RELEASED Gamer Life - play video games in your farmhouse

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by scrptrx, Sep 21, 2016.

  1. scrptrx

    scrptrx Void-Bound Voyager


    Now you can be the ultimate slacker on your own farm. Play "Journey of the Prairie King" and "Junimo Kart" (upgraded house only) from your living room.

    The starter farmhouse comes with a laptop with "Journey of the Prairie King" loaded and ready to play. (But it's hidden under the TV in the house, which can be moved). The laptop was chosen to conserve space in the small house.

    The upgraded farmhouses (including marriage ones) come with a dual game console with both "Journey of the Prairie King" and "Junimo Kart" loaded and ready to play.

    The "Junimo Kart" game should work exactly how it does in the Saloon, by unlocking via the Skull Key.

    The laptop and console are immovable objects that activate via mouse click, just like in the Saloon.

    As of now, the mod is for vanilla house maps only, but I hope to add files that combine with other house mods.

    1) Backup your files!
    2) Copy and paste all house XNB files into the game's Content/Maps/ folder.

    Any file that overwrites FarmHouse.xnb, FarmHouse1.xnb, FarmHouse1_marriage.xnb, FarmHouse2.xnb, FarmHouse2_marriage.xnb.

    [at the nexus]
      Last edited: Sep 21, 2016
    • Destany89

      Destany89 Cosmic Narwhal

      I have a smapi file that makes the outside of my house change with the seasons, do you know if this would mess with that? I would love to use this and saw this doesn't use small but I don't know if this would somehow mess with it?
      • scrptrx

        scrptrx Void-Bound Voyager

        It's hard to say if it will interfere. I don't know if SMAPI mods directly overwrite map files. Usually SMAPI covers actions, not graphics. But I could be wrong. But I do know that external farmhouse files are separate from internal farmhouse files.
        • Irtan

          Irtan Void-Bound Voyager

          Awesome mod. It's really great to be able to actually play on those computers/consoles.

          One question, though. Is it possible to make laptop/console into a movable object to place it on the table or something? And if not, is it actually possible to somehow obtain/spawn laptop as a placeable non-interactive object? o:
          • scrptrx

            scrptrx Void-Bound Voyager

            I wish I knew how to make it a moveable object. Currently it's part of a map. Maybe I'll look into it, but I think it's more complicated than editing graphics, which is all editing a map is. :-/
              Irtan likes this.
            • Irtan

              Irtan Void-Bound Voyager

              Got it. Still, you did a great job. It's really nice to stay in your house om those rainy days and play some good ol' Prairie King. Especially when you have time mod set to 3x the normal SV time. :p
              • Destany89

                Destany89 Cosmic Narwhal

                I'll give it a whirl thank you :)

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