Modding Help How to upload to Steam Workshop

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Khym Chanur, Jul 22, 2016.

  1. Khym Chanur

    Khym Chanur Big Damn Hero

    How does one upload a mod file to the Steam Workshop?
  2. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    When launching starbound through steam.
    You will get 3 options now, one being mod uploader tool.

    Choose that - then select the folder of the mod.
    Fill in the details and hit upload.

    Next go to the workshop page of the mod.
    Shadox2.0 likes this.
  3. Khym Chanur

    Khym Chanur Big Damn Hero

    I only get two options "Play Starbound" and "Launch Dedicated Server"; this happens for both plain Starbound 1.0 (stable) downloaded just today and for Unstable/Nightly also downloaded today. I am playing on Linux, so maybe the mod uploader hasn't been ported to Linux yet?
  4. lornlynx

    lornlynx Cosmic Narwhal

    you can also manually start the exe in the win32 folder
  5. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Not a 100% sure I will have to get back to you on that.
  6. Amadox

    Amadox Void-Bound Voyager

  7. lornlynx

    lornlynx Cosmic Narwhal

    If it worked as a folder in your mods/ folder, then you probably packed a wrong structure or you have a mistake with your metadata file.
    Try browsing your mod pak in the steam workshop files and unpack with the unpacker, if it doesn't work you should be able to find the mistake from the error message. Otherwise check the folder structure.
  8. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

  9. Naddox

    Naddox Cosmic Narwhal

    Does anyone know how to submit an update to your mod once you have uploaded it to steam? I can't seem to figure it out.
  10. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Upload the mod folder again - if you did not modify the Metadata file after the first upload.
    The new metadata will have the Steam Mod ID in it. The number which appears on bottom left of mod uploader.
    That is what telling the uploader which file in the workshop to update.
  11. Naddox

    Naddox Cosmic Narwhal

    Not sure what metadate file you're talking about but I must have edited/deleted it because I don't see it and uploading isn't working. Is it possible to get a new metadate file and just edit in the correct modid? <-- That worked. Thanks for the info Suit
  12. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Ok the file you are looking for will be this. If you did not make one - after uploading it would have been generated.


    If you accidentally deleted it - don't worry.
    You will just need to remake the metadata file manually.
    Go to Steam workshop go to your file and look at the Steam URL ID - it will give you a number on top. Just jot that down.
    Create a file _metadata

    Then use this code.

      "author" : "Namehere",
      "description" : "Desc",
      "friendlyName" : "Purchasable Pets",
      "name" : "p_Pets",
      "steamContentId" : "ID#here",
      "version" : "1.1"
    Make sure your friendly name and name is the same you kept earlier.
  13. mastercookie

    mastercookie Existential Complex

    when i uploaded mine, it was hidden at first, had to unhide it, then after a few minutes it appeared on the list
  14. Amadox

    Amadox Void-Bound Voyager

    yea, that was it. after restarting steam it showed up :)
  15. THAU

    THAU Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm on linux, and there is no way to upload a mod to the workshop, I tried mod_uploader.exe with Mono and Wine, this is a bit disapointing ...
  16. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
    Xordaii likes this.

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