RP Fallen 2, a starbound RP

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Relten, Feb 14, 2015.

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  1. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    "IM SO LONELY" Unik cries out, when suddenly Eitaka appears, holding a bowl of cbg s00p. He hands it to Unik and smiles. "Awww..."

    And they lived happily ever after.
  2. Exiledone

    Exiledone Master Astronaut

    Avel nodded, and scratched the back of her head.
    "Um...funny story...I don't have anything to enter the codes on..."
  3. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    Grey sighed, then headed over so they were only about two feet apart. "Here, take my hand and I can beam you up." Grey held out his hand.
    Exiledone and Cup o' Tea like this.
  4. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    Reiden decides that his endless wandering was useless and beams up to Unik's ship. He looks around and finds Unik and Eitaka in the cockpit. "Anything interesting happen while you two were up here?"
    Exiledone likes this.
  5. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    "No...Not really...But I DID do something productive while you guys were gone."
    Exiledone likes this.
  6. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    "And that is?"
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  7. Exiledone

    Exiledone Master Astronaut

    Avel blushed and grabbed Grey's hand
    Captain Kane likes this.
  8. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    "Oh...Well...You know how we ran out of leads on the whole 'journal' thing?"
    Exiledone likes this.
  9. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    "Yes... Did you find a lead?"
    Exiledone likes this.
  10. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    Grey gripped her hand gently, and he found a memory stirring deep within him. Soft feathers..... Grey frowned and shook his head. He beamed them up.
    Exiledone likes this.
  11. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    "Nope...So I decided to make one."
  12. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    "What do you mean?"
    Exiledone likes this.
  13. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    "I sent a galaxy-wide transmission stating we have the journal." So smart.
    Exiledone and Captain Kane like this.
  14. Exiledone

    Exiledone Master Astronaut

    Avel glanced around the room she found herself in.
  15. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    "Ah. I see... Dante also found out what was throwing those rocks."
    Exiledone likes this.
  16. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    "Sp00ky Kane?"
  17. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    "Exactly. He also has something of mine, which I plan to get back sometime soon..."
    Exiledone likes this.
  18. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    It would be a small cockpit room a brown box shoved into a corner, the basic controls and pilot seat, and a tattered looking couch. "Well, it isn't much, but until I can upgrade you'll have to make due." Grey released Avel's hand.
    Exiledone likes this.
  19. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    "Fun...Also, you might want to get everyone back here before we get some visitors."
  20. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    Grey tosses the fungus out of the airlock and watches as it explodes into a pile of green goo.
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