RELEASED WONDERFUL FARM LIFE. [SMAPI] version updated 7/2, now with grandpa's memorial! MAKE YOUR FARM SICK!

Discussion in 'Mods' started by taintedwheat, May 23, 2016.

  1. taintedwheat

    taintedwheat Master Astronaut

    Viiiiiii is a G(eeeeeeee). Thanks <3

    • taintedwheat

      taintedwheat Master Astronaut

      Hey Vii, my homegirl @Rosalie was wondering if we can have big patches of green grass instead of yellow dirt as the majority of the ground. Although my biggest concern is that these grass tiles properties have to be changed to type dirt/diggable in order for buildings to be placed up on @_@
        Rosalie likes this.
      • foghorn

        foghorn Pangalactic Porcupine

        Entoarox touched on it in this thread.
        Note: Holy *#@ you're picking up tIDE fast, @viiinfinite.
          taintedwheat likes this.
        • taintedwheat

          taintedwheat Master Astronaut

          Riiight? Definitely grateful on the help. It allows me to do what I am best at - making assets.
          I started on the buildings for the expanded store area with new npcs and shit [slowly, i've only gotten part of my hydroponics building done, can share a screen of the w.i.p. if anyone is interested]
          Especially slowly because this shit also needs seasonal stuff done, fawksoolong
          Also actually need to start doing a lot in that area, sheet and nightmare are so much ahead in that aspects data, crops and machine config front. Ehhh

          Waiting for Jinxie on the OK about the cellar's .dll to get a thread going. She liked the idea of people posting their versions using my tilesheet on the thread as a collective-type thing : lolol "the cellar dwellers" lololol corny but riiiight?
            Last edited: Jun 1, 2016
            foghorn likes this.
          • Flother

            Flother Big Damn Hero

            I don't need to say anything else other than I love you <3 Lyk my gawd, I'm flipping over how nice this is <3 <3 <3 <3 hearts for you.
              taintedwheat likes this.
            • taintedwheat

              taintedwheat Master Astronaut

              Haha! Thank you, make sure, you download the version I posted a couple of post back, here:

              also let me know which map works better in regards to how finished it feels, probably vii's but I'm trying to get a collective measure on it n.n
              • Jinxiewinxie

                Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                Oh! I'll bug you about that shortly. My bad!
                • viiinfinite

                  viiinfinite Void-Bound Voyager

                  Hehe, I'm certainly trying. c: Tbh I was kind of worried the opposite was the case! (Also, thanks for that link because you saved me so much time oh my god.)

                  The link that foghorn provided has a more reliable source than I could ever hope to be (looking at code vs experimenting? obvious winner), lol, but it seems doable from the five minutes I spent testing out a patch of grass before responding to this. If either of you have a file you want me to test out properly I'll do so whenever I've got some free time. :)
                    sheetcakeghost and taintedwheat like this.
                  • taintedwheat

                    taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                    Oh no rush on that front, I figured since you have it unpacked on your compy as well whenever you get time if you can just plot like huge land patches of delightfully placed grass similar in fashion from the link above, if you think you could help out with that in the future? right now its pretty good regardless

                    ahh, almost complete with one building, in spring x__x

                    eek, look at this wip
                    • sheetcakeghost

                      sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

                      Should I just start posting NPC progress on my end to this thread too? I don't mind doing that, actually. Keeps it all in one place for people to make commentary and give advice and what have you.
                        taintedwheat likes this.
                      • taintedwheat

                        taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                        Whatever floats your boat, m'lady.

                        Although it does seem like it's happenin' over in these parts.

                        /Did you want any particular color scheme for Antione's building?
                        • sheetcakeghost

                          sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

                          I didn't have anything in mind, but it's a bakery so sticking with browns and pastels will probably look best. Let me get you the PSD I have of the assets I've made so far. I don't wanna use the building that I made, but you could steal off it like the sign and stuff.
                            taintedwheat likes this.
                          • taintedwheat

                            taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                            oohoooh okay, yay, do you want like fresh bread and stuffs outside? n__n
                            • sheetcakeghost

                              sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

                              Ha ha, well it's a sweets bakery. So he doesn't really make bread so much as, like, cakes and stuff.
                              • foghorn

                                foghorn Pangalactic Porcupine

                                So, today I learned that sugar beets were an actual thing :O
                                Antoine is coming along nicely, sheetcake. I like the dialogue.
                                  taintedwheat likes this.
                                • taintedwheat

                                  taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                                  Fucking beets, man.

                                  One time I made beet chips that didnt come out right in the oven so I just ate the whole thing myself. The next morning I went to the bathroom and was fucking.mortified. I thought something was seriously wrong with my insides because there looked like there was blood everywhere. I called in a doctor appointment and everything @_@

                                  See what I mean:
                                    MoonlitBrenya and foghorn like this.
                                  • KittyCas

                                    KittyCas Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    Yaaay! Thank you :DD
                                      taintedwheat likes this.
                                    • AfrokingJ

                                      AfrokingJ Pangalactic Porcupine

                                      I shall be testing it soon as I finish my three simultaneous mods. Because why go for just one full mod when you can go for three and drive yourself mad hehe.
                                      • KittyCas

                                        KittyCas Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        Hi again! :) Just pointing out some very minor faults I've ran into with the latest files. When I walk into that little top left corner of the house, it glitches me onto the roof. I walked back to my dog sleeping on the roof which is how I found out about this xD Also, there's a little square patch on the left side of the farm.
                                        sdv2.png sdv1.png

                                        & not to be a bother but I'm only wondering, would it be a possibility to have a version where only the shrine area/whole top left is back in it's original form & everything else stays the way it is in the mod?
                                          Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
                                        • taintedwheat

                                          taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                                          Ack. Hmm... maybe vii can pull up the map to get those little things or i can try looking.

                                          Mrrr. The smapi mod is almost, almost out and it can allow you to use any farm map, so you can use the vanilla farm or search "sanitized farm" by boffoboy [google if the forum search sucks] and its basically my farm map without the edited shrine area.

                                          Pretty sure jinx new mod will have the bridge and water part.

                                          Edit: here it is:
                                            Last edited: Jun 2, 2016

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