Homestuck Clan Thread: 8^y (where y=8)

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Starstucks Clan, Jul 23, 2014.

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  1. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    idk I'd be up for it
    As long as it's not the first one that's the one we watched before
  2. TachyonBlade

    TachyonBlade Phantasmal Quasar

    Well, what about they implode, suck in the whole planet, then explode
  3. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Pokemon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    I think its the eighth one total
    god that makes me feel old considering I've probably seen them all at one point
  4. I wrote out a response to this, but I assume that nobody wants to see it, so I won't bother.
  5. elusiveTranscendent

    elusiveTranscendent Pangalactic Porcupine

    Post it.
  6. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    In that case never mind because that was one of the movies shown during the Pokemon Movie Marathon and I've seen it in its entirety like 3 times in the last 2 weeks
    I don't have the willpower to watch it again
  7. I did, too!
    We shouldn't have to look underneath ALL CAPS RAGE WORDS to get the point of a message. We expect everyone else to not be a jerk about whatever they have to say, why should he get special treatment?

    I deleted my draft so I just rewrote the main point.
  8. elusiveTranscendent

    elusiveTranscendent Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yeah. KC does still need to clean up his act some more, but is responding to him in a brash manner really necessary? :/
  9. Shade215

    Shade215 Big Damn Hero

    or in otherwords nothing would change really,

    due to a lack of "yiffing intensifies"

    i found this on my quest for it.
  10. Alucard I

    Alucard I King Homestuck I

    Now it's my turn to :wtf:
  11. Yes.

    Treating him like a normal person, if he suddenly posts in ALL CAPS RAGE WORDS like he did, we're going to assume he's irrationally mad and call him out for it. We'd do it to anyone. Are you suggesting we treat him like a kid instead or something?

    Also, keep in mind that Biz tended to be a jerk and told us to just get used to it and act normally. That sure worked out. :iswydt:
  12. If you're sure. I wrote it without having had any sleep (I actually still haven't) so bear with me.
    ...He feels like he's being attacked because he responded to a post (that was in no way directed to him) with extreme hostility?
    If he meant it to be expressed in such a way, he should have done so. The way he said it made it look like he was angry at us for having a civil discussion, and for no reason was yelling at us.
    But you wouldn't have brought it up in the same way.
    You would've said "Why are we still arguing about this if it's already been decided :?"
    At which point I would've calmly pointed out that we weren't even discussing the forum anymore, just having a discussion on the definition of NSFW.
    See? Nobody had to get hostile in the first place.

    No, it's not like that. It's like a wild animal who was allowed to come eat from the pet food bowl, and instead bit the other animals and took a shit in the bowl.
    I'm sick of giving him "another chance". I've been friends with people I felt I had to keep giving "another chance" to, and things didn't end up well for me. They ended up really, really badly, actually.
    He's never given the impression he's attempting to change his shitty behaviour. Any attempts to talk to him about it were either or ignored, brushed off or met with a hostile reaction. Never any remorse, nothing.
  13. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ill never get using the term yiff as a verb
  14. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    I really don't think it's hard to see why he's being "attacked".

    I'd address your points but others already have.
  15. Ravenous Space Rat

    Ravenous Space Rat Cosmic Narwhal

    Well what else would you use?
  16. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would say something about this, but Ill just be quiet because anything I say would be used against me. :l
  17. [talking about you]
    4:13 PM - WoxandWarf: he acts like a jerk -> gets called out for it -> either flat out ignores the posts or gives some BS answer
    4:13 PM - WoxandWarf: never apologizes

    4:13 PM - WoxandWarf: never apologizes
    4:13 PM - WoxandWarf: never apologizes
    4:13 PM - WoxandWarf: never apologizes
    4:13 PM - WoxandWarf: never apologizes
    4:13 PM - WoxandWarf: never apologizes
    4:13 PM - WoxandWarf: never apologizes
    4:13 PM - WoxandWarf: never apologizes
    4:13 PM - WoxandWarf: never apologizes

    Don't just sit out on the conversation. If you don't think you're wrong, explain how. If you do, apologize. This is how polite people solve problems like this.
  18. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    Look man, we're really not out to like twist your words around or anything like that, we're just trying to show you your mistakes so you can reply in a way that won't make people mad next time.
  19. Shade215

    Shade215 Big Damn Hero

    you need to feeel the yiffitude in your soul mang
    you need to feel that urge, the need, the want,

    speaking of furries, i actually went to a furry meetup once, when i was part of a danish furry thread,
    Having fun with 16 or so people all day, going around talking to people, taking pictures with kids, generally hanging around the big party town. lotta cool stuff, with 3 people in full suits, and then most of the rest of us with the typical ears n tails.

    After that a most of us went to one of their appartments to get dinner and hang, a couple of us were artists so we also did some drawing. Most of the people eventually cuddled up on the bed, nothing to do with yiffing per say, but whats considered casual cuddling between 11 ish people on a king sized bed.

    Being a teen who was new to the whole irl fur fa---an meetups -which was actually pretty awesome- the prospect of cuddling with 11 strangers really put me off.
    though the whole thing was pretty much pg, which was cool.

    I think it was the only type of meetup i went to aswell, and right around the time i left the fur fandom for a while (still a while i guess). though i just wasnt ready to be one of the cool cats yet, despite having gotten hella rad furry ears n tail.
    but yea a little furry story from myself the forgetful trash poster
  20. @kawaiiChiimera

    Solution: Stop pissing people off, and people will stop getting pissed off at you.
    Everybody wins. Yay.
  21. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead Phantasmal Quasar

    literally this
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