Homestuck Clan Thread: 8^y (where y=8)

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Starstucks Clan, Jul 23, 2014.

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  1. Relinies

    Relinies King Homestuck III

  2. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff


    8:54 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: now for EoE
    8:54 PM - elusiveTranscendent: what even HAPPENED
    8:54 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: YES
    8:54 PM - elusiveTranscendent: okay
    8:54 PM - elusiveTranscendent: here we go
    8:55 PM - elusiveTranscendent: huh
    8:55 PM - elusiveTranscendent: only 46 minutes
    8:55 PM - elusiveTranscendent: wow
    8:55 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: what
    8:55 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: no
    8:55 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: EoE is 1:30
    8:55 PM - elusiveTranscendent: HMMMMMMMM
    8:55 PM - elusiveTranscendent: welp
    8:55 PM - elusiveTranscendent: gimme
    8:55 PM - elusiveTranscendent: a
    8:55 PM - elusiveTranscendent: link??
    8:55 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: lost it
    8:57 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: pestering person who gave me link i used to watch NGE
    8:57 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: but they are away
    8:57 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: ::(
    8:57 PM - elusiveTranscendent: ughghhhghhghg
    8:57 PM - elusiveTranscendent: wait i think
    8:57 PM - elusiveTranscendent: i found one
    8:58 PM - elusiveTranscendent: it's split into three videos tho
    8:58 PM - elusiveTranscendent: lel
    8:58 PM - elusiveTranscendent: wait what
    8:58 PM - elusiveTranscendent: Sega worked on this?
    8:58 PM - elusiveTranscendent: .__.
    8:58 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: yep
    8:58 PM - elusiveTranscendent: oooookay
    8:58 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: Also, yeah, one I watched was split into 3 vids
    8:58 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: 30 minute sections
    8:58 PM - elusiveTranscendent: yup
    8:59 PM - elusiveTranscendent: okay
    8:59 PM - elusiveTranscendent: here we gooooooooo
    9:00 PM - elusiveTranscendent: Asuka is in the hospital
    9:00 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: oh boy this scene
    9:00 PM - elusiveTranscendent: wake uppppp
    9:00 PM - elusiveTranscendent: shinji don't DO THAT
    9:00 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: wait are you watching sub or dub
    9:00 PM - elusiveTranscendent: She's GONNA DIE
    9:00 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: ahahahahahhah
    9:00 PM - elusiveTranscendent: sub
    9:00 PM - elusiveTranscendent: SHINJI ARE OYU FUCKING STUPID
    9:00 PM - elusiveTranscendent: DOn'T DO THAT TO DYING PEOPLE
    9:00 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: you will lov what happens
    9:00 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU IDIOT
    9:00 PM - elusiveTranscendent: YOU DON'T FUCKING TOUCH
    9:01 PM - elusiveTranscendent: PEOPLE
    9:01 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WHO ARE
    9:01 PM - elusiveTranscendent: LIKE
    9:01 PM - elusiveTranscendent: YOU DONT DO THAT
    9:01 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: *Eyebrow waggling begins at a horribly high velocity*
    9:01 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WAIT WHAT THE FUCK
    9:01 PM - elusiveTranscendent: IS HE
    9:01 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH MY FUCK
    9:01 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: YES
    9:01 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: HE DID
    9:01 PM - elusiveTranscendent: HE FAPPED
    9:01 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: YEP
    9:01 PM - elusiveTranscendent: SHINJI
    9:01 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: WELCOME TO EOE
    9:01 PM - elusiveTranscendent: YOU ARE SO FUCKED UP
    9:01 PM - elusiveTranscendent: HE EVEN SAID IT HIMSELF
    9:02 PM - elusiveTranscendent: The Instrumentatlity Project
    9:02 PM - elusiveTranscendent: turns people into one person
    9:02 PM - elusiveTranscendent: so they use
    9:02 PM - elusiveTranscendent: the Eva
    9:03 PM - elusiveTranscendent: oh look rei
    9:05 PM - elusiveTranscendent: wait what's HAPPENING
    9:05 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: yes
    9:05 PM - elusiveTranscendent: They're trying to hack Magi? .-.
    9:05 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: yes
    9:05 PM - elusiveTranscendent: oh nooo
    9:08 PM - elusiveTranscendent: why are they suddenly being assholes
    9:08 PM - elusiveTranscendent: to
    9:08 PM - elusiveTranscendent: tokoyo 3
    9:08 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: yes
    9:08 PM - elusiveTranscendent: just y
    9:09 PM - elusiveTranscendent: oh shit some guy got killed on screen
    9:09 PM - elusiveTranscendent: oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
