WIP Diverse StardewValley - Hiatus / I'm dead.

Discussion in 'Portraits' started by notsnufffie, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. wraith_magus

    wraith_magus Space Spelunker

    I cracked open the text files, by the way. Regular conversation lines are in ".yaml" files that are alterable in plain ol' notepad++, so a search-and-replace for references to "Aunt Marnie" is totally possible. That said, there are a lot of text files to cover, so there would probably need to be a bit of playtesting "in the field" as it were. (That is, people posting to point out a spot that was missed.)

    Events are more complex, which is why it's best to do this with characters less involved in events. Apparently, events are also in .yaml, but they have a ton of markup language in whatever language CA uses. It obviously has references to the character "Marnie" standing in certain places or facing different directions or giving out specific emotes. Events also seem to be organized based upon location, not by actual event, so the night-time meeting you snoop on between Marnie and Lewis, for example, is in "Town.yaml", and occurs right before the event for Clint asking Emily out without even a line break between them.

    This means it's difficult, but entirely possible to change pretty much everything related to these more minor characters, as far as I can tell. (At least, provided changing these things actually DOES change things, and they aren't vestigial and papered over with hardcoded kludges.)
      notsnufffie and Alkanthe like this.
    • sheetcakeghost

      sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

      That's good to know! As far as sprite art, I know that Marnie dancing at your wedding is in Cursors.xnb in the LooseSprites folder. Other than that everything I've seen her in uses the sprites from her particular sheet. Sounds like that might be the only hiccup for using bara Marnie if one gets made as some folks probably have a custom Cursors.xnb. Unless, of course, they don't care if Marnie dresses like a girl for their wedding. d:
        notsnufffie likes this.
      • Karalius465

        Karalius465 Void-Bound Voyager

        I'd love it if diverse couples were added too! I have heard that name changing is rather difficult?
        • sheetcakeghost

          sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

          It is and it isn't. The name of the character is actually only in one file, and it'll change what others call them to an extent. However, in events the names tend to be hard coded, and outside of that, each map has something you can examine that could also have their name.

          For example, let's say you mod Leah into a boy and you name him Lance. You can go into you data folder, find NPCDispositions.xnb, crack it open, then find the line in it referring to Leah. Just change the name at the end of that line (the one right before #!String) and boom, Leah is now Lance in game. Easy peasy.

          However, in Elliott's house is a painting that Leah gave him, so when you click on that painting it'll say Leah. That's because that line is part of the map itself and you'd need to open tIDE to change it. Also, if you went to Leah's house anything with the name Leah mentioned would still say Leah for the same reason. So now we've gone from one xnb change to needing to remod two maps.

          All of that said, you could just not change Marnie's name at all. In fact, I think Marnie sounds like a very gender neutral name so if I saw a big dude named Marnie I wouldn't think much of it. Clint, on the other hand, would need that name change. So in order to mod Clint into a woman you'd need to change NPCDispositions.xnb, some of the other things in the dialog folder since he could get referred to by name, as well as Mail.xnb so that our newly ladied blacksmith will sign quest letters with the correct name. Plus the interior for the blacksmith's shop would need to be edited.

          None of this is particularly hard to do, but it is a lot of replacements, and the more you replace, the more likely you'll conflict with other mods.
          • Karalius465

            Karalius465 Void-Bound Voyager

            Ah, thanks for clearing that up! I think Robin has a name that would work for a man and maybe some people wouldn't mind if the names weren't a total fix? It would break the immersion I suppose...
            • sheetcakeghost

              sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

              Yeah, Robin's name is pretty gender neutral. So is Sam's. I think I've seen a female same mod floating around the nexus too, complete with gender pronoun changes and references for her being a daughter instead of a son.
                notsnufffie likes this.
              • notsnufffie

                notsnufffie Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                I thought the name Clint could work for a butch lesbian, if changing the pronouns couldn't be done. I was already planning on having Clint be cis female, not trans, but gender queer using male pronouns?? I'm sure there are better terms for that. Identifies as male but is okay having a cis female body.

                I'm on board with gender swapping Robin and Marnie!! Bara Marnie sounds cute, if hunting down all the "Aunt Marnie"s is to much Marnie could be a bit drag queen fabulous at times (wear a dress at a wedding??) and likes to go by Aunt Marnie. Its an option. Pronouns would still need to be changed. Like I said I don't have the time for text editing so if one of you awesome people want to make it so I'd be more than happy to do the art. (That said my tablet is mostly broken at the moment so bear with.)
                  Alkanthe likes this.
                • sheetcakeghost

                  sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

                  For Clint I think changing pronouns would be fairly easy. He doesn't really get referred to much in game from what I've seen. Mostly he just hangs out in his shop and keeps to himself.

                  Of course, the easiest gender swaps would be Sandy and Gunther. d:
                    notsnufffie and Alkanthe like this.
                  • Elendaric

                    Elendaric Poptop Tamer

                    I can remember at least one occurrence of Clint being referred to. During the Stardew Valley Fair, Guild Guy complains that his prices keep going up or something.
                    • Kee

                      Kee Void-Bound Voyager

                      Could you also just do a normal version of aunt Marnie for those who want something different but not a Drag Queen? I mean I am not against those lovely people from the LGBD but yeah for those who doesn't want a D Queen in their game can there be a other option? Also for Penny since she is a transgender woman can there be a option with boobies? xD So far I downloaded almost all your changes I love them I just wished to see sometimes an Option A and option B by the drastic changes (race is not meant) :s I hope people will not misunderstand me in a bad way.
                        ThitPoulsen likes this.
                      • sheetcakeghost

                        sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

                        Well, I think right now, option B would be vanilla or another mod. Though, it would be nice to have alt versions that only change race and not gender (or gender preference) for those who prefer to keep those preferences as canonically intended.

