OOC Avali Nexus OOC

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Avali Nexus, Mar 23, 2015.

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  1. Coritus_Jones

    Coritus_Jones Ketchup Robot

    And there's differences between all these? Good lord.
  2. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    Have you been ignoring the entire extended universe? It's the best part!
  3. Coritus_Jones

    Coritus_Jones Ketchup Robot

    It has a universe?[DOUBLEPOST=1432758021][/DOUBLEPOST]I should probably clarify I never read the comics or saw the movies
  4. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    You never even knew Bionicle has a story?!

    Dear god, the fandom even has a wiki for this, full of pages!
  5. Coritus_Jones

    Coritus_Jones Ketchup Robot

    I knew it had a story I just didn't give a shit. I was like, between 7 and 10. I just wanted to play with the cool looking ones.

    Though if I decide to join the bionifight thing I'll research and read and have someone explain that stuff to me. I have no idea about the different races, story lines, or anything like that.
  6. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    Um, hi.

    Oh good god I'm going to get torn apart for this.

    A short disclaimer - I've been reading and processing as much Wiki Information as I possibly can. So far I think things should turn out okay, but there's a very, very high chance I'm going to produce some sort of bastardised offspring character. In more laymansy terms, there's a very high probability that I'm going to misinterpret something, take something far out of hand or just - y'know - straight up embarrass myself.

    So, a few notes:

    • Why yes, this was scraped together during an few hours.
    • I read enough of the Wiki to learn the basics about the Oracle Cult. While it would be an interesting thing, I've left it open as something to do rather than directly incorporate it. It's a story possibility at any rate.
    • Both name and age are open to adjustment. Truth be told I'm terrible with Human names (so naturally I'm even worse at coming up with names for someone else's created race), and I tried looking up information on age which I thought would be under Biology on the Wiki. If it's elsewhere I'll adjust, otherwise all I learned was the maximum lifespan being 150-200 years, so I know bugger all about their actual life cycle (and more specifically, when one reaches Adulthood), so I will adjust if needs be.
    Anyway, I think I've rambled on long enough. I'm going to go take a lie down before I'm completely overwhelmed by a panic attack.
  7. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    There is an issue. While the wiki is a great source of information for the avali, yes, you forgot about the official universe document. This isn't default Starbound, no siree.
  8. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    He made no mention of the Starbound universe, and the Avali wiki isn't about the Avali mod for starbound - it's about the race itself as Ryu envisioned it without Starbound being something interfering with that.
  9. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    Okay, it's not as if I could tell.
  10. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    If I've missed it, it's because I have no idea where the link is. I apologise.

    (Incidentally if it wasn't obvious, I actually haven't touched Starbound at all. Yet. Yeah.)
  11. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    I'm pretty sure I left so much of the avali lore alone that I actually couldn't tell which universe that application was for.

    But yeah we should have a google doc link somewhere. It might be in the first post of the main thread.
  12. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    I think I see it. Great big blue link at the front (which also makes me wonder how I missed something so blindingly obvious). Okay I'll take a look.

    On a side note, this is the ONLY Avali community I could find. You'd have thought there'd be a couple more at least, but apparently this is the be all and end all. Regardless considering I've been in and out of bed for the past half hour or so by now, I can promise I can give it a read and adjust accordingly.

    That is, assuming a lot of adjustment is necessary. I think my panic attack earlier caused me to skip out on some of my notes.
  13. Coritus_Jones

    Coritus_Jones Ketchup Robot

    I haven't played starbound either, but I've spent many weekends looking up race lore, interactions between races, armors, weapons, etc. I'd say that makes roleplaying easier than just playing the game would.
  14. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    True - again, I did look up *some* info than jump in completely blind. I'm probably also opposite to that - processing too much information at once has been known to give me a headache.

    Which reminds me Mr Otter, I've been skimming back and forth over things and only found two - potentially three errors, all reletively minor oversights.

    • I didn't contact you or Ehksidian beforehand. That's poor form on my part, so I apologise. Then again on the other hand given I didn't really have a solid idea...well, it could have been a lot worse.
    • No specified planet. I got no idea how this is going to work, unless it requires contacting you beforehand and, well...
    • No specified Alliance. This one I imagine is what you might have been alluding to, since we haven't specified one.
    Unless there's anything more specific, a lot of it either redirects towards the same Wiki I was just looking at.
  15. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    1. That one... I don't even know. Try it later.
    2. Currently 90% of the RP is everyone faffing about on a planet until they get bored and move. I'm part of the 10%. We're somewhere on Abraxis, the "somewhere" provided by me trying to advance some semblance of a plot.
    3. Most PCs are freelancers/part of some shady street corp. If you want to be part of a faction I can fill you in as is requested.
  16. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    Right now, the majority of players are on Abraxis - details in the big document linked in the OP.
  17. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    Okay, so those aren't big errors. So...were you just objecting to me not reading the main document beforehand, or was there something more specific?

    I know it's not a very good bio, but for me creating any sort of OC for anything is one of those "Only when a certain strange and unusual planetary alignment happens and the required number of virgin unicorns have been sacrificed" kind of deal. So I apologise (again) for being terrible.

    Thank you, I'll take a look. I may need to do some minor adjustments after all.
  18. Silverotter

    Silverotter Weight of the Sky

    Let me point out that so many ships have been lost in the name of introducing characters nearby the current planet that we could make our own Battlecarrier if we gathered all the scrap.
  19. Ippikos

    Ippikos Star Wrangler

    An amusing analogy, but a lot of it is mostly now that I have a specific planet, I need to adjust accordingly since the first draft assumes a more traditional desert-y environment. And since this is the sort of character - while skilled in a lot of technological areas (though if we had to be specific, weapons and cybernetics) - building a small ship to move from planet to planet seems a long stretch, and (even if the RP allowed it) something like a Teleporter would be way too advanced.

    In short until we can hook up with another party and not eat their faces or something, we are stuck to a single area. In which case if most of everyone is on Abraxis (a hive world), this means some tweaking and a revised bio is in order.
  20. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    Well, there are no teleporters in the RP. Ships physically land on the planet.
    If anything, this RP sticks...closer to actual Avali lore than Starbound stuff, despite having some of the Starbound races (Said very similar races came from a Precursor race as failed experiments.)
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