The Magical Thread of Slimy Awesomeness

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by LuthienNightwolf, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. LuthienNightwolf

    LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

    Okay, so this will be our place for posting pictures of our slimes taking over the town. lol

    Currently I have a colony up at the railroad, green blue and purple slimes.
    Railroad Slime Breeding Project.png

    I'm also starting a red and purple colony down in the forest.

    If you're breeding slimes somewhere other than the hutch, show them off here. :D
    • Eikos

      Eikos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      Do these slimes attack the player?
      • Lilliput

        Lilliput Supernova

        If they can get close enough, yes. They're chatty in town but still behave just like any other slimes. They won't attack the townsfolk but they'll still try to jump your protoplasm. A Slime Charmer ring is recommended equipment.
          Borodin likes this.
        • Minimanta

          Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

          I'm currently not breeding slimes, but I just finished the CC so my next goal is to turn Pelican Town into Slime Town. It shall happen! :D
          • LuthienNightwolf

            LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

            Yes, two rules for this that will help you immensely:

            1. Do NOT leave home without your slime charmer ring.

            2. Careful where you hatch slimes, particularly purple or red (the more rare varieties) because some areas of the map for some reason don't "save" the slimes if you exit and come back. I've tried unsuccessfully to hatch slimes in the little area just above the farm right before the tunnel, and also at the quarry, and my newly hatched slimes would be gone as soon as I came back to that screen. Test any areas with your green eggs first.
            • Minimanta

              Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

              I still don't have the slime charmer ring, working 24/7 on getting it though! It is absolutely a must have in this project.
                Roskii Heiral likes this.
              • Powerwing Amber

                Powerwing Amber Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                I really need to try this. It looks like so much fun. X3 I didn't know you could put slimes in these spots.
                • LuthienNightwolf

                  LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                  Another screenshot for you guys - my character getting swarmed. They love her. lol
                  • Borodin

                    Borodin Oxygen Tank

                    Please. This is a family-friendly forum. In no instance should an allusion be made to anyone's protoplasm being jumped, at least not without a reference to the use of salmonberries as a sovereign anti-contraceptive.
                      Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
                    • Roskii Heiral

                      Roskii Heiral Heliosphere

                      awww =3 its the huggening!!
                        Dark_Yehn and LuthienNightwolf like this.
                      • Lilliput

                        Lilliput Supernova

                        Direct your gaze to the screen capture in the post above you, and you will see what can best be described as, ménage à ooze. I'm afraid the corruption of our community is complete.
                        • nevyn21

                          nevyn21 Cosmic Narwhal

                          It's pretty amazing the amount of easter eggs Concerned Ape has put in the game. This one is really cool!
                          • LuthienNightwolf

                            LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                            @Lilliput LOL My mom said something along the same lines when I showed her a picture.

                            I didn't know so many people didn't know you could do this - go forth and slime the town you guys! :party::lickitung::headbanging:
                              hippichicki likes this.
                            • Minimanta

                              Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

                              I did know you could do this, I was just never much interested in giving it a try myself. Until I learned they talk to people <3
                              I absolutely love when the villagers greet each other and I think it's the cutest thing ever that the slimes do it too :D
                              • LuthienNightwolf

                                LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                                I didn't know the slimes would talk and the villagers would respond - I've had Linus, Abigail, and Seb up at the railroad station among them and I've never seen it. I thought it was just something clever they added to that video. >u<
                                • Lilliput

                                  Lilliput Supernova

                                  The little dialogue bubble system for NPC's only seems to activate in certain areas right around the town. If the slimes are in those areas, then they get counted as NPC's, it seems. Probably not an intended outcome. But, it's one of those cute little glitches that's fun to see.

                                  Here's a question: What happens when a train runs through? Have you been there for that? Do the slimes get in the way and get run over, or does the train push them aside?
                                    Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
                                    Cemo likes this.
                                  • LuthienNightwolf

                                    LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                                    Oddly enough there hasn't been any trains on this save yet, and I'm in Fall year 2. I've actually been wondering this myself.
                                      Cemo likes this.
                                    • Cramped Sultana

                                      Cramped Sultana Big Damn Hero

                                      I adore the "Hi Pam." "Hi Green Slime" screenshot. Pam is so used to being blotto that she just calmly greets what she assumes are her DT hallucinations. The "Hi Kent" scared me a bit because he probably thinks he's lost his mind, is back in the prison camp, and none of this is real.
                                      • Cramped Sultana

                                        Cramped Sultana Big Damn Hero

                                        Oh, don't have a picture, but finally, yesterday as I went into town, one of my green slimes was outside of Pierre's and wished me a "good morning" before trying to attack me. I was so proud!
                                        • LuthienNightwolf

                                          LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                                          I'm learning a few things about slime breeding and I've got some more tips/pointers for anyone who wants to breed slimes for recreation. (Meaning, letting them take over the areas in town for no reason other than amusement.)

                                          * Some areas of the map don't seem to work as good, or at all, for slime breeding. From my personal experience, the area between the farm and the path leading to the mountains just before the tunnel won't work at all - slimes hatch but disappear after you leave the screen. Same goes for the quarry. The beach and community center aren't ideal places either, as it seems the slimes can only breed while you're actually there - time sort of pauses if you leave the screen so slimes are not able to grow and reproduce. I haven't tried the insides of any other buildings yet.

                                          *The train station and the area in Cindersap where the spring onions grow are great places to start slime colonies. They will breed like crazy whether you are there or not, so you can leave a pair alone for a few days and come back to find dozens. A word of warning though about using Cindersap - the baby slimes can fall (glitch) into the water and you'll end up with an infestation in the river that you can't get rid of.

                                          *Blue and green slimes seem to be the most prolific - especially blue. When I did my green/blue colony, I ended up with about 75% blue slimes and the greens got kind of overshadowed. Purple slimes take a while to start, but once you get a good populationi going it'll get huge in a short amount of time. Red seems to be the slowest but maybe that's because my purples kinda overtook the area and the reds couldn't catch up.

                                          *You can breed purple with red to get a fuchsia color, and then breed the fuchsia back to red to get pink. Pink slimes are the cutest of all. X3

                                          *If you establish a decent size colony of purple slimes, you will have a ready source of Iridium ore for the rest of your Stardew life. No need to put a slime hutch on your farm, you can just turn them loose in town, in the forest, at the train station, wherever, and every so often go in to thin the numbers and come out with 100+ pieces of ore.

                                          That's all I've got for now. But I'll leave you with a picture of my forest slimes:
                                          Forest Slimes.png

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