, and left Alex in the original clothes.

      Flower dance outfits shown above!
        Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
      • Sabreene

        Sabreene Astral Cartographer

        See Nexus for more pictures (HERE)
        (All in game dialogue shown in pictures are from my dialogue mods)

        But here are a few:

        New Portrait:

        Vintage Portrait:


        New Sprites:

        Vintage Sprites:

        In Game:

        New Portrait - happy face

        Vintage Portrait - 7th face

        New Portrait - Marriage - blushy/love face

        Vintage Portrait - Marriage - normal face
          Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
          Bluemoonvalley and eemie like this.
        • Jokerine

          Jokerine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          I'm so torn! I like this one a lot but he looks so young. It almost feels like a cute teenager to me :p
          • Sabreene

            Sabreene Astral Cartographer

            :D I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder! Glad you like it enough to be torn, though! :) :p

            I'd actually made it because so many of the other ones looked young to me! Or too anime-young. Maybe I was too subtle with the laugh lines at his mouth and eyes, and the darker shading at his jaw. Looking at it again, the laugh lines could definitely be darker.

            To make it, I looked at pictures of Brad Pitt circa 1994 (Legends of the Fall, Interview with a Vampire) for inspiration. Brad was about 30 then, but he does have a baby face, so that probably was the influence!

            These were what I was looking at, though I know I was no where successful, lmao!




            • Sabreene

              Sabreene Astral Cartographer

              I still haven't put it up here, but I also have a new mod that recolors the UI to be less saturated and a darker brown, which matches really well with the vintage Elliott portrait.

              You can find that mod on Nexus until I get it put up here: Less Saturated and Darker Brown UI Menus and Dialogue Screen, and More

              Here are a couple pictures from it:

              Comparison Picture: (blue portrait background, beige portrait background and the vanilla game without my mod)


              And with the vintage portrait:

                Medicell likes this.
              • Sabreene

                Sabreene Astral Cartographer

                I've updated the CP version for this on Nexus.


                It's not tested as well as I would like, since I have to update my game and computer, which I'll be doing this weekend. Let me know if anyone experiences issues with it!!
                  SpringsSong likes this.
                • owletteomelette

                  owletteomelette Space Hobo

                  did i do something wrong? or is it supposed to look like this? great mod btw

                  edit: nvm i'm an idiot i figured it out
                    Last edited: Jul 2, 2018
                  • Yaoilover-89

                    Yaoilover-89 Poptop Tamer

                    Thank you so much for this mod! :D

                    Any chance you might make seasonal portraits for this mod too? I love very your front-view Elliott so much! <3

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