Homestuck Clan Thread: 8^y (where y=8)

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Starstucks Clan, Jul 23, 2014.

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  1. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    *47 Lucario gifs later*
    I think thats enough for today...
  2. elusiveTranscendent

    elusiveTranscendent Pangalactic Porcupine

    Now you know how I feel with Greninja. -3-
    Arch-Mage Zandor, Padexin and Higuera like this.
  3. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    I got my computers back for good
    Commence all-nighters
  4. Obtain Steam so you can be brought up to speed pls
  5. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  6. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    all nighters are the real mvp.
  7. Higuera

    Higuera Cosmic Narwhal

    you missed 420,and you are awful
  8. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    What the fuck is a lokion
  9. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    magic brick
  11. I think the forums fucked up for me
    er what.PNG

    EDIT: nvm I got logged out for some reason
  12. Shade215

    Shade215 Big Damn Hero

  13. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  14. Aeridan

    Aeridan Pangalactic Porcupine

  15. Relinies

    Relinies King Homestuck III

    Important to new forum.
    We can't be splitting things up. Yes, it's fancy to have many different threads for different topics, and it helps keep down clutter, but there are two major problems with that.
    1. We'd lose part of the novelty of the thread. We don't stick to one topic, ever. We jump around, and the thread moves quickly. That's been a working formula, and it's one that we should really stick to. It's fun, and even if it's difficult to keep up, it's better than having 20 threads to check every single time. That would just get tedious, AND slow down all the threads.
    2. Even with the 30ish members we have, if we continue splitting things into different threads, we'll VERY quickly lose steam. "Slippery slope fallacy though" Funny pics thread. Pokemon thread. Classpect thread. "Froondiddly Remanbar." "The not-so great Midget Hunt." It keeps happening.
    Keep things in one thread, the "Homestuck Clan Thread" as we've always done, but on a new forum. No "pokemon thread," just one big thread where the topic changes all the time. As we always have. Yes, it's less convenient, but it's also much less likely to putter out and die.
    Shark suggested that we only have a handful of threads instead of one big one or many small ones, but then we'd have to decide on their subject/use, and the advantages/disadvantages of splitting that from the main thread.

    And perhaps the more important thing, nsfw content.
    NSFW material in the forum except in private PMs is a bad idea, because it, as it has in the past, would encourage foolish (hells of illegal) behavior from some members. It's a matter of maturity. Even if it's kept separate.
    But there's also keeping up appearances. We're not a large group. Decent sized, but not large. 30ish people, plus or minus a few who are active. New members would be driven off by the mere existence of a NSFW section- especially for a clan that has its roots in Homestuck. I know I would be, and Pax has said before much the same, though he may say differently now.
    Continuing with appearances, what about Limit Break? If it ever becomes vaguely popular, how many people do you think would be okay with the nsfw section sitting next to it? We don't intend to have that many sections to begin with- it wouldn't be separated by much. Same problem as before, but with people that aren't just potential Starstucks. They're people who didn't ask for this, or get a vote in the matter because they weren't there when the vote was held. That's an incredibly important thing to note. People were upset that they didn't get in on the cursory discussion before we made the new forum. How upset would people be if they missed out on this vote? I'm totally certain that not everyone has even seen the forum, let alone the vote, because we've intentionally avoided posting the link on the thread.
    Allowing NSFW content in tagged spoilers is also a problem, because even if you can't see it, the pictures are downloaded, unless it's some incredibly inconvenient type of spoiler. This is absolutely not an option, and should be removed from the poll entirely. Absolute minimum blocking of NSFW content should be a separate, marked section, but even that has its problems which I will cover soon.
    NSFW in private PMs is the best option. Private PMs are preserved just as long as threads are- until somebody deletes them, or we lose the forum or its content in an accident. PMs don't need organization or moderation, because they're not public. They don't have to bother anyone who misclicked into the wrong section.

    RedScarWolf and TachyonBlade have already said they don't want nsfw on the forum. Shark agrees, and I'm certain others do too.
    4:02 PM - Relinies: NSFW material in the forum except in private PMs is a bad idea, because it, as it has in the past, would encourage unbelievable stupidity from some members. It's a matter of maturity. Even if it's kept separate.