    9:09 PM - elusiveTranscendent: they be getting invaded
    9:10 PM - elusiveTranscendent: oh no rei is missing
    9:11 PM - elusiveTranscendent: what is this
    9:12 PM - elusiveTranscendent: ookay then
    9:12 PM - elusiveTranscendent: Shinji YOU FUCK
    9:12 PM - elusiveTranscendent: GET IN THE MECH
    9:12 PM - elusiveTranscendent: Why are they even invading
    9:13 PM - elusiveTranscendent: just y tho
    9:13 PM - elusiveTranscendent: this is pretty fucking brutal
    9:13 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: yes it is
    9:14 PM - elusiveTranscendent: why is shinji
    9:14 PM - elusiveTranscendent: just there
    9:14 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: because he's a fucking wuss
    9:15 PM - elusiveTranscendent: ah crap nooooooooooooooo
    9:15 PM - elusiveTranscendent: our friends in the control CENTER
    9:15 PM - elusiveTranscendent: rei is in the central dogma
    9:15 PM - elusiveTranscendent: okay
    9:16 PM - elusiveTranscendent: Shinji is gonna die
    9:17 PM - elusiveTranscendent: oh crap misato
    9:17 PM - elusiveTranscendent: I liked the first ending better
    9:17 PM - elusiveTranscendent: this is scaryyy
    9:17 PM - elusiveTranscendent: :c
    9:17 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: ::D
    9:18 PM - elusiveTranscendent: did they just use a fucking BOMB
    9:19 PM - elusiveTranscendent: y tho
    9:18 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: yep
    9:18 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: welcome to EoE
    9:19 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: land of the "What the fuck"
    9:19 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WHY DO THEY WANT THIRD IMPACT
    9:19 PM - elusiveTranscendent: :I
    9:21 PM - elusiveTranscendent: i thought
    9:21 PM - elusiveTranscendent: conventional
    9:21 PM - elusiveTranscendent: shit
    9:21 PM - elusiveTranscendent: didnt work
    9:22 PM - elusiveTranscendent: wait
    9:22 PM - elusiveTranscendent: is the Eva talking to
    9:22 PM - elusiveTranscendent: Asuka?
    9:23 PM - elusiveTranscendent: aww shiettttttt
    9:23 PM - elusiveTranscendent: the EVA
    9:23 PM - elusiveTranscendent: ALSO CROSSES
    9:23 PM - elusiveTranscendent: shiet son
    9:23 PM - elusiveTranscendent: Asuka is KICKING ASS
    9:23 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: yeah
    9:24 PM - elusiveTranscendent: yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    9:24 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: yo
    9:24 PM - elusiveTranscendent: oh no the cable
    9:25 PM - elusiveTranscendent: :I
    9:25 PM - elusiveTranscendent: THEY HAVE
    9:25 PM - elusiveTranscendent: EVAS
    9:25 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: Yeeeeeeeeep
    9:26 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OPPP
    9:26 PM - elusiveTranscendent: pls nerf
    9:26 PM - elusiveTranscendent: asuka pls
    9:27 PM - elusiveTranscendent: SHINJI
    9:27 PM - elusiveTranscendent: COME
    9:27 PM - elusiveTranscendent: FUCKING
    9:27 PM - elusiveTranscendent: ON
    9:27 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WHAT HAPPENED
    9:27 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: HE IS A PUSSY
    9:27 PM - elusiveTranscendent: KIDNA
    9:27 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: HE IS A WUSS
    9:27 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH SHIT ASUKA OWNED ONE
    9:27 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: ASUKA OWNED MANY
    9:27 PM - elusiveTranscendent: STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF IT
    9:28 PM - elusiveTranscendent: HURRY UP SHINJI
    9:28 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH SHIT
    9:28 PM - elusiveTranscendent: MISATO GOT INJURED
    9:29 PM - elusiveTranscendent: NO
    9:29 PM - elusiveTranscendent: STOP WITH THE ANGST
    9:29 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND
    9:29 PM - elusiveTranscendent: GET IN THE ROBOT
    9:29 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: GET IN THE FUCKING ROBOT
    9:31 PM - elusiveTranscendent: :C
    9:32 PM - elusiveTranscendent: misato
    9:32 PM - elusiveTranscendent: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
    9:32 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: The first death
    9:32 PM - elusiveTranscendent: FUCK
    9:32 PM - elusiveTranscendent: Pen Pen better not die
    9:32 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND THERE GOES ASUKA
    9:33 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OWNING
    9:33 PM - elusiveTranscendent: to ORCHESTGRAL MUSIC
    9:33 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: Yep
    9:33 PM - elusiveTranscendent: holy shit since when did asuka get that good at piloting
    9:34 PM - elusiveTranscendent: hurray adam
    9:34 PM - elusiveTranscendent: wait
    9:34 PM - elusiveTranscendent: I STILL DONT NO HER NAME
    9:34 PM - elusiveTranscendent: SCIENTIST LADY
    9:34 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: GG
    9:35 PM - elusiveTranscendent: *KNOW
