Homestuck Clan Thread: Seven Deudly Acts

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Starstucks Clan, Jun 26, 2014.

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  1. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    I pray there's never a Padexin Era
  2. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

  3. nightclaw

    nightclaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    "And thus began the eighty-second Thread Era of Relinies!"
  4. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    Alright, I caught up. Night you guys
  5. Alucard I

    Alucard I King Homestuck I

    On the topic of "Where will you be when diarrhea strikes?" I would say that I nearly died. Ohh.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2014
  6. gallowsRenegade

    gallowsRenegade Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    Doctor Scrape [ME] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~

    Don't know why it wants two spoilers, but whatever.

    Andrew Hussie [AH] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~

    Oh my.

    This is, uncomfortable

    AH: Oh.

    I must appologise for your untimly demise.

    AH: Why are you here.

    AH: I didn't invite you.

    No, but I invited you.

    AH: This is my world, what are you talking about?

    I techically killed you. I'm afraid I have no idea what you are talking about.

    AH: No. Only Lord English has killed me. You can't kill me.

    True, but I was a catalyst for Lord English. You drew my exploding head so, wonderfully too.

    AH: God dammit.

    Andrew Hussie [AH] disconnected.
  7. elusiveTranscendent

    elusiveTranscendent Pangalactic Porcupine

    Arch-Mage Zandor and Padexin like this.
  8. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    Internet is gay, posting this from phone. Who knows when I'll have Internet again.
  9. Torang12

    Torang12 Phantasmal Quasar

    1v1 me Roxie's Internet
  10. elusiveTranscendent

    elusiveTranscendent Pangalactic Porcupine

    No items, Fox only, Final Destination.
  11. pyromancerLaurentius

    pyromancerLaurentius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Meanwhile Dave met Dirk and glory was had.

    timaeusTestified [TT] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~

    turntechGodhead [TG] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~

    TG: Yo

    TT: Sup

    TG: i have to ask

    TT: What?

    TG: are you as dope as they say

    TT: Doper.

    TG: thats some quality dope

    TT: Doper.

    timaeusTestified [TT] disconnected.

    timaeusTestified [TT] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~

    TT: Damn right.

    TG: i also heard you had Cal

    TT: I used to.

    TT: Lost track of him.

    TG: well i guess thats better than him creeping around you and shit

    TT: He's not that bad. He's always around when I need him.

    TG: i have to admit i never really liked Cal

    TT: Why is that?

    TG: dunno really

    TG: probably the way Bro used to use him as a weapon in our beatdowns

    TT: That guy sounds like an asshole.

    TG: apparently hes also you

    TG: so uh

    TT: Unfortunately.

    TT: But that makes you my Bro but he's dead.

    TT: So...

    TT: Don't die.

    TG: way to go I guess you got to make hella dough off of puppet porn and wear a hat on your head in my universe

    TG: gotcha

    TT: A hat, really?

    TG: yeah

    TT: And mess up my hair?

    TG: dude never took the thing off

    TT: Nah, fuck that.

    TG: not even in the shower

    TG: and i know because that thing is hella wet after every shower he takes

    TT: That's fuckin weird.

    TG: when i was younger i thoughe he like hid something under it

    TG: even thought he was bald for a while

    TT: His dildo collection

    TG: that would be a sick hat if you could hide like twelve dildos in it

    TT: If he's as dope as me

    TT: He could

    TG: im not sure i like your implication

    TT: Oh yeah?

    TG: yeah

    TG: also dude youre gonna want to make a better katana at some point

    TT: I could probably fit more dildos in my hat than he could.

    TT: Why?

    TG: because were going to fight condy

    TG: in all likelihood

    TT: Oh god not her

    TG: i mean shes already like posessed your friend right

    TT: Yeah.

    TT: And yours.

    TG: we p much have to kill her now cause shes got one of mine too now yeah

    TT: I hate this

    TG: what the friend posession or the psycho troll bitch

    TT: All of it

    TG: because honestly im getting tired of psycho bitches

    TT: Same.

