Homestuck Clan Thread: 8^y (where y=8)

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Starstucks Clan, Jul 23, 2014.

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  1. RedScarWolf

    RedScarWolf Spaceman Spiff

    Real nonchalant guys
  2. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

  3. gallowsRenegade

    gallowsRenegade Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    @Jetpack725, what I think Kaky0 is trying to say is he thinks you can't handle the Homestuck thread diet, which you can. Here's a list.

    4 tons meat
    1/2 servings vegetable
    1 serving meme
    7 Oz. purified pug extract
    413 servings Homestuck
    3 cups fruit
    12 servings 'Can you not'
    5 Imperial tons 'For the Emperor!'
    1 crazy clown
    1 nonexistent cake
    20 pages reference material
    50 Stars American
  4. Jetpack725

    Jetpack725 Guest

    Check checkcheckcheck


    Im missing the nonexistent cake ; A;
    It's a lie.
  5. Kaky0

    Kaky0 Poptop Tamer

    Dude, I'm gonna have to leave.
    I can't handle the memes.
    The day I cut memes out of my life was the day I finally lost weight.
    I don't think I can handle the calories this thread will pile on me.
  6. [​IMG]

    Calling it now hehehe.
  7. TachyonBlade

    TachyonBlade Phantasmal Quasar

    When we leave what happen to the ones who don't (you know who)

    hur hur
  8. gallowsRenegade

    gallowsRenegade Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  9. Kaky0

    Kaky0 Poptop Tamer

    epic meme bro i shat pics of spiderman
  10. Jetpack725

    Jetpack725 Guest

    I disappear *sends out a hologram of himself and goes invisible*
  11. gallowsRenegade

    gallowsRenegade Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    What if I told you, INFERRED ROOM. *You are now visible. Everyone gets a D20 and a free roll. If a negative above 10 is rolled, armor save is doubled for the next three attacks. Armor save increase does not stack*
  12. Relinies

    Relinies King Homestuck III

    I call being piggy
  13. nightclaw

    nightclaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm kind of upset that nobody told me that super important conversation about the threads future was happening and that my opinion is basically worthless because everything has been decided for/without me. This has been kind of a running theme to me, and I kind of wish it wasn't at all a thing. I mean, as far as I know, I've been clearly online basically the whole time, and yet no one told me what was happening, so even though my laptop was broken, and I couldn't join the group chat, I could at least try to arrange for a convo instead, or something.
    This sort of thing, being left out of important thread conversations, not being told about the decisions we make until after, all of that, makes me feel kind of worthless as a member of this community. I mean, if I'm that unimportant, why am I even here?
  14. Rakuida

    Rakuida Phantasmal Quasar

    You know it was issued out as an announcement from the steam group? No one directly approached anyone on joining the chat, so no one really played favorites here
  15. Relinies

    Relinies King Homestuck III

    NC, we're not shunning you for having missed the conversation
    It's been only between those who actually joined the group chat, and that was 10ish people
    I'm fairly certain only Pax has been told what's going on from outside that group of 10ish, and only because I
    I put it up in an announcement, and if you couldn't join to see what was going on, we'll be making sure everyone knows what we're deciding eventually
    Not everyone was on to see what was going on, and some people who were on simply didn't or couldn't join so they missed out too
    You're not alone in that wagon
    But that doesn't matter anyway, because like I said
    You'll know soon
  16. gallowsRenegade

    gallowsRenegade Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  17. People are making this sound like it was a lot more hush hush than it actually was. I didn't think it was supposed to be a secret
  18. An announcement was posted in the Steam group, everyone that saw it hopped into the Steam group chat as the announcement asked. The Steam group is the best way to contact all the members that are actually thread members (this includes you) and to not bring in certain other people that are here. We talked about things and eventually decided to make a forum (which we did; won't post it here). We're starting it out on free forum software (phpbb3), and if it's active enough we're considering upgrading to Xenforo later on.

    Sorry we didn't alert anyone that wasn't around, but we got a big enough turnout that it happened anyway. also blame Rel for poor organization not me
  19. Relinies

    Relinies King Homestuck III

    Technically it wasn't a secret, but we're trying to keep it out of this thread and on the group chat for an obvious reason
  20. I am sleep.
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