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RELEASED FrackinUniverse (Archive)

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by sayter, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    No worries. That is EXACTLY how I approach almost everything in life. Well, except people. The law tends to frown on taking people apart. And pets. Or other living beings.
    Wulf_Oman, chean and ironrail like this.
  2. ironrail

    ironrail Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    Well, I must be dumb or something because I couldn't get the alloy furnace to cook my pricilite ... so instead I moved the recipe to the extractionlab and edited the file to say as much ... doesn't make as much sense extracting it instead of smelting it, but now I have the stars. woot!

    Switching subjects, since you are working on dungeons, what do you think of a science lab minidungeon? Imho it would make a lot of sense to find those FU books in one of those.
  3. Milapurr

    Milapurr Astral Cartographer

    Why thank you for clearing this up. *download*
  4. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    um.... yea. Kinda ahead of you on that one. Except it's a full outpost style area. And it's almost done. Finally.
    ironrail likes this.

    GROVER CURES HOUSES Void-Bound Voyager

    A science lab minidungeon?
  6. Aegis J Hyena

    Aegis J Hyena Existential Complex

    I still think a megavault with multiple full chests locked by a series of shield generators (are they uprooted by immersion in water? The lock could open a water tank to wash the generator out) and complex locks would be cool.
  7. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    i don't disagree. But I think that's something I'd rather wait for an API for, a-la starforge, and incorporate it. My plate is full already.
  8. DarkishScotScot

    DarkishScotScot Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Do your custom planets and biomes have their own unique text/appearance? Ex "This planet is covered in frigid oceans" etc. So far I have come across the same vanilla planet types. [Apologies if this is posted in the wrong area.] :wut:

    GROVER CURES HOUSES Void-Bound Voyager

    First, are you absolutely sure the mod is active? FU planets are... distinct.
  10. DarkishScotScot

    DarkishScotScot Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yes! Thanks for the reply. Turns out, my folder was split in half so to speak, and I only had to re-download the file. Problem solved!
  11. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    allright! the Frackin Outpost is more or less ready to go with a new quest system set up to go along with it. Things will be more interesting now, with NPCs granting the quests rather than the way we did it before.

    I'm going to add the NPCs to the outpost tonight, probably. Then we'll be able to start testing things and see how it all functions.

    I'll release before doing/finishing the minidungeons I am working on for the terrain of biomes, since that is something I can easily disable until they are ready.

    Some new suits of armor in the mix, along with the usual round of fixes. Anyhow, for those curious here are the current changes thus far

    RC070 (thus far)
    - added new Quest system for Frackin Universe (still finishing this up. Probably be a few days at least. You can wait :) )

    - added new Frackin Science Outpost as a quest hub for the mod

    - added some new minidungeons to biomes

    - removed useless vanilla files from when i added nightly stuff pre-stable update. forgot they were there.

    - added hydroponic tubing to grow your plants in. Tillable.

    - arboreal parallax adjusted. The backdrop shouldn’t be so high-up with plants now

    - added several old and unused vanilla armors. Lagoon, Slime

    - added Arctic Parka armor. High-tier, and total protection from cold. It will not, however, protect against liquid nitrogen

    - fixed alternate blister helm recipe. it had rebreather as a requirement, but that has been removed from FU already.

    - fixed mint crashing when eaten. it has its own standard radiation immunity built in , now.

    - irradium rifle projectiles changed

    - druid carbine projectiles changed

    - fiddled with some unlocks for recipes

    - all FU armors have had their effects tweaked. melee scouthelm no longer has cold protection. It has been moved to the Arctic Parka suits.

    - colored glows added to the various glowing armors. blisterbush will give a purple glow, pasaka a blue, oonforta a yellow, etc

    - added additional plant spacing. Almost all the plants are done now.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2015
    Tetragen and DarthTrethon like this.
  12. ironrail

    ironrail Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Awesome! can't wait to try it out!
  13. green3y3

    green3y3 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I was trying to smelt prisilite and trianglium, neither of them showed up in the alloy furnace or above. Besides: what can I do with that stuff?
  14. Necrovore

    Necrovore Pangalactic Porcupine

    Just checking, no new liquids yet right?
  15. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    I'll have to take another look at prisilite and trianglium. I managed to make them, but I am unsure if that was due to some other factor.

    Worst case scenario, I'll move them to another lab.

    Keep watching the update notes. When they are added, they will be mentioned :)
  16. Inny

    Inny Cosmic Narwhal

    Are the recipes given?
  17. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Yep, they are in the /alloyfurnace folder. That said, I don't know if I have them "unlocking" or if that is even needed with the alloy furnace.

    If so, that's an easy fix. Just have their ores unlock the smelting recipes.[DOUBLEPOST=1424896656][/DOUBLEPOST]for all those of you that keep PMing me with requests for a meteor-proofing solution for your bases: This is why I keep saying nope.

    there you go. Meteor-proof your own base!
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2015
  18. moseythepirate

    moseythepirate Pangalactic Porcupine

    Just an FYI; the Lasher Hook seems to have a graphical error. The hook part is invisible. Still works and all that, just no hook.
  19. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    thanks. added to the fix-list.
  20. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    FYI: you dont need to do anything with Trianglium or Moonstone right now. All you need is the base ores. Prisilite, not so much. That will be fixed for the next update.

    I'll add "smelted" versions of moonstone and trianglium if chucklefish do. If they remove the resources from play, ill do it then :)
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