Modding Discussion A place to discuss map editing and other related stuff

Discussion in 'Mods' started by QuantumConcious, Apr 1, 2016.

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  1. CobaltDemon

    CobaltDemon Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh alright, thanks man. I guess this means I have to start my whole map over again :cry:. First when I found out I couldn't make a map from scratch and now that I found out you can't do Outside->House precise warps. I need to learn what everyone's doing with Visual Studio or SMAPI.
    • QuantumConcious

      QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

      I myself want to learn the VS2015 and become a master of my FarmHouse but it requires me to install Windows 10 And they can shove that up their BEEEP. So looks like i will not be learning the coding route...
      • Advize

        Advize Cosmic Narwhal

        I think I have successfully added warps to specific places within the house. I recall having a warp from the farm cave to the tile beside my bed when I was messing around a couple weeks ago.
        • QuantumConcious

          QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

          Adding warps to the house to within the house its as easy as the following
          Having warp work when you walk on tile;-
          Add it via map properties in custom properties in Value tab add after the default warp coords your own.
          Say i want to go from the Bed to fridge in the final house upgrade unmarried i would add 26 13 FarmHouse 9 14
          This would make the final upgrade for Unmarried look like this
          12 21 Farm 64 15 26 13 FarmHouse 9 14 (Bold is the default dev one do not change it)

          If you want it to be an Action say a ladder or trap door.
          On the buildlayer select the Trapdoor or ladder bottom and right click - select Tile properties and in custom Properties do this;-
          Name Value
          Action Warp 9 14 FarmHouse

          In my experience you can make a Warp to an external area but comming back to the house it always put me at the front door
          • BoffoBoy

            BoffoBoy Existential Complex

            Really wish you could cut and paste layers from another map. While at that wishful bit of thinking, a cut/copy that effects all layers at one time would be nice.
            • dk2020

              dk2020 Space Penguin Leader

              yeah wish tide had that feature to open 2 map so you can copy and paste from all layers to another map. Unfortunately converting tbin to tmx result in lost of info and converting from tmx to tbin isn't 100% compatible otherwise the "tile" program is more user friendly for copying and pasting.

              Quantum, can you add another property to the tile property list:

              "Spawnable" in the "Back" Layer. Its used as location for spawning forage items, which are defined in the Locations.xnb
              • mangosix0

                mangosix0 Void-Bound Voyager


                River Farm
                  Oxyligen, Dozy, Wany25 and 4 others like this.
                • Advize

                  Advize Cosmic Narwhal

                  You wouldn't happen to have a winter screenshot, would you?
                    Superior_s likes this.
                  • Jinxiewinxie

                    Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                    Really beautiful =)
                    • taintedwheat

                      taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                      DUDE. Gorgeous as hell o.o
                      • mangosix0

                        mangosix0 Void-Bound Voyager


                        Yes,,,, Winter look sadly
                          Superior_s and Jinxiewinxie like this.
                        • Jinxiewinxie

                          Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                          Its pretty too! Really nice job =)
                          • BoffoBoy

                            BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                            Ok been lost in photoshop for a while now and mind is not really working proper (disabled war vet) but I tried to put a custom tiles into map and the packer ignores my map.

                            I mean I imported the tile sheet properly into tIDE, have no issue using said tiles or loading the map in Tide and I updated the yamil in the order tIDE presets...


                                target: "w"
                                compressed: true
                                hiDef: true
                                        type: "xTile.Pipeline.TideReader, xTile"
                                        version: 0
                                numSharedResources: 0
                            content: {} #!TBin
                                    path: ""
                                        - "custom_tiles_2.png"
                                        - "paths.png"
                                        - "townInterior.png"
                                        - "walls_and_floors.png"
                            No idea what is going on, what obvious step did my drug addled mind fail to make?
                              Last edited: Apr 10, 2016
                            • QuantumConcious

                              QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

                              With mine i added in with a name of z in tIDE and added it's true name in your case custom_tiles_2.png would be at the bottom of the .yaml
                              When you pack your custom_tiles_2.xnb place it in content
                                BoffoBoy and Superior_s like this.
                              • Superior_s

                                Superior_s Sandwich Man

                                Slightly unrelated question, how would we go about loading different farm building images depending on the season, would it be something that can be done natively in game or with the use of SMAPI?
                                • QuantumConcious

                                  QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

                                  Do you have a list of what id is for what forageable as the Locations.xnb in Data i assume is not exactly straight forward or do you just need to place the appropriate Paths tile down and it will add the right foragable. Do you just add tile property to the back layer of the place you place the pathe tile and use Spawnable t or Spawnable 330 ect. ???????
                                  • BoffoBoy

                                    BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                                    ok well I renamed the tile sheet zcustom, placed it at bottom of the yaml and joshhouse packed np, thanks. Nothing under C or Z shows up in packed though, I have no xbn of the tilesheet. What cattle prod do I need to use this time? =)

                                    As an aside it took about 8 resets of the name->save restart->repeat before tIDE finally agreed to let me change the name of the asset..... par for course.
                                    • QuantumConcious

                                      QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

                                      Ok my FarmHouseExtended_ mod uses a custom tilesheet well not so much custom just a mishmash of various tilesheets in one with some stuff by taintedwheat.
                                      It is called FarmHouseExtended_tiles.png when packed with it's FarmHouseExtended_tiles.yaml it is called FarmHouseExtended_tiles.xnb.
                                      I don't change it's name, but when i add a tilesheet in tIDE i added it with the id z and browsed to my FarmHouseExtended_tiles.png and in allignement changed it to 16x16.

                                      So in tIDE it is a tile sheet called z but the .png that is linked is still called FarmHouseExtended_tiles.png

                                      And in my maps .yaml it looks like this:-
                                          target: "w"
                                          compressed: true
                                          hiDef: true
                                                  type: "xTile.Pipeline.TideReader, xTile"
                                                  version: 0
                                          numSharedResources: 0
                                      content: {} #!TBin
                                              path: ""
                                                  - "townInterior.png"
                                                  - "farmhouse_tiles.png"
                                                  - "walls_and_floors.png"
                                                  - "FarmHouseExtended_tiles.png"

                                      the reason i used z is so it appears at the bottom of the list in tilesheets and thus is at the bottom of the .yaml for the maps .yaml.
                                      When i pack my sheet i place it in Content not maps..
                                      • BoffoBoy

                                        BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                                        I blame the cat poking me in the side for attention, I forgot the yami for png right so I took the lead from any number of tilesheet based yamls and placed

                                            target: "w"
                                            compressed: true
                                            hiDef: true
                                                    type: "Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Texture2DReader, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=842cf8be1de50553"
                                                    version: 0
                                            numSharedResources: 0
                                        content:  #!Texture2D
                                            format: 0
                                                path: ""
                                        when I try and pack, the packer crashes and insta closes so I have no idea why it's crashing. I checked the spelling many times and same old crash at cus. I love this =)
                                        • QuantumConcious

                                          QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

                                          I just used any tilesheet .yml and just renamed it to match my .png name
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