Tool Drawables Generator

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Errors4l, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    This tool convert images to drawables code that can be used to display the images in-game!
    The methods this tool uses allows you to make any custom sprite multiplayer compatible. The tool has some built in limitations to prevent you from causing heavy performance loss (for other players) by creating drawables for large sprites.

    Note: Requires .NET Framework 4.5 to run (not tested on 4.0, but it may work)!

    Official page:
    Online version (pre-1.0):

    The principle behind this tool is simple; select an image, position it and apply the output to a generated weapon ('generatedsword' or 'generatedgun').
    All features are explained in detail on the official page, linked above.

    It is recommended to use this tool together with StarCheat, as it allows you to easily apply the drawables to a weapon.

    Last edited: Nov 26, 2016
  2. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

  3. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    Update: 1.0 Compatible (or, at least, unstable).
    Some export options have been added, and some features have been removed since each type of active item has a different format.
  4. FireFlyForLife

    FireFlyForLife Aquatic Astronaut

    looks cool :)
  5. Heliostorm

    Heliostorm Phantasmal Quasar

    The generated item has the correct appearance, but I can't get it to actually do anything, even when the only thing I replace is the animation. How do I get this to work as an active item?
  6. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    The animation contains more data than just the drawable parts. If you just replace the section there might be missing data on the active item you're trying to use, and that can cause the item script to crash.

    The drawable parts are prefixed 'D_', so for example you'll want to copy D_1 to D_10 and add it to /animation/animatedParts/parts/ of your active item. To make sure the actual item doesn't show up, you can set the parts in /animationParts to /assetMissing.png.

    Keep in mind that this tool is just a tool to create drawables code. The bare bone skeleton is just there to help some users better understand the way things work, but with the potential of active items it's really hard to set a standard or output something that will work everywhere. On top of that, I've worked so little with active items I do not even know how to work on and adjust most of the vanilla active items.

    I hope you can figure it out!
  7. Heliostorm

    Heliostorm Phantasmal Quasar

    Alright, that was it, thanks! I added only the extra parts and the weapon works now.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
  8. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    The drawables themselves are vanilla and mp compatible. What is it crashing on exactly?
  9. Heliostorm

    Heliostorm Phantasmal Quasar

    Not sure, I changed the item type and it stopped crashing, no problems now as far as I can tell.
  10. mikeysiscool12

    mikeysiscool12 Void-Bound Voyager

    My stupid self does not understand this I was doing fine with the old way of making custom items but now I'm stumped OK here's my problem it's the same as heliostorms but I can't find out how to get it to function even tho you stated how to and even gave an example but I still can't get it to work it turns into perfectly generic block what do I do to make it work or where put what it needs to make it function

    I've made my guns then make them into star cheat exports. But that's where I'm stuck because when I go into game they are just frozen in place I know how to edit it's stats but I can't get it to function properly sorry for my stupid and some what annoying comment
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
  11. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    Mind sharing the code you have right now?
  12. mikeysiscool12

    mikeysiscool12 Void-Bound Voyager

    is it suppose to spawn as a tesla staff? idk heres the code tho


    "count": 1,

    "name": "teslastaff",

    "parameters": {

    "altAbility": {

    "scripts": []


