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RELEASED RenTek: Reni's Armory (Discontinued) v1.5.1 Spirited Giraffe

Add Another Set of Unique Equipment to your collection.

  1. kithsakhai

    kithsakhai Big Damn Hero

    ah that would be why, i assumed the metalwork station, being just an upgraded anvil would have the recipes too, had to go back and make a new basic one... nevermind :D thank you.
  2. juliopeludo

    juliopeludo Starship Captain

    hey i love the mod its great! i do have a problem though. i have ran out of core fragments to upgrade to higher tiers, i'm at tier 3 or 4. i've tried getting more core fragments, and have found none. i've gone to several different planets digging down to the core, and even back to my home planet i started on, and have found none, only lava. is there something perhaps i'm doing wrong? or a specific place i should look?
  3. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    uhh... that sounds more like a game issue then a issue related to this mod... and i didn't think it would be quite that easy to pick clean a planet of the core fragments and run out...

    hmm... i'll have to look into making alternative resources that could also be potentially used for crafting the mods power cores...
  4. juliopeludo

    juliopeludo Starship Captain

    yeah i thought so too, i posted to the main forums though and everyone said that the core fragments are common to find, and that it sounded more like a problem related to the mod maybe, and to try my question here. maybe its another mod i have that's affecting the core fragment spawning, anywho either way like i said its a great mod, i'm very pleased with it thus far!
  5. gatosardina

    gatosardina Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    are you using a mod like mysterious atrs, starbound side stories, or frackin universe?
    try checking in vanilla star systems, not mod star systems
  6. fernworrier

    fernworrier Giant Laser Beams

    :p i got the ore plants mod so i can grow planet core ore because one mod used them for building there items, also is there another way i can download this as mediafire still hates me.
  7. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    i'll find something for you...

    though iv gotten tired of picking dead ends of this maze, metaphorically speaking, so im finally asking around about this prob with the drone, hopefully i find a solution soon...
  8. fernworrier

    fernworrier Giant Laser Beams

    :p the only idea i have for now with getting the core that the drone is supose to drop is to just spawn it in. stay awsome folks
  9. juliopeludo

    juliopeludo Starship Captain

    actuall yeah i do have frackin universe, sorry if i sound dumb here, how can i tell if a star system is vanilla or modded?
  10. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    Hopefully Google Drive works for you.

    RenTek; Reni's Armory v1.5 Download
  11. juliopeludo

    juliopeludo Starship Captain

    hey guys i had another question, i got everything working now, its great and i love the mod! i was wondering how do you craft the gamma core to get to the tier 4 holodisc? i've looked through the crafting menu of all the different crafting tables associated with rentek (the reforger, digiconstructer, etc) and haven't been able to find the crafting schematic for it.
  12. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    the gamma cores are obtained by crafting and then killing the Combat Drone, how ever their I a currently a bug which stops this from happening.
    Last edited: May 7, 2015
  13. juliopeludo

    juliopeludo Starship Captain

    awesome!! thanks for the answer! too bad, i'll give it a try anyways!
  14. kithsakhai

    kithsakhai Big Damn Hero

    is it a consistent bug? or if i make a few more and kill them is there a chance at getting it? (ie is it worth it to wait for a patch on the bug or can i brute force it? they're damned expensive...)
  15. OssomSagax

    OssomSagax Cosmic Narwhal

    Wait for patch, or cheat it in.
  16. gatosardina

    gatosardina Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I don't know for you, but in my case I can't make the drone work
    When I interact with it nothing happens
  17. kithsakhai

    kithsakhai Big Damn Hero

    ah ok, i guess ill save my resources and wait for a patch. thanks.
  18. capthavic

    capthavic Phantasmal Quasar

    Just wanted to say nice mod, really like the work you have done. My only complaint is (you guessed it) the non-working drone which makes crafting anything past tier 3 impossible. Personally I'd suggest taking the thing out entirely (or make it only a decoration) and let players just craft the dang gamma cores. Maybe increase the recipe requirements to make up for lost boss fight or something. Might be at least a bandage in the meantime till the bug is worked out.
  19. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    as you know, there is an issue with the drone not spawning when interacted with, this how ever is not a problem with the mod, its actually an ingame error that requires the chuckelfish devs to look into an fix as i have spoken with a couple people about it and each have said the same, to temporarily counter this i will be adding a solution until the spawning error is corrected, as alternative spawning methods seem to have failed as well during testing, the mention of this error is also listed on the mods main page, i apologise for the wait and also thank you for your patience in waiting.
  20. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    OssomSagax likes this.

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