RELEASED [SMAPI 1.5] In-Game Cheat Menu v1.13 Beta [01-Jan-2017]

Discussion in 'Cheats' started by CJB, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. meltedplasticarmyguy

    meltedplasticarmyguy Aquatic Astronaut

    The game is still freezing when I jump down a hole in the skull cave, now is this going to get fixed or not? I can not progress with this bug. I have the infinite health and energy on also frozen time. Like I said before I did not have this issue until we started getting these rapid updates. Will someone please answer this.
    • CJB

      CJB Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      Are you using any other mod by chance? Because I have tested it serveral time and do not experience this problem. If you mind could you paste the config file here which you can find in the mod folder?
      • meltedplasticarmyguy

        meltedplasticarmyguy Aquatic Astronaut

        "openMenuKey": "P",
        "freezeTimeKey": "T",
        "increasedMovement": true,
        "infiniteHealth": true,
        "infiniteStamina": true,
        "instantCatch": true,
        "oneHitKill": false,
        "infiniteWateringCan": true,
        "throwBobberMax": true,
        "maxDailyLuck": true,
        "alwaysGiveGift": false,
        "freezeTime": true,
        "freezeTimeInside": false,
        "freezeTimeCaves": false,
        "alwaysTreasure": true,
        "durableFences": true,
        "oneHitBreak": true,
        "instantBite": true,
        "fastFurnace": true,
        "fastRecyclingMachine": true,
        "fastCrystalarium": true,
        "fastIncubator": true,
        "fastSlimeIncubator": true,
        "fastKeg": true,
        "fastPreservesJar": true,
        "fastCheesePress": true,
        "fastMayonnaiseMachine": true,
        "fastLoom": true,
        "fastOilMaker": true,
        "fastSeedMaker": true,
        "fastCharcoalKiln": true,
        "fastSlimeEggPress": true,
        "fastBeeHouse": true,
        "fastMushroomBox": true,
        "moveSpeed": 1

        And yes I do have other mods, but they have never interfered before like your Item Spawner
        • CJB

          CJB Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          Thanks for your quick response. I will look at it tonight. FreezeTime might be the issue, but I am not sure. I'll keep you updated once I tested.
          • piratezevelyn

            piratezevelyn Void-Bound Voyager

            I just want to say for starters, I love this mod. I was having a lot of trouble fighting. I do have a quick question though. On the little console window it says "A config has been written through an obsolete way. This method of writing configs will not be supported in future versions." It says this over and over. Does this mean I did something wrong when I installed it? I don't want to break the game or anything.
            • zeraxx

              zeraxx Subatomic Cosmonaut

              Nothing is wrong. That just means future versions of SMAPI will only support updated way of config writing and not support the one CJB using right now. When that happen i'm sure CJB will also update his mod accordingly.
              • Harunan

                Harunan Void-Bound Voyager

                Thanks for this mod, just wondering, is there anyway to bind the key for Water all to a xbox360 gamepad. Or atleast open the menu with one.... it seems like I can't bind any button when trying. (Would prefer left stick click or any of the dpads)
                • Entoarox

                  Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                  CJB is simply reusing the 'set' button, they dont actually set hotkeys, just trigger the action in question.
                  • meltedplasticarmyguy

                    meltedplasticarmyguy Aquatic Astronaut

                    I just tried it with the time off and it still froze. I guess I will start deleting mods and use the process of elimination.

                    Update: I deleted all mods except your cheat menu and spawner and still no dice.
                      Last edited: Mar 23, 2016
                    • CJB

                      CJB Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      I have just tested the mines with the same cheats activated as you, and jumped in more than 10 jumpholes and no crash.
                      • piratezevelyn

                        piratezevelyn Void-Bound Voyager

                        Thank you very much :)
                        • barbaraluv25

                          barbaraluv25 Poptop Tamer

                          So SMAPI was just updated to 39.1 and that is the one I'm using. I guess when you have the time, you will update for 39.1?
                          • CJB

                            CJB Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            NEW RELEASE!!!


                            v1.9 (23-Mar-2016)

                            - Compatibility with SMAPI 0.39.1.
                              PlayfulBear and Samueladi like this.
                            • MKwitch

                              MKwitch Big Damn Hero

                              And... It's now SMAPI 0.39.2! yay...
                              • meltedplasticarmyguy

                                meltedplasticarmyguy Aquatic Astronaut

                                Confirmed, 0.39.2 now
                                • tandpastatester

                                  tandpastatester Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  I believe it doesn't work with 0.39.2
                                  • Torande

                                    Torande Void-Bound Voyager

                                    hi, im being having problems (sorry for my bad english)
                                    im install the game today and download both:
                                    SMAPI 0.39.1
                                    Game Cheat Menu v1.9
                                    i made what in the video show for install the mod
                                    but in the Mod folder there a TrainerMod folder i dont see in the video
                                    i can play but the P (show menu screen) dont works
                                    help? today its the day i can buy strawberry seeds, and i need the money ;n;

                                    • WhiteWolfos

                                      WhiteWolfos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      I've been using SDVMM and adding it through that with SMAPI 0.39.2 hasn't been working but just manually placing the unzipped folders in the mods folder: (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods) fixes things.

                                      Already SMAPI 0.39.2, updates pretty fast like wow.
                                      • meltedplasticarmyguy

                                        meltedplasticarmyguy Aquatic Astronaut

                                        Did not work for me, hot keys are unresponsive no matter what method I install them.
                                        • Rakshit

                                          Rakshit Space Hobo

                                          I have installed the mod.. the game opens..and when i click on 'P' i can hear menu pop-up sound but the game freezes and crashes! The cheats menu doesnt not open whatsoever!! Please tell me what to do! i tried it on both old save game and new game...same result!! please help me!!

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