    9:35 PM - elusiveTranscendent: SHUSH
    9:35 PM - elusiveTranscendent: SHE HAS A GUN
    9:35 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND THEN
    9:35 PM - elusiveTranscendent: SHE DIED
    9:35 PM - elusiveTranscendent: RITSUKO
    9:36 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH MY FUCK
    9:36 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: hehehe
    9:36 PM - elusiveTranscendent: come
    9:36 PM - elusiveTranscendent: the
    9:36 PM - elusiveTranscendent: fuck
    9:36 PM - elusiveTranscendent: on
    9:36 PM - elusiveTranscendent: Shinji
    9:36 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: Get in the goddamn mech
    9:36 PM - elusiveTranscendent: Asuka is running out of POWER
    9:37 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH NO THE LANCE
    9:37 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OF
    9:37 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND SHE RAN OUT OF POWER
    9:37 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WHAT THE FUCK
    9:37 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH NO THE BAD EVAS ARE STILL ALIVE
    9:37 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: Enjoy what you ar about to see
    9:38 PM - elusiveTranscendent: nononononononononoononononnnononononononono
    9:38 PM - elusiveTranscendent: ASUKA
    9:38 PM - elusiveTranscendent: NO
    9:38 PM - elusiveTranscendent: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
    9:38 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH MY FUCK
    9:38 PM - elusiveTranscendent: THAT'S
    9:38 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: Yes, suffer more, it makes me happy to see this sorrow ::D
    9:38 PM - elusiveTranscendent: BRUTAL AS FUCK
    9:38 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH WAIT EVA 2 IS GETTING UP
    9:39 PM - elusiveTranscendent: ASUKA IS DETERMINED TO KILL THEM
    9:39 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: oh yes those little, tiny glimmer of hope.
    9:39 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND THEN SHE DIED
    9:39 PM - elusiveTranscendent: FUCK
    9:39 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: it' amazing when they get horribly crushed and destroyed ::D
    9:39 PM - elusiveTranscendent: THAT'S
    9:39 PM - elusiveTranscendent: FUCKING
    9:39 PM - elusiveTranscendent: TERRIBLE
    9:39 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: Welcome to EoE, eT.
    9:39 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH GOD
    9:39 PM - elusiveTranscendent: THEY EVEN SHOWED HER ARM GET SPLIT IN HALF
    9:39 PM - elusiveTranscendent: BEFORE SHE DIED
    9:39 PM - elusiveTranscendent: FUCK
    9:40 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND THEN UNIT 01
    9:40 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AWOKE
    9:40 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH SHIT
    9:40 PM - elusiveTranscendent: IS THAT THE THING IN THE OPENING
    9:40 PM - elusiveTranscendent: YA KNOW HOW WE SEE HOW IT HAS
    9:40 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: Yes
    9:40 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WINGS
    9:40 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND SHIT SHINJI IS PISSSSSSSSSSSSSSED
    9:41 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OKAY FIRST HALF DONE
    9:41 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH SHIT WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO REI
    9:41 PM - elusiveTranscendent: HER ARM JUST FELL OFF
    9:42 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND THEN HE CUPS HER BREAST
    9:42 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND NOW HIS HAND IS IN HER
    9:42 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OKAY
    9:42 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: i love how you're just capslocking forever now
    9:42 PM - elusiveTranscendent: NOW BACK TO PISSED OFF SHINJI
    9:42 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: then again it's the only appropriate thing to do
    9:42 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: You cool with me putting this on the forums?
    9:42 PM - elusiveTranscendent: yeah sure
    9:42 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: yay
    9:43 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH SHIT THE LANCE IS IT COMING BACK???????????
    9:43 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WHY IS SEELE BEING AN ASSHOLE THO
    9:43 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: because seele is ass
    9:44 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH NO SHINJI IS BEING CRUCIFIED
    9:44 PM - elusiveTranscendent: UH OH STUFF IS HAPPENING
    9:44 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: gainax ending man
    9:44 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: gainax ending
    9:44 PM - elusiveTranscendent: IS THIS IT
    9:44 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: you're about to ehksperience it
    9:45 PM - elusiveTranscendent: THE THIRD IMPACT
