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RELEASED Lopunny Race Mod PG V0.1

Add Lopunnys as a playable race.

  1. Nyutan

    Nyutan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Patiently awaiting a wonderful Upbeat Giraffe version <3
  2. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    My gosh what have i done... i just meant to treat others to something and even after an apologies it just blew up anyways...

    Mackinz im sorry that how my bunny was made and i know its not to concept to begin with, and i no we both have our likes and dislikes and have every right to have such...

    L3W I completely understand you not giving orders but ideas and suggestions, and thats good so no worries about me thinking you going all task master on me.

    Vanishmode, of all things i Sincerely thank you for being mature about everything and even notifying that there are line that we should not cross in the forums.

    Now back to the state of the updatings.. i can get a working version for the game to boot up and get to char selection without crashing, and some items will have to be forfeited to do so. also need to mention that all the testings being done with the lucarios so i have yet to work on the lopunnys, but there built pretty much the same so after im done with the lucarios its gonna be a hell of alot easier to do lopunnys...

    so far im down to having to redo the quest cus thats whats crashing now, tho my pace may be alittle slow considering that event are happening on my side of the page and im kinda heavily stressed as is.


    -Again sincere apologies for bringing up a treat that stated wildfire and the wait that i have to make you guys go thorugh.
    -Apologies to mackinz that we have different interest and that i cant make --it to concept design, people with the lucario mod kinda pointed this out to me at the start....

    "Way to go Yuki, you really F---ed up this time.... you really did..."
  3. L3W

    L3W Ketchup Robot

    If you guys want to check out my Tatl Tael cursor I just put up yesterday that would be cool. :cool: It took trail and error to get it just right so, I hope you guys appreciate the final result + more to come in the future! Also thanks for be understanding @Ochiru Yuki you are awesome! :laugh: Also don't be so hard on yourself since things like this happen from time to time when it comes to any great mod out there especially yours! :)
  4. steveduck2345

    steveduck2345 Void-Bound Voyager

    Don't apologise for greatness, friend. take your time.
  5. Yuni

    Yuni Phantasmal Quasar

    Don't apologize! =D Your treat was great. c: We're furries here, largely. Your treat was attractive, and I would love it if the mod looked that way. xD Haters gonna hate. Anyways, keep up the good work, and thank you for all your hard work on the mod. ^_^
    Nyutan likes this.
  6. Kataclysm69

    Kataclysm69 Intergalactic Tourist

    Look... There is nothing wrong with breasts on a female. You are the maker of the mod which makes you the decider of what is in it. You do what you want to do. If that involves Lopunny's having bewbs that's ok. You won't be judged (hopefully) by the furry community. With all do respect, I don't think you should take the viewers, us, out of context. It's just an opinion. Keep up the good work.
  7. Nyutan

    Nyutan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    In my opinion, it's fairly simple to include an alternate sprite sheet for those who want to use it.

    Off-Topic: How is everyone doing this fine day?
  8. Bloody_Kain

    Bloody_Kain Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm totaly sleepy...
    Had read the last night through till 6 in the Morning today, than sleeped till past 13: 00 and now my bio rythm is totaly shredded. xD
    I had "Breakfast" at 16:00, that is a really weird Time for breakfast I know. ^^
    But again, there was some Storys that hat binded me before my screen, and before I know it, it was 16:00.

    Than after that and the "breakfast" I had tried to play a little Starbound... but the Problem is, that the Server where I played the last week, is down at the Moment, and I hadn't the motivation, to beginn a new Character again. -.-

    So for now, i have nothing to do.
    I think I will go to sleep a little more early today. Tomorrow I have schedules to fulfill... I hate this. ^^
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2015
  9. Alerin_Galencer

    Alerin_Galencer Void-Bound Voyager

    :rofl: Should we be taking this to a Different thread then, since this is a Mod Discussion one.
  10. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Maybe not by the furry community. But not everyone who plays Starbound, or who is interested in the Lopunny race mod, is a furry so... yeah. Me? I'm just a big fan of Pokemon, and have been since my childhood. I've liked Lopunny for quite a while, now, and that's why I am making a big deal about the breasts of this race, because they simply should not exist given the base for the race.