                        I mean, I personally would love to DL "Aunt" Marnie, but it'd be cool to also have, say, Spanish female Marnie and mixed race Jas. I also don't plan to DL butch lesbian Clint, but if a Jamaican or Italian male version were made I'd be all over it.

                        Honestly I think the biggest hiccup in all of this comes down to time. Drawing takes a lot of it, especially good drawing that takes a lot of pains to mix well into the vanilla style so that we can mix and match our mods to get our Pelican Town looking exactly how we want it.

                        OH! In unrelated commentary, would it be okay to have some characters with their original hair colors in the future? I'd like to have a green haired Caroline, Blonde Haley, and an Abigail and Emily who don't have those hard dye job lines. Just to help me feel like my blue hair is a natural color hair comes in, like in the vanilla. (An alt with Elliott having his hair relaxed and glossy would be good too. I dig the dreads, but he talks about brushing it a lot in dialog. Which bugs me a little.)
                          Last edited: May 13, 2016
                          ThitPoulsen and XaviiKinz like this.
                        • Karalius465

                          Karalius465 Void-Bound Voyager

                          Well it's been said that there won't be a Penny with boobs and that there won't be doubling up on characters until they're closer to being done if it helps, but I can't speak for notsnufffie.
                            fairyglitterbomb and Alkanthe like this.
                          • Fyn

                            Fyn Pangalactic Porcupine

                            I might point out: We aren't entirely sure if Abigail or Jas is the Wizard's daughter. Dialogue has clues that point to it being either of them. (Kinda like Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom being the chosen one)

                            So it might be worth making Jas a mix of Chinese/Latina to match the Wizard and Abigail. (we don't know Jas's parents, so for all we know, they could've been interracial anyway, so it doesn't really ruin that illusion either. Shane's simply her cousin and Marnie her aunt. So for all we know Marnie and Shane could come from the Latin@ side of her family and the other side was the Chinese, be it the Wizard or someone else)

                            Am I the only one who sees notsnuffie's Emily as the "real" Emily? Like, don't get me wrong, I love CA's art, but NS's Emily is just amazing. I can't even imagine her as anything else.

                            Personally, I'd have suggested Lewis and Sandy for the gender swapping. I don't believe Sandy is ever referenced by gender in the game, nor is Lewis. (This would also create a canon same-sex couple with Lewis/Marnie, which accomplished the same thing and even though as a gay guy I'd love a canon same-sex male couple, I'd rather keep pronouns sounding more appropriate. xD) Marnie is called Aunt, and Cliff is referenced as a man a few times if I recall due to his interactions with Emily in cutscenes. Linus would also be a candidate for gender swapping without many dialogue issues.

                            And if you want a drag queen in the game (which you mentioned), I'm pretty sure Pam is the -prime- candidate for that. Have you seen her portrait? She gonna werk~ And even with Pam as a drag queen, doesn't really cause any issues, as a LOT of drag queens go by female pronouns, so Penny calling her mom, etc. doesn't really change anything. In fact, her being a little ashamed of Pam could actually help that, as a lot of children end up ashamed of their parents who do drag, until they get old enough to actually understand what it is they do, etc.
                              Last edited: May 13, 2016
                            • barbieshangover

                              barbieshangover Star Wrangler

                              These are most excellent!
                              • Fyn

                                Fyn Pangalactic Porcupine

                                Since people wanted to see what they'd look like... (these were quick jobs. I gave up trying to get Haley's eyebrows to look right while blonde. >_> Someone else can do that if they care. Lol. These are just meant to give you an idea of what they would look like with the original hair color. I replaced the gold trim in Haley's hair with pink since... well, gold in blonde hair doesn't really work. >_>)


                                And well, if anything, there's a color palette for anyone who does want to do an official color swap for anyone now. :p
                                  Alkanthe likes this.
                                • Karalius465

                                  Karalius465 Void-Bound Voyager

                                  There is actually no reference to Jas being his daughter. Although Abigail, Pierre, the Wizard and Caroline all have dialogue that hint at it, Jas and Shane both say Shane is her god father after her parents death I am pretty sure. Not just mom. Also I think the reason a drag queen was suggested was more for the difficulty of changing all reference to female Marnie if I'm not mistaken.
                                  • Fyn

                                    Fyn Pangalactic Porcupine


                                    Here's a thread referencing a lot of the clues - including a Junimo coloring book, which Jas, by all accounts should not know about.

                                    And as someone in that thread mentions - Abigail actually mentions the fact she dyes her hair. Something that Jas is never referenced as doing.
                                      XaviiKinz likes this.
                                    • wraith_magus

                                      wraith_magus Space Spelunker

                                      So speaking of changing all the references to Clint as male in the .yamls, is anyone doing it? I could take a crack at it, but it seemed like sheetcakeghost might have started on it, so I held off.
                                      • Karalius465

                                        Karalius465 Void-Bound Voyager

                                        Well Abigail when saying she dyes her hair says that she has stopped and it stayed that way anyway. Caroline says she visited Pierre before Abigail was born but Pierre would be jealous. Pierre wonders if Abigail is his. Caroline wonders where she got her love of occult.
                                        Meanwhile Jas has black hair and Shane knew both her parents.
                                        But then the game is still pretty vague on most things so headcanons are things bound to vary aha.
                                          Alkanthe likes this.
                                        • Fyn

                                          Fyn Pangalactic Porcupine

                                          ....where are you seeing Black Hair? >_> Jas has purple hair.

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