    9:45 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AW SHIET
    9:45 PM - elusiveTranscendent: DAYUMMMMMMM
    9:45 PM - elusiveTranscendent: THAT IS ONE
    9:45 PM - elusiveTranscendent: BIG
    9:45 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH SNAP IT'S AN EYE
    9:46 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: yes. yes yes yes. this is when EoE gets really, really weird.
    9:46 PM - elusiveTranscendent: a FUCKING MOON
    9:46 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH SHIT REI'S BELLY BUTTON
    9:46 PM - elusiveTranscendent: ATE
    9:46 PM - elusiveTranscendent: GENDO'S ARM
    9:46 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND SHE REGENED HERS
    9:47 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH NO SHE'S ASCENDING TO ADAM
    9:47 PM - elusiveTranscendent: YUM
    9:47 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: HOPE YOU ENJOY
    9:47 PM - elusiveTranscendent: SHE GOT EATEN
    9:47 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND NOW ADAM IS GETTING UP
    9:47 PM - elusiveTranscendent: but why tho
    9:47 PM - elusiveTranscendent: Did Gendo just die
    9:48 PM - elusiveTranscendent: oh wait no
    9:47 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: what do you think
    9:48 PM - elusiveTranscendent: it's mask just fell off
    9:48 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH SHIT IT'S A GIANT
    9:48 PM - elusiveTranscendent: REI
    9:48 PM - elusiveTranscendent: I GUESS GENDO DIED TOO
    9:49 PM - elusiveTranscendent: HERE COMES REI
    9:48 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: you tned to die when your head gets bitten off
    9:49 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND NOW SHINJI IS SCREAMING
    9:49 PM - elusiveTranscendent: wait what
    9:50 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH MY FUCK THEY'RE TURNING INTO REIs
    9:50 PM - elusiveTranscendent: SHINJI CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE
    9:50 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WAIT WHAT
    9:50 PM - elusiveTranscendent: KAORU
    9:51 PM - elusiveTranscendent: wait so is that the ship
    9:51 PM - elusiveTranscendent: Shinji x Kaoru
    9:51 PM - elusiveTranscendent: wwait what
    9:51 PM - elusiveTranscendent: EVA 1 IS NOW THE TREE OF LIFE
    9:51 PM - elusiveTranscendent: UMMM
    9:51 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WAIT
    9:51 PM - elusiveTranscendent: SO
    9:51 PM - elusiveTranscendent: IT ALL DEPENDS ON SHINJI
    9:52 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WHAT IS IT THAT SHINJI WISHES FOR
    9:52 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: BUMS
    9:52 PM - elusiveTranscendent: boobs
    9:52 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: y
    9:52 PM - elusiveTranscendent: IE
    9:52 PM - elusiveTranscendent: look at soul eater's manga ending
    9:52 PM - elusiveTranscendent: :I
    9:52 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH NO THIRD PART PLEASE WORK
    9:52 PM - elusiveTranscendent: D:
    9:52 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: PLEASE WORK FOR ET
    9:52 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: PART 3 IS
    9:52 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: WEIRD
    9:52 PM - elusiveTranscendent: THERE WE GO
    9:53 PM - elusiveTranscendent: okay now it's a swing?
    9:53 PM - elusiveTranscendent: shinji is playing cello
    9:53 PM - elusiveTranscendent: or something
    9:53 PM - elusiveTranscendent: it's like a flsh back??
    9:53 PM - elusiveTranscendent: .__.
    9:53 PM - elusiveTranscendent: with the grainy effect
    9:53 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WHAT THE FUCK
    9:53 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WHY DID THOSE CHILDREN HAVE FUCKED UP FACES
    9:53 PM - elusiveTranscendent: IT WAS LIKE FOR ONE SECOND BUT STILL
    9:53 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: ::D
    9:53 PM - elusiveTranscendent: Y THP
    9:54 PM - elusiveTranscendent: *THO
    9:54 PM - elusiveTranscendent: HE MADE
    9:54 PM - elusiveTranscendent: A PERFECT PYRAMID
    9:54 PM - elusiveTranscendent: HOW THE FUCK IS THAT POSSIBLE
    9:54 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND NOW HE'S DESTROYING IT
    9:54 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WHAT THE HELL SHINJI
    9:54 PM - elusiveTranscendent: YOU SHOULD BE AN ARCHITECT GOD DAMNNN
    9:54 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: YES
    9:55 PM - elusiveTranscendent: :I
    9:55 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OKAY SO HE'S STILL BEING A FUCKING CRY BABY
    9:55 PM - elusiveTranscendent: CAN SOMETHING HAPPEN
    9:55 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH LOOK IT'S ASUKA
    9:55 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WAIT
    9:55 PM - elusiveTranscendent: UGHHH YEAH TOTALLY TRIPPY
    9:55 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: yes
    9:55 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: gainax ending
    9:56 PM - elusiveTranscendent: I DON'T KNOW WHICH ONE IS MORE TRIPPY
