RELEASED [SMAPI 0.37+] Stamina Regen when idle1.2

Discussion in 'Gameplay Mechanics' started by MiZiPex, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. MiZiPex

    MiZiPex Void-Bound Voyager



    - You will Regenerate 1 Stamina every 3 second when idle.
    - You can change the Regen Rate and the Regen Amount in file "StaminaIdle.ini"


    RegenAmount=1 - The amount of stamina restore.
    RegenRate=3 - The rate in seconds.

    Make sure you have SMAPI 0.37 from
    Extract the DLL from the archive and place it in the /Mods/ folder in the main game directory.

    Change log:

    1.2 - 11/03/2016
    - fix minor bug

    1.1 - 07/03/2016
    - change regen rate 5 ->3

    1.0 - 07/03/2016
    - init release

    Please report any bugs to me, thanks

    StaminaIdle 1.2

    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
    using StardewModdingAPI;
    using StardewModdingAPI.Events;
    using StardewValley;
    namespace StaminaIdle
        public class StaminaIdle : Mod
            public override string Name
                get { return "Stamina Idle"; }
            public override string Authour
                get { return "MiZiP@ILoveStardewValleyThailand"; }
            public override string Version
                get { return "1.2"; }
            public override string Description
                get { return "Regen stamina when idle Thx:Yoshify, natfoth"; }
            public int staminaAmount = 1; //Regen 1 stamina every...
            public int regenRate = 3; //3 seconds.
            private float previousTime;
            public override void Entry(params object[] objects)
                Console.WriteLine("StaminaIdle Mod has loaded!");
                GameEvents.UpdateTick += Update;
            void LoadConfig()
                string configFilePath = "Mods\\StaminaIdle.ini";
                StreamReader configReader;
                    configReader = File.OpenText(configFilePath);
                    Console.WriteLine("Got StaminaIdle config at " + configFilePath);
                    Console.WriteLine("StaminaIdle config doesn't exist! Creating one for you.");
                    StreamWriter configWriter = new StreamWriter(configFilePath);
                    configReader = File.OpenText(configFilePath);
                string line = configReader.ReadLine();
                bool couldParseA = int.TryParse(line.Split('=')[1], out staminaAmount);
                line = configReader.ReadLine();
                bool couldParseB = int.TryParse(line.Split('=')[1], out regenRate);
                if (!couldParseA || !couldParseB)
                    Console.WriteLine("Couldn't load StaminaIdle config! Using default values.");
            void Update(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (!Game1.player.isMoving())
                    if (regenRate <= 3)
                        regenRate = 3;
                    if (staminaAmount >= 10)
                        staminaAmount = 10;
                    if (Game1.player == null || !Game1.hasLoadedGame ) return;
                    if (Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds < previousTime + regenRate)
                    previousTime = (float)Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds;
                    Game1.player.Stamina += staminaAmount;

    Thank : natfoth (original mod) , Yoshify (code for SMAPI 0.37)

      Last edited: Mar 11, 2016
    • cantorsdust

      cantorsdust Existential Complex

      Added to mod list!
        MiZiPex likes this.
      • KSwitch500

        KSwitch500 Aquatic Astronaut

        This also regens when youre running around. So I just nerfed mine to 1 every 5 seconds. Fantastic Mod otherwise! Thank you!

        Edit: Sorry, I was wrong. The timer keeps counting while you move, the adding of a energy point doesnt happen til you stop moving. My fault!
          Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
          MiZiPex likes this.
        • MiZiPex

          MiZiPex Void-Bound Voyager

          Thank you

          yep,mod active when you stop moving.

          • Yoshify

            Yoshify Intergalactic Tourist

            Pardon, you've credited Natfoth but this (for some reason) prints "Sprint Mod loading..." to the Console?
              MiZiPex likes this.
            • MiZiPex

              MiZiPex Void-Bound Voyager

              apologize, add to credit :)
                Last edited: Mar 11, 2016
              • pigeonsmall

                pigeonsmall Orbital Explorer

                this is a super helpful mod. I'm basically superman now.
                • Kvassny

                  Kvassny Space Hobo

                  can u update the download link? it's not working
                  • MbahGondrong

                    MbahGondrong Seal Broken

                    Is this still working with latest SMAPI and SV?

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