    TG: more than im getting tired of the posession thing

    TG: because at least thats like kind of a twist?

    TT: Yeah, sort of.

    TG: i mean my adventure has been fucked by at least 3 psycho bitches so far

    TT: I just hate seeing Jane that way.

    TG: shits getting staler than the bread you used to stock in our apartment

    TG: and that shit probably had better hair than you

    TT: There was no bread in my apartment

    TT: Just swords and orange soda.

    TG: yeah trust me grimbark jade is no fun

    TT: We've got to fix them.

    TG: i lived off of pizza breakfast cereal and applejuice

    TG: but i think you win

    TT: You win in your situation. At least you had your bro.

    TG: because i actually had some kind of strange distant parental figure while you just got like a video or some shit

    TG: well i mean you win the shit sucks competition

    TG: but yeah now were in the shit together

    TG: gotta start fucking shit up for the long haul

    TT: Oh definitely.

    TG: also if you meet a psycho black dog with wings dont let him impale you with your own sword

    TT: I'm sorry what

    TG: you told me not to die

    TG: thats what happened to my bro

    TG: this game, man

    TT: Fuck this game.

    TT: It's not a game anymore.

    TG: pretty much

    TT: It never was.

    TG: nope it was just the universe being a massive fucking douche

    TG: before we blew it up that is

    TT: It created us so we could create the game so it could create the universe.

    TG: well

    TT: That's some trippy dippy shit.

    TG: a different universe

    TG: ive been lectured on this enough as it is

    TT: Me too.

    TT: Fucking Hal.

    TG: oh i forgot to mention that the psycho dog with wings has first guardian teleporty powers

    TG: wait was hal the troll sprite wearing your glasses

    TT: Oh what the hell

    TT: No

    TT: Well

    TT: Sort of

    TT: He's mixed with the sweaty troll guy

    TG: ah

    TG: prototyping shit

    TG: say no more

    TG: a past version of me is now like a part-crow ghost or something

    TT: That sounds kick ass.

    TG: he is pretty dope

    TG: not sure if he can top me or you but hes up there

    TT: ARquius is p great too.

    TG: aside from the muscle shit

    TG: just

    TG: what the actual fuck

    TT: What?

    TG: he didn't ask you to feel his muscles?

    TT: Oh he did.

    TG: thats like his customary troll greeting or something

    TT: That was weird.

    TG: its like ew dude no nobody wants to feel you flex your strange ghost bicep

    TT: Don't tell anyone

    TT: But I felt it.

    TT: Holy. Shit.

    TG: please tell me it was because he wouldnt shut up and not because you actually wanted to touch the muscles

    TT: Uh

    TT: Both?

    TG: fair enough

    TT: Curiosity, man.

    TT: I'm like the fuckin cat

    TG: so how hard were they then

    TG: like diamonds?

    TG: or just rock?

    TT: Harder

    TT: They were like

    TT: Diamonds on steroids

    TG: i mean we always get these geological comparisons and it's always just like "damn thats p hard"

    TT: I couldn't believe his skin was still like... on his muscles.

    TT: It was ridiculous.

    TG: what is he like that one pokemon

    TG: machogre or something

    TT: I have no idea.

    TG: me neither but i think john said its muscles split its skin or something metal like that

    TT: He's ripped as shit

    TT: like

    TT: I can't even.

    TG: OK so good to know

    TG: dont feel this dudes muscles if you want your brain fully intact

    TT: ((Brb for one second my cats are going insane.

    TG: ((KK))

    TT: ((I'm so sorry. ))

    TT: My mind is like soup

    TT: It was like pchoo motherfucker

    TG: Just fucking brain nuke muscles.

    TG: Great

    TT: Don't do it bro

    TG: have his guy just like sneak up and punch HIC in the face

    TT: Yes

    TT: Yes let's do that

    TG: we will win everything

    TG: oh wait hold on I just remembered

    TT: She'll implode and create a whole other universe

    TT: What?

