Avali Nexus the 12th: Fluffified Zodiacs

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Corosar, Nov 17, 2014.

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  1. SCN-3_<NULL>

    SCN-3_<NULL> Pangalactic Porcupine

    //anyway I'm off to bed, everyone in the Americas, Happy Thanksgiving even though we dont celebrate it here
    //and do not interrupt Alpha/Null's recovery run.
    Corosar likes this.
  2. Legotank1110

    Legotank1110 Pangalactic Porcupine

    // Thanks and sleep well Alpha!
  3. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    ((i don't know how anyone can like pumpkin stuff
    *I sat up in my bed, and looked around the room. Still no one. I jumped down from the bed, and glanced at my wings. The iridescent band was still marred with dark grey feathers. I sighed, and headed out of the room, towards Rose's room. I did want to see how she was doing, even if...well, even with how my body was. I had a deep feeling in my gut that I would be like this for a long, long time.*
  4. Intrebute

    Intrebute Pangalactic Porcupine

    And for the twelfth time

    someone who understands
    Ehksidian likes this.
  5. Legotank1110

    Legotank1110 Pangalactic Porcupine

    // Pumpkin pie with tons of cool whip...... yum....

    *Is currently walking around the ship again, thinking about old missions and other stuff*
    Corosar likes this.
  6. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    // for the longest time i didn't even know pumpkin was edible. i still don't see it as edible.
    Intrebute and Ehksidian like this.
  7. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    *My footsteps can be heard as I head towards the elevator to reach Rose's room*
  8. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    *laying in the bed with Minami, scratches the bit of exposed body between the casts*
  9. Legotank1110

    Legotank1110 Pangalactic Porcupine

    *Ears perk up but continues to wander the ship lost in thought*
  10. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    *I knock on the door a bit before entering the room, just to let them know I'm here.*
    H...hey Rose, how're you doing today?
  11. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    oh im doing ok, you?
  12. Corosar

    Corosar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    *she slowly raised her head from dead sleep and waved to Nix* hey.... nix.... *sniffle* got any ammonia.... throat is dry.....
  13. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    ...Fine enough other than the fact...the serum I used backfired...
  14. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Uggghhhhhh... I got a headache, is that beacon still on?

    Lex? Agatha? Did one of you turn that thing back on? My implants are literally burning...

    *stumbles about, clutching his head*

    Make it stooooooooop...
  15. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    serum... backfired?
    *grabs a cup and fills it with ammonia from a pitcher with self cooling* can do. *hands the cup to Coro* here.
  16. DarkusTheFirst

    DarkusTheFirst Big Damn Hero

    Agatha groans as this wakes her before she starts to grumble, "Not even the first day and already Lex is getting into trouble...Any idea where he is? I can't hear him, and...He's not making himself noticeable..."
  17. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    *I gesture at my feathers, and how they are mottled in both female and male patterns*
  18. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    I'm seeing multiple drones scheduled for maintenance offline... massive EM interference.

    I swear if he's already trying to sabotage me...

    Forget it I'll ask nicely, where is he?
  19. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    that's... odd... how are you feeling?
  20. Myifee

    Myifee Guest

    How long until White gets Reks to Celarra, Gonz?
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