RELEASED [SMAPI 1.5] In-Game Cheat Menu v1.13 Beta [01-Jan-2017]

Discussion in 'Cheats' started by CJB, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. Nurio

    Nurio Cosmic Narwhal

    Uhm, what? Granted, I don't have any experience with the pirated game, but I actually highly doubt mods don't work on it. That wouldn't make any sense

    Meh. Could do without the proclamation. I don't think any pirate ever thought "Oh, yeah, I don't have any excuse, and this guy told me to stop being a pirate... Let's stop being a pirate!"
    • BaldurAnthology

      BaldurAnthology Phantasmal Quasar

      I was told that pirated copies of Stardew do not support mods because of some sort of copy protection or something. Not sure if that's true but I've seen that said by the admins on other topics when pirates have commented asking for why their mods don't work.. so... I'm gonna take their word for it over you.. I'm pretty sure at least one or two devs are in the staff group so they can keep an eye out for bugs and other stuff so...

      Also that's not a proclamation it's me saying he can cause not all forums allow you to delete your posts... none of that was written in a jerkish way, it was simply you can delete your posts here instead of editing them, and you can also find a playthrough where i linked it so you don't have to steal a game people worked hard on and not only that but worked WITH the fans and players to make it BETTER.
      • DWrathh

        DWrathh Big Damn Hero

        As someone who originally pirated the game, I can tell you from experience that mods do work with pirated versions.

        And just as a side note, although I hate entering the debate on the ethics of pirating--not everyone has available money to go throwing at games.
        That and, funny enough, if you've seen the pirate pages for SDV (which I doubt--but follow me on this for a moment because there were news articles on it as well), it has one of the highest percentages of people saying that they plan on buying the game when they have the money just to support CA. I know that's exactly why I did.
        • Nurio

          Nurio Cosmic Narwhal

          Assuming you're telling the truth here, you were told wrong. It's kinda ironic you chose to believe the wrong party just because you deemed them more knowledgeable due to their titles which have no inherent bearings on their understanding of the game's code.

          "I'm pretty sure" is not at all proof of anything, especially when you're wrong, and you can't use that as a basis and credentials for your argument.
          Stardew Valley has been developed by Concerned Ape, who is one person and not a team. There could be a support team, but as far as developers go, there is only one.
          You're just spreading misinformation at this point with guesses and assumptions, claiming them as fact. That only propagates ignorance and confusion.
          There is nothing wrong with making a guess, as long as you're clear about it, so that people know how creditworthy the information is. You, however, tried to pass off misinformation as fact.
          You may wonder why I'm so adamant about this. It's because the internet is chock-full of people who just claim things without backing them up. It is one of the biggest contributors to ignorance among the community, and I think that needs to be stopped.

          You're telling me that these following two comments are not proclamations?
          (In hindsight, the term 'proclamation' was not the best one to choose here, but the point of my message still stands.)

          --My apologies for the off-topic discussion. This will be the last I say on this matter, so as to not derail the thread. If @BaldurAnthology wishes to continue this discussion, he can do that in a PM with me.
            lannihamm likes this.
          • BaldurAnthology

            BaldurAnthology Phantasmal Quasar

            My last word in this off topic discussion is that if people want pirating to stop more of them should offer demos of the games... when I Was younger, when the game was near completion they would put up a demo for people to download for free and play up to a certain point. That way when the full version was done they know to buy it. Stardew Devs if you read these topics at all, MAKE A DEMO for people that want to try before they buy.. People didn't pirate games as much when they could download a free demo.. maybe up til the beginning of summer or something idk. like.. enough time to try it out and see if you like it then it says if you like the game please support it and buy it, and lets you continue those saves if they buy it. IDK that's how it used to work.
            • Mayon144

              Mayon144 Space Hobo


              So here I got the latest update from Steam and the SMAPI 0.40.0 from

              And yet I have the above error, can someone help me out???

              Do I need to update any other things beside the game client and that SMAPI??
              • Nurio

                Nurio Cosmic Narwhal

                Ah, man, I've seen this error so many times, but I can't rightly remember what caused it.
                For now, can you try installing .NET and XNA Framework? They should be in the Stardew Valley folder under _CommonRedist or something akin to that
                • Mayon144

                  Mayon144 Space Hobo

                  Thanks man, I've repaired it but same error occurred, any other solutions?
                  • Nurio

                    Nurio Cosmic Narwhal

                    Hmm... Maybe post your error log (notice how it said it created an error log?) between code tags?
                    • Ezth

                      Ezth Void-Bound Voyager

                      Can not use the '' Fast Processing Machine '', someone could tell me why
                      • RoyalBlu

                        RoyalBlu Orbital Explorer

                        Does the grow tree option only work for non-fruit trees? I had no problem growing maple trees but fruit trees will turn back to its previous growth stage when I wake up in the morning.
                        • Nurio

                          Nurio Cosmic Narwhal

                          Yeah, it's a known bug. But we haven't heard of any fix yet, sadly
                          • RoyalBlu

                            RoyalBlu Orbital Explorer

                            Oh I see. Thanks!
                            • bloodfawn

                              bloodfawn Space Hobo

                              hello, i have installed this game from GOG and i've done this through this tutorial , however when i click P nothing happens, I have also run the game with that API.exe but like i said nothing happens, if anyone could suggest anything for me to make this work id appreciate it.
                              • foghorn

                                foghorn Pangalactic Porcupine

                                Just installed the mod and it seems to be working fine. Are you sure that you have the latest SMAPI and the Cheat Menu both installed correctly?[​IMG]
                                  Last edited: Jun 13, 2016
                                • bloodfawn

                                  bloodfawn Space Hobo

                                  it works now thanks!
                                  • BaldurAnthology

                                    BaldurAnthology Phantasmal Quasar

                                    IT has been said many times that at present, Grow Trees is bugged. I suggest you simply not use this feature and wait until trees grow on their own.. it seems to be your only logical course of action.

                                    Probably bugged as well. It is one guy.. or girl.. working on this mod, they can't be everywhere at once. Try reinstalling the mod or something, Only solution I have.
                                    • Silvercat

                                      Silvercat Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                      Love the mod guys. ^.^
                                      • VancouverBeth

                                        VancouverBeth Space Hobo

                                        Hello, first post. :) I wanted to try this mod out but whenever I push P the game black screens and I have to force it closed. I am able to use the "T" shortcut to stop time so I know that the mod is installed and working somewhat.

                                        I've included a screen grab of SMAPI erroring out. Yes it is the latest version of both SMAPI and the mod.

                                        If anyone could help I'd be super duper grateful! I saw someone post here saying that they had a similar error but then came back and said "I fixed it" with no explanation how!! lol

                                        Anyways, the only other mods I have installed are a music replacement, NPC map locations, and a husky dog sprite. All working fine.


                                        Edit - Okay I feel REALLY dumb. I was going to just delete this comment but I figured I would leave it here just in case anyone else comes to read this thread and has a similar problem.

                                        The issue was that I had forgotten to update my Stardew Valley game itself to the latest version. So even though I had the latest SMAPI and Cheat Menu, it wasn't working with 1.0.5.

                                        So there you go! Operator error! What else would it be though :)
                                          Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
                                          lannihamm likes this.
                                        • luna00

                                          luna00 Space Hobo

                                          Doesnt work for me :( Ive tried everything! When I load the Stardew API is loads the mods and it says that 0 mods are working but I've downloaded two, the menu and the item spawner. Im really stuck!!!

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