TAG: Using the parrot

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Oldiesmann, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Oldiesmann

    Oldiesmann Space Hobo

    I just discovered Treasure Adventure Game and am at the point where I have to use the parrot to drop a rock on the red button so I can get to the pawn shop to get my compass. However, when I get onto the rock and hit the "action button" (Z in this case), the parrot just lands on me and doesn't do anything else. How exactly do I get him to do what needs to be done here?
    • zeekstern

      zeekstern Void-Bound Voyager

      I'm new to this game but have passed where you are and hope that the following might help.

      1. make sure you run setup.exe.

      2. You can only use the parrot in certain places, not all the time. So far what I have found is that you must be standing on the right object such as that yellow/gold square thing. Then, using my RockCandy controller I simply push up on the thing that controls the direction of that little kid, and the parrot will go up. Then use the jump key to get him to fly. In my case it is the X button. Then I use the A button to pickup/drop the bag/rock or whatever.
      • Oldiesmann

        Oldiesmann Space Hobo

        Yeah, I figured it out. It was the A key on my keyboard. The only setup file I had was one from GOG (where I got the game), and I don't recall seeing an option to set up the controls. Got my compass, now off to figure out where I get a sail.
        • Oldiesmann

          Oldiesmann Space Hobo

          Another question...

          I am at the room at the very top right of the tree, with the red switch and platform/doorway at the top of the room. However, I can't for the life of me figure out how I'm supposed to get up to that platform. I figured maybe I had to somehow hit that red switch with my throwing hook, but so far I've been unsuccessful at doing so (though I have found fun in taking out those stupid fish with the hook, even though I don't get any coins for it). What's the trick to getting up there?
          • Oldiesmann

            Oldiesmann Space Hobo

            Any suggestions here? At this point my only other option is to skip the 2nd treasure and come back to it later. I've already found the 3rd map but would like to get the 2nd treasure first since I'm so close.

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