    9:56 PM - elusiveTranscendent: THE OG ENDING
    9:56 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OR THIS
    9:56 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND NOW SEX SCENE
    9:57 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OKAY YUP TRIPPY
    9:58 PM - elusiveTranscendent: SHINJI IS ANGST ANGST ANGAST
    9:58 PM - elusiveTranscendent: ANGST
    9:59 PM - elusiveTranscendent: PATHETICCCCCCCCCCCC
    10:00 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WHAT THE FUCK HE'S HAVING A TEMPER TANTRUM
    9:59 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: SHINJI IS AN ANGSTY WIMPY ASS
    10:00 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND NOW HE'S MURDERING ASUKA
    10:00 PM - elusiveTranscendent: JUST YA KNOW
    10:00 PM - elusiveTranscendent: SQUEEZING HER NECK
    10:00 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: YEP
    10:00 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND NOW JAZZY MUSIC IS PLAYING?
    10:00 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WITH DRAWINGS
    10:00 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: yes
    10:01 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND NOW FLASHING IMAGES
    10:01 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND ENGLISH SINGING IN THE BACKGROUND
    10:01 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: "It all comes tumbling down*
    10:01 PM - elusiveTranscendent: GOD FUCKING DAMN SHINJI'S DARN SCREAMING
    10:02 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WHAT
    10:02 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: That describes NGE
    10:02 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: "What"
    10:02 PM - elusiveTranscendent: NOW THERE'S HUGE GIANT REI COMING OUT OF EARTH
    10:02 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND STILL WITH THIS HAPPY MUSIC
    10:03 PM - elusiveTranscendent: REIS
    10:03 PM - elusiveTranscendent: EVERYWHERE
    10:03 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND NOW THEY'RE EXPLODING
    10:03 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: YES
    10:03 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND NOW THEY'RE ALL BECOMING
    10:03 PM - elusiveTranscendent: ORANGE LIQUID
    10:04 PM - elusiveTranscendent: THINGS
    10:03 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: yes
    10:04 PM - elusiveTranscendent: NOW GENDO
    10:04 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OBBY HES GONNA DIE
    10:04 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: yes.
    10:05 PM - elusiveTranscendent: NOW THE EVAS ARE KILLING THEMSELVES
    10:05 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WITH WEIRD FACES
    10:05 PM - elusiveTranscendent: ALSO NOW SCREAMING
    10:05 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: Yes
    10:05 PM - elusiveTranscendent: THIS MUSIC THOUGH
    10:05 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: doesn't it sound like they're orgasaming
    10:05 PM - elusiveTranscendent: YEAH
    10:05 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: doesn't that make it even more fucked up
    10:06 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OH MY FUCK
    10:06 PM - elusiveTranscendent: THIRD EYE
    10:06 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND THEN THE CROSS THING
    10:06 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: FOREHEAD VAGINA
    10:06 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WENT IN
    10:06 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OHH THAT WAS A VAG?
    10:06 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OKAY
    10:06 PM - elusiveTranscendent: NOW SHINJI
    10:07 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND SEX NOISES TOO
    10:08 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WAIT WHAT
    10:08 PM - elusiveTranscendent: MOVIE THEATER?
    10:08 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND NOW FLASHING LIGHTS
    10:08 PM - elusiveTranscendent: ._______________________.
    10:08 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OKAY JUST TRIPPY TRANSITION
    10:08 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WAIT IS THAT REAL LIFE
    10:08 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WHY
    10:08 PM - elusiveTranscendent: BUT
    10:08 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WHY
    10:08 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: YES
    10:08 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: THIS IS A GAINAX ENDING
    10:09 PM - elusiveTranscendent: .-------------------------------------------------------.
    10:09 PM - elusiveTranscendent: This is really fucking weire
    10:09 PM - elusiveTranscendent: d
    10:09 PM - elusiveTranscendent: even more weird than ep 25 and 26
    10:10 PM - elusiveTranscendent: wait is shinji dreaming...?
    10:10 PM - elusiveTranscendent: .____.
    10:10 PM - elusiveTranscendent: He dreams of real life? or
    10:10 PM - elusiveTranscendent: what
    10:10 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: yes
