Looking For A Pickaxe Mod That Adds A Better Pickaxe.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Taroxim, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. Taroxim

    Taroxim Aquatic Astronaut

    So I've got the iridium pickaxe, but it still takes like 4 hits to break iridium ore. Are there any mods that either add a better pickaxe, or make the pickaxes better?
    • Taroxim

      Taroxim Aquatic Astronaut

      I'm guessing there aren't any? There are a lot of views on this thread but no replies... hmmm o_O
      • Borodin

        Borodin Oxygen Tank

        Not that I've seen, and I've looked through the mods, here, pretty thoroughly.

        That said, if you want this, consider asking one of the modder who has already made a mod readjusting tool values if they will create what you want.
        • Taroxim

          Taroxim Aquatic Astronaut

          Dang I might have to then...
          • sunlite

            sunlite Pangalactic Porcupine

            3 hits isn't that bad for the iridium ore. You can always use bombs if you're lazy like me, lol.
            • Seismothesaurus

              Seismothesaurus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              I haven't seen one either, and I've definitely looked. I hope someone can make one. I'm only familiar with doing dialogue and retextures, otherwise I'd give it a shot.

              The Skull Cavern past level 500 looks like this, lol. No choice but to invest in massive amounts of bombs when it's four hits per.
                ChaosAzeroth, Borodin and sunlite like this.
              • Borodin

                Borodin Oxygen Tank

                Wow. Nice place for a rest area. Warp Totems were made for such spots.
                  Seismothesaurus likes this.
                • Seismothesaurus

                  Seismothesaurus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  If only we could warp in! I use Skull Cavern Elevator set to every 10 floors (after finishing the challenge the non-cheaty way), so it's not the worst to get back to that level. It would be nice to have a desert obelisk as another money sink for us lazies even though it's a short walk to the bus stop.
                  • Charity322

                    Charity322 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    Wow. I've never got that far. I rarely see iridium ore.
                    • Seismothesaurus

                      Seismothesaurus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      Even that deep in, there are some floors that don't have any. It's weird.

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