Avali Nexus 18: Legal Somewhere

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Avali Nexus, Feb 10, 2015.

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  1. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    (Also I just found Nova's dA...)
    Bluegem521, Corosar, Marxon and 4 others like this.
  2. dtanotrew

    dtanotrew Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    // If I could become a somewhat decent artist. That would be one of the first things I would draw.
  3. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    Please don't drive me away with more words.
  4. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    dragon dildos

    pls dont report
  5. Surge

    Surge Phantasmal Quasar

    it's a disgusting trend lately
  6. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    Luckily we aren't like that.

    EDIT: Why did I say that, CAH is one of the funniest games I've ever played :facepalm:
    kawaiiChiimera likes this.
  7. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Probably because of my willingness to be kinky weird.[DOUBLEPOST=1423709676][/DOUBLEPOST]Look at this tired chipmunk.
    L3W likes this.
  8. Surge

    Surge Phantasmal Quasar

    that's what I thought until we found ourselves in possession of a large stock of TF potions and at least 5 people took park in seeing what the fuck they do first hand
    kawaiiChiimera likes this.
  9. Calabrese

    Calabrese Guest

  10. dtanotrew

    dtanotrew Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  11. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I tried searching "furry kinky" on Google to find a reaction image.
    That was such a fucking bad idea.
    TIL furry art can bypass safe search.
    gonzogonz, Corosar, Marcorri and 4 others like this.
  12. Intrebute

    Intrebute Pangalactic Porcupine

  13. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    Well duh. Guess I'll have to try it out later...
    "...A long time."
  14. JacobDaGun

    JacobDaGun Void-Bound Voyager

    I made some...and some antidotes too...remember when I fixed the whole shark situation?
    kawaiiChiimera likes this.
  15. TheTrueUmbrakiin

    TheTrueUmbrakiin Giant Laser Beams

    So yeah I still want to find one of these character sheets that were mentioned earlier.
    Does... Does someone know where I can find one?
  16. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    "Really? Like, years? Huh. ...How long do Avali and...uh...Precursors live anyways?
  17. Surge

    Surge Phantasmal Quasar

    after making it worse
  18. Calabrese

    Calabrese Guest

    ... and you got a link to the dictionary definition of "redundancy".
    Intrebute and kawaiiChiimera like this.
  19. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Antidotes are like poison to me, as I painfully found out.
  20. SomeGuyNamedDavid

    SomeGuyNamedDavid Big Damn Hero

    He followed along, watching with mild concern. "...Do you... need any help?"
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