    But there's also keeping up appearances. We're not a large group. Decent sized, but not large. 30ish people, plus or minus a few who are active. New members would be driven off by the mere existence of a NSFW section- especially for a clan that has its roots in Homestuck. I know I would be, and Pax has said before much the same, though he may say differently now.
    4:03 PM - Relinies: y/n
    4:03 PM - Shark: y
    4:03 PM - Shark: yyyyy
    4:03 PM - Shark: I think maybe we should kind of elaborate on the whole NSFW thing though
    4:04 PM - Shark: Like I don't have a problem with a suggestive comment or a picture with a little non-real-life gore
    4:05 PM - Relinies: Yeah
    4:05 PM - Relinies: That's fine
    4:05 PM - Relinies: But a thing like, say
    4:05 PM - Relinies: That picture ToTeM posted that got him banned
    4:06 PM - Relinies: That would not be allowed

    4:07 PM - Shark: Didn't that have genitals
    4:07 PM - Relinies: yes
    4:07 PM - Shark: Why would anyone post genitals
    4:07 PM - Shark: I'm really having trouble understanding people

    We haven't considered one important thing about making a separate section for NSFW, though.
    If we do decide on a totally new section for NSFW content, who is going to moderate it?
    I refuse to, and couldn't even if I wanted to. My computer is in the living room.
    Wox wants to avoid the NSFW section if it comes to exist.
    Shark's opinion about the section is above. He definitely will not want to moderate it.
    TDOB can only moderate it weekends, but by its very nature the section will need better moderation than that
    4:22 PM - Relinies: Tell me, if the NSFW section came to exist, who would moderate it?
    4:22 PM - Relinies: Specifically, would you agree to that?
    4:23 PM - TBOB: I'd honestly say that any admins willing to go there would moderate it.
    4:23 PM - Relinies: I'm making a list of our admins
    4:23 PM - TBOB: I mean, I doubt people will get seriously angry/offended at each-other often anyways.
    4:24 PM - Relinies: And finding the only people who might maybe go over there to be
    4:24 PM - Relinies: J-Block
    4:24 PM - TBOB: I mean, lets face it.
    4:24 PM - TBOB: If there's something seriously wrong, someone's gonna report it.
    4:25 PM - Relinies: And nobody's gonna want to see it
    4:25 PM - Relinies: My computer is in the living room, so I especially cannot help there
    4:26 PM - TBOB: I'll have the opportunity over weekends.
    4:28 PM - Relinies: Would you be okay with that, though
    4:28 PM - Relinies: Keep in mind that this isn't a duty we're tacking onto you
    4:28 PM - TBOB: On the off-chance that we actually need to enforce rules there, I'll go for it when I get the chance.
    curiouslyExistential isn't so much one of our admins as the tech guy who handles the forum. I don't know if he wants to join us in actual moderation, but even if he does want to moderate, I doubt he'll want to moderate the NSFW section.
    4:26 PM - [CE] shiftedView: Well I don't know who will moderate it, personally. It seems more like an internal matter based on personal preference. I don't know who has the stomach for that kind of stuff. I know I do. It was a pretty common thing in other forums that I moderated, so I guess I'm just jaded towards it now.
    Padexin will definitely not want to moderate it- and probably wouldn't be able to often, even if he did want to. He has the same problem as me- family poking over his shoulder.
    J-block is the most likely for the job, but I haven't been able to get in touch with him. I don't know what he'll want.

    "We don't need moderation!" Yes, we actually kinda do. These past few threads on this forum have been proof enough- things have been getting messy. We're moving to our own forum to clean up the rules and make sure people don't post the distasteful things that have gotten people's tempers up in the past.

    Important note added in a later post:
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
  16. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    "Out of curiosity"
    I'd bet a lot of money that your name is gonna be in one of the subforums REAL fast (if they become a thing)
  17. nightclaw

    nightclaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    First, when have we ever cared about appearances anyway? We his and spit and flip all over the place and argue all day every day.
    Second, I am totally okay with moderating the nsfw thread, as long as that's all. I'll be at school from 7-3 every day, but that's not so long, but I'd rather not mod anything else. But then you probably don't want more than a few mods right now, anyway. Still

    I volunteer as (mod) tribute
  18. Jenkins

    Jenkins Pangalactic Porcupine

    Even though I guess it's been mega-vetoed, I actually can stomach pretty much anything without getting too sick, so I'd volunteer to do that, but it looks like NSFW is just getting rekt for the greater good. I also have a good idea of what's illegal.
    But still, this forum has the ability to hide subforums except for specific people. So it can be not seen.
  19. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    this post is da real mvp
  20. Shade215

    Shade215 Big Damn Hero

    all this talk about nsfw is making me want weiners and puss

    Its a cat eating a hotdog.
    i got nothing.
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