RELEASED Fluffy Dogs & Other Alternative Dog Sprites! [UPDATE 8: PUG TIME!]

Discussion in 'Pets/Horses' started by Dawn, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. taintedwheat

    taintedwheat Master Astronaut

    Omg so cute!!! Lols mango is actually a mega mini she's a big ol fat girl bully at heart so the size up wont be too bad
    • blargsnarf

      blargsnarf Pangalactic Porcupine

      I changed the sleeping sprite of the Doge color, since you pointed out you didn't like it too much - now it's 100% less realistic but much, much derpier.
        shengchinoi and Dawn like this.
      • Cytona

        Cytona Void-Bound Voyager

        The Shiba is here! Thanks again for the astonishing efforts that went to your works, keep it up
          Dawn likes this.
        • miryuo

          miryuo Zero Gravity Genie

          can't wait for the pug.. it looks really cute in the preview!!
            Dawn likes this.
          • Dawn

            Dawn Phantasmal Quasar

            Amazing! I love this, haha
            • Ceylon

              Ceylon Void-Bound Voyager

              Thanks for making these! They're super adorable and inspired me to make a few of my own :)

              I tried recreating Missile from Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective wearing Sissel's bandanna. I touched up the face a bit when viewed from the side to make the snout markings more easier to see, otherwise I keep it close to your style.

              • Dawn

                Dawn Phantasmal Quasar

                Question! When mango and chompsky are panting, do they center their tongues or put em off to the side?
                  Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
                • taintedwheat

                  taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                  Awwwww! Haha, Mango's should be in the center, and chompsky's on the side, lol his stinky tongue likes to hang out
                  • Dawn

                    Dawn Phantasmal Quasar

                    ALSO how does mango hold her tail when she's walking about? up in the air, or relaxed?

                    [​IMG] [​IMG]
                      Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
                    • taintedwheat

                      taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                      Its like the first one :p it curls in slightly more though

                      • Bouhm

                        Bouhm Big Damn Hero

                        I thought there were no Shibe mods yet when I searched the Mods page so I made one, and then I stumbled upon THIS magnificent work. Seriously, all of your dogs are so fluffy and amazing. Love the style. I still have some ways to go with Pixel Art.

                        I don't think I'll do Shibes any justice by releasing my mod so I'll just share it here ;D

                          Attached Files:

                          • dog.png
                            File size:
                            13.6 KB
                          Dawn likes this.
                        • blargsnarf

                          blargsnarf Pangalactic Porcupine

                          Yours is really rad, too. One day hopefully we'll just have a big list of all the dog/cat/etc skins, so people can easily pick the ones they want.

                          Hey, Dawn, I got a question about the icon in the menu - did you get that figured out? I know it's in cursors.png, but when I extract and/or repack that particular file with xnb node the lightrays through daytime windows messes up and gets ugly and pixelly. Have you had that problem?
                          • PretendGirlfriend

                            PretendGirlfriend Aquatic Astronaut

                            Oooo! I'm super into these babs!
                              Dawn likes this.
                            • Dawn

                              Dawn Phantasmal Quasar

                              EVERY DOG IS BEAUTIFUL! this one looks more faithful to the original style, and I think some people prefer that!
                              • Dawn

                                Dawn Phantasmal Quasar

                                I have been writing a paper for most of the afternoon and haven't tried yet ; A ; but I'd appreciate hearing updates on this issue, in case it causes problems for me too... hmmm
                                • blargsnarf

                                  blargsnarf Pangalactic Porcupine

                                  I have none. I asked here, in that other dog topic, and posted my own topic about it, but I've heard nothing so far.
                                  • Dawn

                                    Dawn Phantasmal Quasar

                                    HELLO FOLKS I AM NOT DEAD, JUST DROWNING IN HOMEWORK ( X ‿ X )
                                    I WILL RETURN AND FINISH THE REQUESTS AS SOON AS I CAN
                                    DOGS ARE LOVE, DOGS ARE LIFE
                                      Cytona, taintedwheat and Zhuria like this.
                                    • hikarushirou

                                      hikarushirou Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      "Fluffy dogs?" ::clicks, dies of cute::

                                      WOOKIT ALL DAT FLUFF
                                        Dawn likes this.
                                      • DerpasaurusRex

                                        DerpasaurusRex Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        AHHH. SO MUCH FLUFF. woofwoof.
                                        It makes me so happy. ;3;
                                        I was gonna try to re-make a dog sprite into my own 80lb fluffball poodle, but this is just too cute.
                                          Dawn likes this.
                                        • michyy145

                                          michyy145 Void-Bound Voyager

                                          What program you use to make this and the animations?

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