August 5th - Mission Prototyping

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. gameboytj

    gameboytj Ketchup Robot

    Oh is that why im always spawning in a dungeon?
    May I give my two cents?
    The dungeon is way too hard for me. Can you make it a tad easier? mostly the platforming and the monsters.... I cant heal I have no way to heal. and the platforming like like Mario Lost Levels hard. I can't really handle such a difficulty spike. If it had check points I would forgive the difficulty. Also, if I finish the dungeon segment, would we be able to go outside and farm resources like in the stable version? I am just giving my two cents, please don't bash on me.
  2. Durin Duranbah

    Durin Duranbah Orbital Explorer

    As I stated in my comment I think farming is bugged at the moment. So wait on the next update and hope it is fixed.
    For the starting in the dungeon, I think they just made it that you spawn in one so they could test it easier (not look for a planet with a dungeon all the time). But I don't think they will have you starting in a dungeon in the finished game.

    *Edit After a new normal character and many deaths I completed the dungeon and think its awesome^^
  3. TheLoneGamer

    TheLoneGamer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Any chance that the bosses will be fought in a dungeon? It would be a lot harder to cheese them in that case and could even lead to some interesting bosses that can actually manipulate the environment. Also, will these mission dungeons be “set pieces” that can be randomized in a way similar to the other dungeon types? At least this way players wouldn’t know completely what to expect upon entering a dungeon including how to solve the puzzles inside.

    I’m pretty sure spawning in a dungeon is just for testing and not something that’ll happen later on. The news post made mention of being able to go in prepared and I can’t see the developers just throwing you in a dungeon with no armor, your horrible starting sword, and ten torches. Should we come across these type of dungeons like the other types, we would be so much more prepared to handle it like having better weapons (including a ranged one), actual armor, healing items, a lot more torches, and basically everything else that would make the current difficult more manageable.

    Getting through the dungeon as it is in the nighty build with a permadeath character? For me, that’s a challenge denied, but no doubt someone will do something like that. I suppose it might not be all that hard if you get a weapon with a projectile from one of the mini boss drops.
  4. Drakearth

    Drakearth Phantasmal Quasar

    There was no arguing about changing the release date. There is no release date. You forum people seem to latch on to "If you haven't done this then you cant judge this" when it becomes too difficult to debate. What may be hard to you might be quite easy to someone else.

    Ohh they can change their plans, either in the alpha stage where it belongs or after release.

    Keep your cookies they seem to have a form of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, only it controls human brains.
    There is no such thing as useless posts.
  5. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    The good news is: it's a development test dungeon -- it's allowed to be hard, as long as it uses all sorts of different gimmicks.

    The bad news is: there is no bad news, except maybe "this dungeon may disappear forever." Cos it's a test dungeon.
  6. Durin Duranbah

    Durin Duranbah Orbital Explorer

    I don't think this dungeon is too hard at all, even with a permadeath character. Provided I can craft T1 equipment, a bow and bandages first I think it is managable. You get Weapon drops from first mini bosses that help you along too. In one run I got poison weapon, fire weapon, and ranged axe (you know one that shoots something in addition to hitting).

    The jump puzzles are easy imo.
  7. Kittani

    Kittani Void-Bound Voyager

    Why am I suddenly reminded of the disappearing reappearing block platforms in Mega Man???
    TheLoneGamer, Durin Duranbah and Kawa like this.
  8. Durin Duranbah

    Durin Duranbah Orbital Explorer

    Those were the days^^ everybody should stop complaining about difficulty ;)

    *Edit: if Armagon replies with "Good Idea, lets do that" I'm gonna kill myself :facepalm:
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
    TeepoDarkwing and R_C_A^ like this.
  9. TheLoneGamer

    TheLoneGamer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That’s the thing; you won’t have any armor, bow, or bandages. Even if you break the background tiles to escape, you still wouldn't be able to chop down a tree to get the wood needed. In fact, I don’t think there is any way to heal if you go through it as is. I already mentioned the weapon drops from mini bosses. I think a big part of it comes down to what the RNG decides to throw at you in terms of monsters and if the mini bosses feel like dropping anything worthwhile. I was lucky enough to get a Watersword on my first run, not that it saved me from dying a few more times… :(
    TeepoDarkwing likes this.
  10. gameboytj

    gameboytj Ketchup Robot

    well true. However to be honest, I was never expecting to start in a test dungeon when I switched to the nightly build ^^;
  11. Mulotuz

    Mulotuz Void-Bound Voyager

    hey hey why dont you make missions mean especially for a team of players even coop puzzles and stuff!!!!
  12. Hazmat

    Hazmat Weight of the Sky

    Because what happens if you come upon said quest in singleplayer? Or when no-one else is on the server?
  13. TeepoDarkwing

    TeepoDarkwing Void-Bound Voyager

    I agree with the idea of playing a game that is much closer to the basic idea that was in conception. If they can why not avoid a remake or constant updates later on to fix the game. I am in no rush to play the finished project since I am enjoying being a part of the process with the creators. I think this allows us the chance to help them with our views and then they can make a game for and with the community and our ideas.
  14. TeepoDarkwing

    TeepoDarkwing Void-Bound Voyager

    I had the same feeling about when I started the dungeon as well I liked the platform timing jumps and such right off the bat and really enjoyed the whole dungeon, especially how the effects worked. I was reminded a bit of Megaman from back in the day and it was fond memories. I don't really think players should be able to bypass challenges in a dungeon though... it cheapens the game that way. I think that players who don't want the challenge should be able to just avoid the dungeon then entirely, since the idea of a dungeon has always been challenge and adventure for riches and fame. If you don't want the challenge or adventure then just avoid doing the dungeon entirely. It sounded to me that the devs were trying to make a way for people to advance through the game in many ways already anyways, so that more than likely would be how they are going to handle it.
  15. TeepoDarkwing

    TeepoDarkwing Void-Bound Voyager

    Actually, I think check points might be a good idea for the difficult dungeons myself. This dungeon seems to be a test dungeon though so you will more than likely have more items when they implement these style of dungeons into the game more fully. I am sorry you were having difficulties with it and if I can help since I finished it I would offer any I can. I just don't want to say any spoilers for people on this thread since people might want to figure it out on their own.
  16. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    I had a hell of a time getting this right in Terraria. Glad to know it's much more doable here.
  17. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Well, I for one found the dungeon justifiably unbalanced but fun. Excellent puzzle concepts.
    TeepoDarkwing likes this.
  18. Morsus98

    Morsus98 Industrial Terraformer

    "so we can gauge precisely how many polished missions we could create in time for 1.0"
    Does this mean there is an internal date set for launch of 1.0? That sounds... unsettling to say the least.
    Hazmat likes this.
  19. kratos873

    kratos873 Starship Captain

    would be nice multiplayer/co-op difficulty dungeons in my opinion
  20. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    I don't think so. A rough idea of when they should be set for 1.0 is important. And 1.0 itself doesn't mean they will stop making content.

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