22nd May - Pod chests!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, May 22, 2015.

  1. firekirby135

    firekirby135 Big Damn Hero

    I agree, I do think there needs to be some other means of changing the M.M. size rather than simply holding shift for a 1-square-at-a-time function. Whether it be an unlocked tech, S.A.I.L. function, or simply accessible through the inventory, the ability to alter the size to some of the smaller squares to fit the task at hand would be very helpful indeed.

    Unless, of course, they make these parts purchasable, which would allow you to purchase them by selling any ore instead of being forced to get x amount of a specific ore.
    Anfalas and Axe Garian like this.
  2. justbeast

    justbeast Industrial Terraformer

    First off, this is probably not the thread to ask about that :)

    But - I believe Terramart in the outpost sells Wheat Seeds. Buy some, find a patch of dirt, make a hoe to till the soil, and plant yourself some Wheat.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  3. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    This sounds win. My Idea: New Function - Hold Shift & Scroll Mouse Wheel to change MM Size between the currently unlocked sizes ya got, then release Shift & it stays that selected Size till ya hold Shift & change it again. This could also open up possibilities for Upgrading the MM's Placement Size for Block Placement too! :D (Feels Archaic having Impervium Stuff & still only being able to place Blocks in a 2x2 size...)
  4. Jaster Rogue

    Jaster Rogue Master Chief

    Anyone else think the weapons crate looks a bit like the traps from ghostbusters?
    Axe Garian and dropdead like this.
  5. The MechE

    The MechE Existential Complex

    Why not both old chests and chest pods?

    I like the idea of some primitive storing some high tech device in a chest.
  6. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time


    Axe Garian likes this.
  7. kennex

    kennex Tentacle Wrangler

    It's nice to see how there adding more machinery to the game
    Axe Garian likes this.
  8. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    And here we are again.
    Axe Garian, Pohany and n1t3n like this.
  9. Lazer

    Lazer Existential Complex

    I don't think I like the idea of having "pieces" of a tech drive or the other things. If they're just random loot why not just find the whole item instead of a pointless sub-category?

    The idea of crafting is to be able to take a relatively small variety of material items and turn them into a wide variety of functional stuff, not to just pad the game experience by making people need to find X number identical items instead of one.

    Everything else in this blog post is great though. Love the new chests.
  10. DukeOfRiven

    DukeOfRiven Giant Laser Beams

    This is the part that bothers me. As someone who has played a loooot of Starbound, the early game content bores me to tears because I've done it so many times. The thought of wandering aimlessly to try and find upgrades makes my head hurt.
    samv and Anfalas like this.
  11. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    More chest variety is always welcome.:)

    Having more ways to get components too is nice. I like the idea. Alternatives are a good thing, gives room for a lot of choice.:D
  12. jude52197

    jude52197 Void-Bound Voyager

    I like the idea of the Autochips, but for more than just vehicles, maybe for like automating mining. The MM Upgrades will be a bit annoying to get because if you a lot early game, or not many as well, it could mean a lot on how you play. Upgrade Components would be good if you had to collect them along with other times as well, so it can still be a tier challenge. Love the chest idea though! Variation would be good! Maybe escape pods could have them as well?
    Hatsya Souji likes this.
  13. The Observer

    The Observer Phantasmal Quasar

    If it's anything like what it is now, we'll be able to earn them via randomized quests and such, so that there'll always be a fixed supply that's boosted by stuff we find in the field.
    Axe Garian and sid3aff3ct like this.
  14. firekirby135

    firekirby135 Big Damn Hero

    While I initially though something along those lines too, that probably isn't the wisest idea, considering it would conflict with what Starbound already has mapped to Shift+Scroll: Changing your off hand.
    Still, something along those lines wouldn't be a bad idea.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  15. Yelneh

    Yelneh Aquatic Astronaut

    I love you, Chucklefish. :chucklefish:<3
    Axe Garian likes this.
  16. Vuldreg

    Vuldreg Cosmic Narwhal

    I really like the new chests, as for the other things it does sound interesting
  17. Swiftpaw

    Swiftpaw Phantasmal Quasar

  18. Gevouden

    Gevouden Big Damn Hero

    Starbound , always moving forward.
    n1t3n likes this.
  19. showman

    showman Poptop Tamer

    super sick! Gimme more :-D
  20. n1t3n

    n1t3n Big Damn Hero

    The only thing so far that I dislike in the game is the back lamp, which is ugly. This is the only minor detail. Lighting the area should offer more small, animated stuff.
    Just sayin, the whole game is great. And yes, those are better mechanics than sticking with the tier planets... Oh dear, "my english is baaaad".

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