4th June - Fröggs in Fezzes

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. user2345562

    user2345562 Guest

    KITTY <3 <3 <3
    Necotho likes this.
  2. Campaigner

    Campaigner Giant Laser Beams

    Digging the frog merchant. Glad he's got his own shop instead of a tiny bag of holding.

    Maybe fossils next yes please?
    LuckyMax5 likes this.
  3. MithranArkanere

    MithranArkanere Space Kumquat

    You should totally keep that exact conversation as a rare easter egg event.
  4. Zoroark is awesome

    Zoroark is awesome Void-Bound Voyager

    he HAS To be selling the furniture you get at villages has to
    LuckyMax5 likes this.
  5. 58mph

    58mph Aquatic Astronaut

    jonathonspy likes this.
  6. Liobuster

    Liobuster Void-Bound Voyager

    well these conversations could go overboard on slower machines i agree with the timer-idea
  7. Attack_Fish

    Attack_Fish Phantasmal Quasar

    But what about the walking mechanic!?! I still can't spelunk or platform if my life depended on it!!!!!?????????? :cry:
  8. N_Dimethyltryptamine

    N_Dimethyltryptamine Intergalactic Tourist

    WOOOOOOW...devs...you guys blow my mind!!! Keep up the great work!!
  9. Healthire

    Healthire Can't Most Program the Least

    To clear something up about the NPC example in the post. NPCs are not necessarily planned to have text dialog with each other in the game.

    Behavior trees have nothing to do with dialog specifically, but is an AI system for controlling all behavior. Wandering, sitting, combat, etc. Behavior trees come with a lot of good stuff, but one challenge using them is coordinating several NPCs on the same tasks. Such as 2 NPCs chatting, or a bunch of NPCs cooperating to fight a player. For the last few days I've been working on a system for doing this. The point of the gif is not that they are saying text to each other, but that they are interacting with each other. It's not an amazing achievement, but I thought the conversation was funny! :)
  10. HI-MAX²

    HI-MAX² Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Right, THAT was a cool dialogue.
  11. GeorgeV

    GeorgeV Art Director

    Molly can't count days.

    *changes the date, scurries away*
  13. DragonsForce

    DragonsForce Weight of the Sky

    Actually, I did... But I already posted twice, and was to lazy to post again.

  14. CartonPate

    CartonPate Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    I have two questions for you ...

    - When new update will can be available (last update : 8th may) ?
    - When devs will speak of a new hunger system ?

    I think, it's a bit forgotten !
    tomatelopes and jonathonspy like this.
  15. Dust

    Dust Giant Laser Beams

    I noticed.
  16. Stormalisk

    Stormalisk Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I really would enjoy that nerf on NPCs, them being able to take metaphorical nukes and fire to no end got rather annoying.

    Floran/Hylotl changes would be acceptable if more bigot ones were added. EX: all the older folks would hate the other, yet younger folks would be cautious or friendlier.

    Really not liking that refinery nerf, it was fine before. It seems a tad pointless unless you mine massive entireties of planets.

    Also, picks/drills need a durability buff. Their build speed is fine, but these things shouldn't be made of glass.
    (I could see silver/gold/platinum being feeble, but maybe iron/steel/titan/etc. can be added and be useful?)
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2015
  17. presidenthobbes

    presidenthobbes Void-Bound Voyager

    once again i feel like they are confusing randomness with originality and creativity. Frogs that talk in space and sell stuff? sure, that could be creativity, if a theme or a style was built around making that fit into the game. Frogs that sell stuff in space for the sake of 'haha look at the funny talking frog. aren't we hilarious and original" doesn't make sense.
    it seems to me that starbound is going for a hitchhikers guide to the universe atmosphere and style in the game. the difference is that hitchhikers guides humor, while sophomoric at certain parts, held an overall charm and could still be sophisticated. The entire "humor" here is funny looking animals with funny hats. It lacks any charm, its been done a million times before, and it doesn't have any sophistication to it. Overall, not pleased with this posts content.
    PS and to all the people who think it IS sophisticated because he's wearing a fez and that's obviously a nod to Dr Who, copying a joke from a tv show is about as lowbrow as it gets.
    DimonKrag likes this.
  18. DragonsForce

    DragonsForce Weight of the Sky

    Well, why should there NOT be giant talking frogs with fezzez in an infinite universe? (I know the universe isn't actually infinite, but the idea would be that it is)
  19. I appreciate your feedback, but I do think you may be reading a little bit too far into it? It's not really meant to be funny or sophisticated or a nod to anything, it's just meant to be a cool frog in a hat.
    Oberic and tomatelopes like this.
  20. The-Wolfster

    The-Wolfster Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ah, I understand a lot better now. Thanks for clearing that up.
    In which case I wish you luck developing these behavior trees which I now understand yes definitely. I look forward to seeing how lively you can make colony environments in this manner.

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