    10:11 PM - elusiveTranscendent: wait what happened to GIANT REI
    10:11 PM - elusiveTranscendent: THERE BE BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD
    10:11 PM - elusiveTranscendent: BUT WHY
    10:11 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: BECAUSE
    10:11 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: E
    10:11 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: O
    10:11 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: E
    10:12 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WAIT SHIT ARE SHINJI AND REI HAVING
    10:12 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WELL NO THEY"RE JUST NEKKED
    10:12 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND SHES ON TOP
    10:12 PM - elusiveTranscendent: THIS IS CONFUSING
    10:13 PM - elusiveTranscendent: HMMMMMM???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    10:13 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: The biggest lie in anime: "I understood Neon Genesis Evangelion's Ending."
    10:13 PM - elusiveTranscendent: YEA BOTH OF THESE ENDINGS
    10:13 PM - elusiveTranscendent: ARE
    10:13 PM - elusiveTranscendent: TRIPPY AS FUCK
    10:13 PM - elusiveTranscendent: BACK TO BIG REI
    10:14 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AYY THE EVA CAME OUT OF HER EYE
    10:14 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WAIT WHAT
    10:14 PM - elusiveTranscendent: NOW WHATS HAPPENING
    10:14 PM - elusiveTranscendent: EPIC MUSIC THOUGH
    10:14 PM - elusiveTranscendent: UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
    10:15 PM - elusiveTranscendent: UHH
    10:15 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OKAY NOW EVA IS DOING SOEMTHING
    10:16 PM - elusiveTranscendent: OKAY NOW ALL THE CROSSES ARE RISING
    10:16 PM - elusiveTranscendent: umm
    10:16 PM - elusiveTranscendent: what happened to shinji
    10:16 PM - elusiveTranscendent: and teh eva
    10:16 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: Yes
    10:17 PM - elusiveTranscendent: FADE TO BLACK
    10:17 PM - elusiveTranscendent: TEAR DROP
    10:17 PM - elusiveTranscendent: okay now he's
    10:18 PM - elusiveTranscendent: floating?
    10:18 PM - elusiveTranscendent: and now flash back
    10:18 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: yes
    10:18 PM - elusiveTranscendent: wait what
    10:18 PM - elusiveTranscendent: the fuck
    10:19 PM - elusiveTranscendent: uhm
    10:19 PM - elusiveTranscendent: so earth is all gunked up?
    10:19 PM - elusiveTranscendent: or what
    10:19 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: yes
    10:19 PM - elusiveTranscendent: and now shinji
    10:19 PM - elusiveTranscendent: and
    10:19 PM - elusiveTranscendent: asuka???????????
    10:20 PM - elusiveTranscendent: so
    10:20 PM - elusiveTranscendent: earth is gunked up
    10:20 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: yes
    10:20 PM - elusiveTranscendent: theres like the dead body of giant rei
    10:20 PM - elusiveTranscendent: there's a red line in the sky
    10:20 PM - elusiveTranscendent: curcified evas are around
    10:20 PM - elusiveTranscendent: wait what the fUCK
    10:20 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WHY IS HE STRANGLING HER
    10:20 PM - elusiveTranscendent: AND SHE'S STILL AIVE?
    10:20 PM - elusiveTranscendent: *ALIVE
    10:21 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WAIT WHAT
    10:21 PM - elusiveTranscendent: SHINJI WHAT ASUKA WHAAT
    10:21 PM - elusiveTranscendent: IS ASUKA DEAD?
    10:21 PM - elusiveTranscendent: DID SHINJI KILL HER
    10:21 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: ORANGES!
    10:21 PM - elusiveTranscendent: HE'S JUST CRYING
    10:21 PM - elusiveTranscendent: THERS LESS THAN TEN SECONDS LEFT
    10:21 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WHAT
    10:21 PM - elusiveTranscendent: HOW DISGUSTING
    10:21 PM - elusiveTranscendent: _fin
    10:21 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: And EoE ends.
    10:21 PM - elusiveTranscendent: WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK WAS THAT
    10:21 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: how did you like it
    10:22 PM - elusiveTranscendent: that was
    10:21 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: are you glad you watched it
    10:22 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: how much mental scarring
    10:22 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: how confused are you
    10:22 PM - elusiveTranscendent: mental scarring 0
    10:22 PM - elusiveTranscendent: confusion
    10:22 PM - elusiveTranscendent: probably will wear off after a few turns
    10:22 PM - elusiveTranscendent: not really scarring just...
    10:22 PM - elusiveTranscendent: confusing
    10:22 PM - Ehks-Zae-Rohn: Confused
    10:23 PM - elusiveTranscendent: eT hurt itself in confusion!
    10:23 PM - elusiveTranscendent: Now to look at the TV Tropes page
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
  3. Aeridan

