Avali Nexus: The 11th Hour

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Myifee, Nov 3, 2014.

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  1. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    *looks down at you from one of the tall trees, his legs and right arm are augmented and a bird with void-black feathers is sitting perched on a leather shoulder pad on his right shoulder, at his right hip is a sheathed sword, not of traditional avali design. he turns his full attention to you showing his missing lower right ear* why 'ello!
  2. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    (thanks for the heads up.
  3. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    // Ah, in that case hello there person who was always here but just out of sight, hello!
    We.. we were close.. *looks at his arm*.. this.. could've been Coro's head.. if I hadn't got there.. in time..
    and y-yes.. it better stop..
  4. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    Hello Gonz *looking up*
  5. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    *walks over to Nil and pokes his head*
  6. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    hello there, you can call me Rahao
  7. SCN-3_<NULL>

    SCN-3_<NULL> Pangalactic Porcupine

    and bring me a few scalpel, no need for the anesthetics
  8. Legotank1110

    Legotank1110 Pangalactic Porcupine

    *Looks around*
    Anyone got any ideas?
    *Is thinking*
  9. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    *chuckles* im not Gonzo. if you're looking for him head to the cocoon. name's Elai. *leaps down from the branch and lets his prosthetic legs absorb the shock he stands up straigth and holds out his augmented rigth arm for a handshake* pleasure to meet you.
    *the bird turns the side of its head towards you, its facial features hidden due to the intense black color of its feathers (not called "void black" for nothing)* my name is Arma, spiritual companion of Elai.
  10. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    N- No.. I can't think of.. anything.. *looks at over at Coro, still holding her paw with his good paw*
    W-Who was that.. that man.. that attacked you.. who was with her.. and made her..
    *is out cold*
  11. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    i don't have a scalpel. sword or knife?
  12. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    *I shake hands* ah I see. a pleaseure to meet you Elai. I am rahao
  13. SCN-3_<NULL>

    SCN-3_<NULL> Pangalactic Porcupine

    good idea
    *pull its half energy blade out of its scabbard, pressed on the trigger emitting translucent cyan plasma on the blade's cutting edge*
    this will hurt, alot~
  14. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    // Very well then Rahao, I shall do that! ^^
    // A pleasure to meet you.
  15. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    Rahao huh.
    what brings you here?
  16. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    perhaps I can help?
  17. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    wait! are you sure it better not to just use this? *pulls his leaf-sword out of its sheath* no burnt flesh?
  18. Legotank1110

    Legotank1110 Pangalactic Porcupine

    *Is slightly confused*
    Oh, you mean in the dream. Never mind.
    I've got nothing. This is above me.......
  19. SCN-3_<NULL>

    SCN-3_<NULL> Pangalactic Porcupine

    it's interrogation, it should hurt
  20. gonzogonz

    gonzogonz Phantasmal Quasar

    // they would be back at the cocoon. :p
    anyway, no use hanging around here, what do you say we head back to the cocoon?
    we can continue our talk from there.
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