WIP Barfy's Fancy Farmhouses (and other addons) UPDATE: Links are back up!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by barfyscorpion, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. foghorn

    foghorn Pangalactic Porcupine

  2. Nivea

    Nivea Starship Captain

    I decided to go ahead and do the starter house as well, it was good warm up/practice to help me get back into pixel drawing (havent done this is like 6 years lol).

    Also fixed a couple stray white pixels from the first Coop. So I am just reuploading all the stuff so everyone can get the new versions from this one post.

    If anyone has any issues let me know, and Barfy if you want to post these yourself feel free.

    So for download:
    Big Coop
    Big Barn
    Starter House

      Attached Files:

    • pixieNpixels

      pixieNpixels Subatomic Cosmonaut

      yay! My farm is going to be so pretty! :)
      • barfyscorpion

        barfyscorpion Pangalactic Porcupine

        Wow, you rock! I'm definitely going to add these to the OP-- I've gotten really busy but when I update next I'll put this in the post. I love them!
        • Nivea

          Nivea Starship Captain

          Glad they are good with you, I really enjoy your house and wallpapers and I am looking forward to the furniture. :D
          • Dozy

            Dozy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            I am really looking forward to the furniture release, but I understand how real life gets in the way. Just wanted to say that the retextures you have done are gorgeous and I am a fan :D
            • cera12sim

              cera12sim Subatomic Cosmonaut

              gorgeous retextures barfyscorpian! i love your username tooo! I REALLLY want your bed and kitchen looking forward to see what else you do expecially that adorable furniture! boyfriend is in love with the pink table runners (his words not mine) would be cool to see the table runners done in blue though! i think i might retexture it myself once its realeased if you're unable too because I know its so hard when finals comes around and suddenly studying or work takes up all your time. Great work!
                eemie likes this.
              • barfyscorpion

                barfyscorpion Pangalactic Porcupine

                Thanks! And all of my work has an open policy, you can recolor anything you want, I really don't mind.

                I have resumed working on the furniture replacements. Sorry for the hiatus, been occupied with other projects and illness etc. so I work pretty slowly!
                • MoonlitBrenya

                  MoonlitBrenya Existential Complex

                  Love your work! I just cracked open the furniture file last night and was playing with it, but still fun to look and see what other have done and draw inspiration from them. I love all the white! The pastels are very nice, too. I want to do the same as you have regarding the wall paper. Honestly, out of all of them, I maybe like 5? So yeah, gonna grab a few of yours (Nursery needs some love), and then make some for the rest of the house. I am just getting my toes wet and I am already overwhelmed at all the possibilities. And then tIDE? Just when my addiction to PLAYING the game wears off, along comes learning to mod it, lol.

                  Again, great work. It's gorgeous, what you have done, and I can not wait to see what else you come up with.
                    barfyscorpion likes this.
                  • barfyscorpion

                    barfyscorpion Pangalactic Porcupine


                    Go get your furniture replacements on the front-page post! Let me know if there's any issues as I don't have the time to open 'em in-game right now but they really should be just fine. Enjoy!
                    • MoonlitBrenya

                      MoonlitBrenya Existential Complex

                      -fangirl squeels then spams the download button- yay! just the demo pic looks amazeballs, I can't wait to see it in game! Will let you know of I come across anything hinky.
                        barfyscorpion likes this.
                      • Dozy

                        Dozy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        YAY!! This is awesome! Thanks so much :D
                        • MoonlitBrenya

                          MoonlitBrenya Existential Complex

                          everything is perfect so far. I don't have all the pieces that have been altered (I swapped out a few of the replacements from what you chose to other items, as I had already used some for other purposes.) I love it so far. Very nice work, thank you for all the time and effort I know had to go into this.

                          earlier in this thread, you... did say that it was ok to alter? i have no intention of distributing my copy, as I have taken pieces from here and there to make my own collection. it's a hodge podge, but it's me :)
                          • barfyscorpion

                            barfyscorpion Pangalactic Porcupine

                            Oh yeah you can use my assets for anything as long as you ultimately end up giving credit/linking back to my thread. No issues there.
                              MoonlitBrenya likes this.
                            • Rosalie

                              Rosalie Cosmic Narwhal

                            • Ailsaek

                              Ailsaek Subatomic Cosmonaut

                              These are beautiful. I can't wait to try them out.
                              • barfyscorpion

                                barfyscorpion Pangalactic Porcupine

                                Update: I thought these all looked pretty good in gold. Added a download for these over at the main post!
                                • Ribbonain

                                  Ribbonain Pangalactic Porcupine

                                  Wow those are beautiful. :eek:!!
                                  • Minakie

                                    Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

                                    Is there a way to have only the modded greenhouse without the farmhouses? I already have a different modded house in my game.
                                    • Mana-chan

                                      Mana-chan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      You can only get this result when you merge both files into one. ^_^;

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