    Aeridan Pangalactic Porcupine

    9:44 PM - Aeri: Holy fucking shit I gave Waluigi spaghetti and he fucking started breakdancing

    This is still probably the best thing I've ever posted in a steamlog
    thank mr skeltal
  4. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I got a Heaven Cracker and a Ceremonial Dagger on a run and those fucking flying bug things on the holy temple run ruined it for me
  5. Aeridan

    Aeridan Pangalactic Porcupine

    Edit: I also got a new phone today ayyy

    Wow I was supposed to hit edit not quote #rekt
  6. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I finished SAO a while ago
    watching Death Note
  7. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    watch nge
    feed me your reactions
  8. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    whats nge
  9. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    neon genesis evangelion
    go ask eT about it
  10. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    he said something about angels and mechs
    sounds eh
    edit: he told me to ask you about it
  11. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    giant mechs beat the shit out of giant monsters. the mechs are piloted by kids with lots of mental problems.
    and then end of evangelion happens and it all comes tumbling down.
  12. Ravenous Space Rat

    Ravenous Space Rat Cosmic Narwhal

    Already watched.
    Reaction is gone.
  13. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    sounds like Knights of Sidonia
    I'll watch it after I'm done with Death Note; on episode 14 atm
  14. Aeridan

    Aeridan Pangalactic Porcupine

    If you read any of this read the last paragraph
  15. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    Dunno about KoS so i can't confirm parallels.
  16. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  17. The bit about QTEs is gold.
  18. All in one?
  19. I saw them play that song live at concert

    It was awesome
  20. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    thank mr skeltal
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