RELEASED 26x26 Greenhouse

Discussion in 'Mods' started by BoffoBoy, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. Norfuer

    Norfuer Orbital Explorer

    Haven't updated to 1.07 yet, so I can't say I've tested the fruit tree/tile point. Maybe what one can do is plant a tree in a corner or on the side of the plot, so that it has at least 3 tiles adjacent to it. If it specifically requires hoe-able land, then the adjacent tiles should keep it from growing. If not, then we only need a single dirt plot. It's just a guess...
    • Efa43

      Efa43 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      Well I was able to plant a tree right next to the edging on the dirt portion so it probably doesn't need a full 8 squares.
      • BoffoBoy

        BoffoBoy Existential Complex

        Are you sure it grows? I mean it takes a week to get started.

        I'll do a 1x1 plot setup for now, in sprinkler happy mode clutter free and 25x25 on account this patch re-balanced greenhouse hardcore . I really do not have the time right now to properly clutter up the place and I doubt anyone serious likes the watering can version by this point ^^ (it was a request)

        Really much easier on everyone if it's 26x 26, sorry for the 1 off 25 but last thing I want to do is mess with one tile width in terms of aesthetics; it truly creates a cascade of ugly.

        so had to make that room larger on account fruit trees really really do not like to line up pretty like

        oh and same size no crops hurt!

        Assuming no one screams murder just need to completely redo the warps and I'll pack it and upload it, get your comments in if something doesn't work in those screens
          Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
        • BoffoBoy

          BoffoBoy Existential Complex

          First post updated, assuming 1.07 did not fix it, the lighting might be inconsistent for some; one room change will rectify that.
          • Efa43

            Efa43 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            Haha, fruit tree vengeance! :rofl:

            Thanks for the update! I'll test this out right away.
            • katronsensei

              katronsensei Void-Bound Voyager

              I love it so much :rofl: And the title made me laugh. Thank you!
              • taintedwheat

                taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                I want a bench in the center back wall! and just take remove two rows from the middle so I can build a road between the orchird. Maybe put a fence up too n____n
                • BoffoBoy

                  BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                  It's clutter free!
                  • taintedwheat

                    taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                    pfft its only one clutter, and two center rows missing :3

                    my stuffs all clutter
                    • Norfuer

                      Norfuer Orbital Explorer

                      Gonna have to wait a bit for this. Fruit Tree Revenge! :D

                      For one, my Ancient Fruits haven't uhh... fruited yet. Gonna have to place them in the seed makers to make new seeds first.
                      • Efa43

                        Efa43 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        Well, everything seems to be working fine. My new trees (of vengeance) are growing. :up:
                          BoffoBoy and Norfuer like this.
                        • BoffoBoy

                          BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                          Thank you for the feedback, I kicked the tires and corrected a 7 that was posing as a 2 before handing it over I assure you!

                          In reward for these trying times, a new version is up in first post, just make sure the tiles where the water tub would have been are clear and let me know if that interferes with the fruit trees. Safe to 1 for one swap otherwise.
                            Last edited: Apr 10, 2016
                          • BoffoBoy

                            BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                          • krakau

                            krakau Big Damn Hero

                            the mod looks really nice. i just tested it. actually i dindt want to destroy all plants/trees and stuff in my original greenhouse. so i replaced the greenhouse in maps to see if i can still keep my old plants from the original farmhouse: yes, it is possible but my problem is: when i enter the greenhouse, trellis farm is the first farm i see. and its also the place where all my old plants land. is it possible to change the first farm you see by entering into the non-trellig 26x26 version? that way it should be possible to import old plants and trees from original greenhouse to this version
                              Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
                            • BoffoBoy

                              BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                              Sadly the location you port to within greenhouse when first entering is hard coded by the door so the X,Y is locked. The entire reason the annex is the size it is due to that fact.

                              Existing plants will grow on tile no problem as far as I know, the tiles only prevent you from starting the crops.

                              The only way really to determine where you land would be by placing a warp in front of the door so you click or walk over that instead of click the door, but that circumvents the locked nature of the green house.
                                Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
                              • BoffoBoy

                                BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                                You know I'm not doing anything major right now if you hand me your farm map (assuming it's modded all to hell and back) I'll whip up a bundle bypassing warp into the green house where so you can keep your crops. Keep in mind unless you want the Teddy Bear Teleport Device (TM) in another zone like the one overlooking buss stop when you travel north of the farm I need to know if you modded that map is all.

                                making a game breaking version anyway and seems I clipped a wall on fruit tree vengeance..... and no one told me? cries.

                                Forget it for tonight, the green house makes my test toons start back in spring day 1 and crashed
                                no idea why nor do I care right now lol.
                                  Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
                                • krakau

                                  krakau Big Damn Hero

                                  thanks thats really nice. but you dont need to. maybe now i can let go my old crops and start the whole greenhouse anew :)
                                  uh.. there are some bugs making the game crash? or what did you mean?
                                  • BoffoBoy

                                    BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                                    No idea what happened and I was forced to erase my work.... you have no idea how ugly dealing with the teleports are, the map part was not bad.
                                    • krakau

                                      krakau Big Damn Hero

                                      does it mean your current version of the map is also bugged?
                                      • BoffoBoy

                                        BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                                        Nope all that is available is fine but if you go to to mods tools there's a character editor that can edit your farmhouse green house and farm maps moving buildings and crops around.

                                        if you can get that going and edit your green house, you can update the game files and just then move the plants to their new home... it's gonna be a ton of scrolling, the real green house is ->


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