    Honestly, that is my only qualm with the mod. Lopunny in space? Sweet. Lopunny with breasts in space? Uh... it may seem weird, but that's just how I feel. When this mod gets updated fully, I might spend an hour in Paint.NET and remove the breasts from the body sprites...
  11. L3W

    L3W Ketchup Robot

    I believe @Ochiru Yuki states on the top of his mod description the Lopunny race will support EBS body conversion mod for everyone who wants "them" so, people such as yourself will stop complaining about something so tedious like this.. so, in all honestly no more complaining about "those" anymore for @Ochiru Yuki's sake.
  12. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Why are you being defensive of this? I'm not attacking him. Quite the opposite, in fact, given I've offered my help to update his mods for UG. I'm just stating my opinion of something relevant to discussion of the mod. It's not tedious to me.
  13. Kataclysm69

    Kataclysm69 Intergalactic Tourist

    Well that's ok. That's you. You be you, I'll be me. I want her, or the females, to have bewbs. That's how I feel. But lets not turn this into a debate over what's better. Let's just hope that the mod will be great.
  14. L3W

    L3W Ketchup Robot

    I not being "defensive" If you don't like something then yes, you have the right to your opinion, but every time this topic comes about then you say things like, "I might spend an hour in Paint.NET and remove the breasts from the body sprites..." when they aren't even going to be added in his mod. All I said is that the Lopunny race will support EBS body conversion mod for everyone who wants "them" which is what the mod description says.. Listen I do respect your opinion, but you shouldn't be complaining about something that isn't even going to be in the mod.. I get you dislike them. Also I meant you complaining about the Lopunny having "those" is tedious.

    @Ochiru Yuki I am sorry I failed you again.. :cry: I just couldn't stop myself.. *sigh* forgive me! :notworthy:
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2015
  15. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Offering support for EBS does not mean that the base mod won't have breasts as a standard. The Lopunny mod has always had breasts, long before EBS ever came about. EBS just made them bigger. While I'm not sure if they will have them after Ochiru releases his updated sprites, I still think it is perfectly relevant discussion and not "complaining".

    As for my "hour in Paint.NET" comment, that was just me saying that I will make the mod work for me regardless of the scenario. So... yeah.
  16. L3W

    L3W Ketchup Robot

    Ok, but that doesn't mean they will be there in the future. Who knows what he is planning? (Besides what he has put in the mod description). He may or may not scrap the idea. I mean he is still wondering if he should make the Lopunny digi-grade or not. So, I think it's best to just not complain at all just saying >_>[DOUBLEPOST=1423435290][/DOUBLEPOST]@Mackinz Listen why don't you just pretend that aren't there it's simple. I mean you will be using other armor or vanity clothes right? It's not like you will be running around in game with nothing on.. So, just don't worry about it and try to talk about other things that need more attention like what kind of new techs, armor, items, and weapons should be added in the future.[DOUBLEPOST=1423435558][/DOUBLEPOST]@Mackinz now on another subject I really like your farming mod Compact Crops. I really enjoy it! :up: It makes playing multiple characters easier and fun when I go to my starter planet which has my farming system set up.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2015
    Mackinz likes this.
  17. Alerin_Galencer

    Alerin_Galencer Void-Bound Voyager

    Well thats understandable by your standards dude, I respect that, you're also open to your opinions and to whatever you want to do to, I just think its the owner's choice of what he wants to do with the mod, if theres something ya don't like about it just edit it and be done with it, right?

    Well hopefully the convo should end here about that though because I'm pretty sure it was meant to end when VanishMode had said something about it, cant remember what.
  18. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Okay, so let's talk about something different. Let's talk about the Lopunny culture. What kind of culture does the Lopunny have? What kind of theme should there be for the Lopunny's villages and such?

    Avians are inspired by ancient Egypt, for example. This is seen in virtually everything about their culture, from the pyramidal structures to their god-worship.

    What should the Lopunny have?
  19. L3W

    L3W Ketchup Robot

    Yep, hopefully we should be cool now. I think we are just all overly excited that this mod is going to be updating sometime soon![DOUBLEPOST=1423436285][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I mean what cultures do we have so far? I think Egyptian, Asian ( I think Japanese right?), Wild Western, and Medieval. I think I am missing something.[DOUBLEPOST=1423436358][/DOUBLEPOST]@Mackinz Maybe Greek, Roman, or even Norse would be cool! I don't know what were you thinking? A viking Lopunny would be terrifying though tbh.
  20. Alerin_Galencer

    Alerin_Galencer Void-Bound Voyager

    Well I don't know exactly, I wanted to help out with the Lopunny Culture and stuff but eh... I figured you would come up with something since you were the person that was doing the process of helping out, asides that I have more of an Interest in looking into the other mod. ^^;

    Also you use Paint.NET? thank god i need your assistence with it, can I ask my question to a conversation?

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