    "animation": {

    "animatedParts": {

    "parts": {

    "D_1": {

    "properties": {

    "centered": false,

    "image": "/objects/outpost/customsign/signplaceholder.png?replace;02000301=72726C2F;03000201=72726C2F;03000301=73716EFB;03000401=73726DCE;03000501=0000001D;04000301=73726EFF;04000401=373735E3;04000501=242423F7;04000601=00000085;05000301=73726EFF;05000401=534511FE;05000501=423508EA;05000601=010100DC;05000701=000000DB;06000301=73726EFF;06000401=524511FF;06000501=544508FF;06000601=544308FB;06000701=000000FE;06000801=0000009A;07000301=73726EFF;07000401=45390DFF;07000501=5A4809FE;07000601=5B4A0BFF;07000701=483B07F7;07000801=000000FF;08000301=71706DF7;08000401=494946FF;08000501=080807E8;08000601=544508FB;08000701=5B4A0BFF;08000801=382E05FC;09000301=73736B1F;09000401=6B6B68B0;09000501=080807E8;09000601=030300B2;09000701=5B490AEC;09000801=413407F0;10000401=73726DAF;10000501=73716E5F;10000601=000000EF;10000701=000000FF;10000801=000000EF;11000401=72716EEF;11000501=73736B1F;11000601=000000FF;11000701=000000BF;11000801=000000BF;12000401=73716DBF;12000501=71716E4F;12000601=000000FF;12000701=000000BF;12000801=2F2F2FD3;13000401=71716E4F;13000501=73726DAF;13000601=000000FF;13000701=0000008F;13000801=3F3F3FDB;14000501=72726E7F;14000601=000000BE;14000701=000000B6;14000801=000000FF;15000701=000000FF;15000801=7C7C7CC7;16000701=000000FF;16000801=7D7D7DFF;17000701=000000FF;17000801=7D7D7DFF;18000701=000000FF;18000801=7D7D7DFF;19000701=000000FF;19000801=7D7D7DFF;20000701=000000FF;20000801=7D7D7DFF;21000701=000000FF;21000801=7D7D7DFF;22000701=000000FF;22000801=7D7D7DFF;23000701=000000FF;23000801=7D7D7DFF;24000701=000000FF;24000801=7D7D7DFF;25000701=000000FF;25000801=7D7D7DFF;26000701=000000FE;26000801=7D7D7DFF;27000701=0000005C;27000801=000000A5",

    "offset": [






    "D_2": {

    "properties": {

    "centered": false,

    "image": "/objects/outpost/customsign/signplaceholder.png?replace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

    "offset": [






    "chargeEffect": {},

    "staff": {

    "properties": {

    "centered": true,

    "image": "<partImage>",

    "offset": [




    "transformationGroups": [



    "zLevel": 0



    "stone": {

    "properties": {

    "centered": true,

    "focalPoint": [




    "fullbright": true,

    "image": "<partImage>",

    "offset": [




    "transformationGroups": [



    "zLevel": 1




    "stateTypes": {

    "charge": {

    "default": "idle",

    "states": {

    "idle": {}





    "lights": {},

    "particleEmitters": {

    "electriccharge": {

    "particles": []


    "firecharge": {

    "particles": []


    "icecharge": {

    "particles": []


    "physicalcharge": {

    "particles": []


    "poisoncharge": {

    "particles": []



    "sounds": {},

    "transformationGroups": {

    "weapon": {}



    "animationCustom": {},

    "animationParts": {

    "chargeEffect": "",

    "staff": "/assetMissing.png",

    "stone": "/assetMissing.png"


    "builder": "/items/buildscripts/buildunrandweapon.lua",

    "category": "^orange;Drawable Item^reset;",

    "description": "An item that has custom drawables applied to it!",

    "elementalType": "physical",

    "inventoryIcon": "teslastaff.png",

    "itemName": "teslastaff",

    "itemTags": [



    "level": 1,

    "maxStack": 1000,

    "price": 1,

    "primaryAbility": {},

    "primaryAbilityType": "guidedbolt",

    "rarity": "Essential",

    "scripts": [],

    "shortdescription": "A Custom Item",

    "twoHanded": true



    btw i dont know how to post stuff on here as im a lurker and i never really talk but ive played the game for 2 years now and have visited this forum countless times getting mods and reading threads
  13. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    Put the code in between
    [spoiler] and [/spoiler]
    so it doesn't take up so much space.
    You chose the plain text output. If you want to easily spawn the item in I suggest selected the spawn command option instead. You can then copy the output and paste it in-game (with /admin enabled). The default item is a teslastaff that doesn't do anything to allows new modders to experiment with the drawables and not the active items.
  14. mikeysiscool12

    mikeysiscool12 Void-Bound Voyager

    oh ok thanks for the explanation I think I understand it now.
  15. piesm

    piesm Void-Bound Voyager

    I want to ask: how to run this application?
  16. Nexus Of Chaos

    Nexus Of Chaos Parsec Taste Tester

    please avoid necroposting and accept that this program is outdated to the point of no longer functioning
  17. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    projectmayhem likes this.
  18. AAAri

    AAAri Big Damn Hero

    Does this work with gifs?
  19. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    I'm afraid it will only use the first frame. If you want to create animations that work on servers you should have a look at the LuAnimator:
  20. Theguywhoisrightbehindyou

    Theguywhoisrightbehindyou Space Spelunker

    could i use it to place already made sprites in game?
    im trying to to make myself the Armageddon ( eye edition )
    i made it with piskel, i want to know if it would work

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