Chat Hels Chatroom IV: Helen High Water

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hel, May 16, 2017.

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  1. The Purple Dragon

    The Purple Dragon Master Astronaut

    That's pretty interesting, but the fears of drowning are still going to keep me out of a sub for my entire life.
    Jimlad 42 and Surenu like this.
  2. Surenu

    Surenu The End of Time

    Yeah. I didn't join our paratroopers for similar reason - I'm just not the kind of person who jumps out of a perfectly fine airplane.
    Jimlad 42 and The Purple Dragon like this.
  3. The Purple Dragon

    The Purple Dragon Master Astronaut

    I'd rather stay on an airplane and rain bullets from the sky, quite frankly.
    Jimlad 42 and Surenu like this.
  4. Surenu

    Surenu The End of Time

    Like this?
    Jimlad 42 and The Purple Dragon like this.
  5. The Purple Dragon

    The Purple Dragon Master Astronaut

    Yes, exactly like that. Except for maybe the fire but yeah, pretty much.
    Jimlad 42 and Surenu like this.
  6. Waffle-Chan

    Waffle-Chan Guest

    What's with all the Vietnam war stuff? I thought this snek was peaceful
  7. Surenu

    Surenu The End of Time

    Guess we're all happy to be the fortunate sons who didn't have to fight in that one ;)
  8. Waffle-Chan

    Waffle-Chan Guest

    :poke:I see what you did there!
  9. Surenu

    Surenu The End of Time

    Since I'm in the mood nao - moar 'Nam stuff:
    Some music:

    A helicopter:
  10. Waffle-Chan

    Waffle-Chan Guest

    Das a good one

    *looks at page number*

    *sigh* I'm soo mature,,,
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2017
  11. BigEaredKittens

    BigEaredKittens Master Astronaut

    This one is my favorite. Such humor.
  12. Surenu

    Surenu The End of Time

    Dunno whether to go back to bed or take care of the stuff I need to do today.
  13. The Purple Dragon

    The Purple Dragon Master Astronaut

    I may not seek to make war, but I sure as hel won't be caught off guard.
    OH MY GOD YAS! I love NSP!
    Waffle-Chan and Jimlad 42 like this.
  14. Jimlad 42

    Jimlad 42 Supernova

    Nope, he's stated he's not going to be a part of this thread. I specifically asked if I should stop supplying him with pudding, and he said I should. (Or something rather like that.) So, no more pudding for him.

    Nirning guys and waffles.
    Nirnign Valak.
    Nirnign Charlatan.
    Nirning Surneu.
    Nirning EMag.
    Nirning Hidari.
    Nirnign Firepaw.
    Nirning Milkcalf.
    Nirning Blaze.
    Nirning Metaface.
    Nirnign Hel.
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
  15. Waffle-Chan

    Waffle-Chan Guest

    Nirning everyone.
  16. Parrotte

    Parrotte Supernova

    G'afternoon or whatevers.

    Started school and promptly stabbed myself in the hand with a screwdriver.
    Accidentally dragged a saw across my hand because the pvc pipe slipped away.
    I nearly shot myself in the eye with *something* when using a hammer to adjust a pipe clamp.
    My knee met the steel railing of the workplace.

    Can someone send me a picture of an animal? I need something good right now haha.

    Favorite helicopter IRL.
    As for helicopters in games, I rather like Half Life 2's Hunter Chopper, and Fallout's Vertibirds.
  17. Omicron445

    Omicron445 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Jeez, sounds pretty rough. Sorry I don't have any cute animals, this'll have to do for now.
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
  18. Parrotte

    Parrotte Supernova

    It'll do.
  19. Omicron445

    Omicron445 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Wait, hang on! Cool thing, incoming!
  20. Firepaw Da Cat

    Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

    Nirning everybody :catbleh:
    These are pictures of my floof going outside for the first time since she got here
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