    TG: all sprites can do a beam attack thingy

    TT: Oh shit

    TT: Yeah

    TT: So what if we got all the sprites to do that?

    TG: for example nannasprite shoots like a cookie laser thing

    TG: its not that powerful for most of them

    TT: Your guys' four and our three?

    TG: like hers couldnt kill an ogre

    TT: No but like if they all do it and combine it with all of us, we'd win right?

    TG: well i dunno

    TG: i mean HIC is just a massive bitch in general

    TT: Right.

    TG: but anyways i was just thinking

    TT: Hm?

    TG: what weird-ass thing would his beam be

    TG: im just hoping you dont say horse dong

    TT: ...

    TT: I hope not

    TG: because somehow i feel like that would fit

    TG: ok so you dont know either

    TG: cool

    TT: Probably something weird

    TG: tell him to get back to you on that

    TT: I really hope it's not horse dong

    TT: ...

    TT: He said it's horse dong

    TG: well since we both dont want it that means it has to FUCK

    TG: not sure how to pick up a conversation after that

    TT: Uh...

    TT: So tell me about yourself.

    TG: lets see

    TG: im fucking dope

    TG: lets just get that out there at the outset

    TT: I believe it.

    TG: i do some ironic comics like Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff

    TT: Oh shit

    TT: Dude that's you?

    TG: i had a blog but then i dumped it because people started trying to kowtow whenever i looked out my window

    TG: let me guess

    TG: you though i was actually that shitty

    TT: Nah dude

    TG: man those comics take less than 5 minutes

    TT: I love SBHJ

    TG: like if i actually tried i could probably become president

    TG: which apparently i killed the president in your wor;d

    TG: ((*world))

    TG: which is close enough i guess

    TT: Well

    TG: anyways what else

    TG: favorite food

    TG: pizza

    TG: favorite drink apple juice

    TG: aka the nectar of the gods

    TT: Ew

    TG: man you dont even know

    TG: cue piss joke

    TT: I was working on it

    TT: But they were all lame

    TT: Just like apple juice.

    TG: whoa

    TG: im not sure we can be friends anymore

    TT: We don't have to be friends.

    TT: We're brothers.

    TG: maybe this is why i punished you by forcing you to drink orange soda for all eternity

    TT: You punished me by dying

    TG: ouch

    TT: The orange soda was a joke.

    TT: You told me that I wasn't good enough

    TT: Then you left

    TT: And died.

    TG: yeah i know what he meant

    TG: you werent good enough for a suicide mission

    TG: ((also that's a bit non-canon there but I'm not gonna be a dick about it))

    TG: in other words hes like me

    TT: ((Sorry.))

    TT: Why is that

    TG: he decided you and people like you were more important than him

    TG: and that at the very least he could do was give the psycho alien bitch a last middle finger before she could hunt him down

    TT: If you say so.

    TG: i know im not a hero, otherwise i could have saved you in my universe

    TG: if i was a hero i would have killed HIC then

    TT: You are a hero.

    TT: You saved everyone from the Hilariocaust.

    TG: not gonna lie i have no idea what that is

    TG: also it kinda doesnt matter because the whole world got flooded?

    TT: Basically, two juggulo motherfucks took over the white house, fucking faygo instead of tap water it was ridiculous.

    TG: oh yeah

    TT: You fought them and killed them.

    TT: Saved those who were left.

    TG: Not gonna lie other me sounds awesome

    TT: He was

    TG: Also not gonna lie other you basically saved my ass for like half the session

    TT: You mean your bro?

    TG: yeah

    TT: How?

    TG: first he cuts a goddamn meteor in half

    TG: to buy me time

    TT: Jesus

    TG: then when we get into the medium he fought the, and I QUOTE, "universe destroying demon cancer"

    TG: for like half the day

    TT: ...

    TT: He sounds amazing.

    TG: only actually losing to save birdgost sprite me from when said dog demon cancer when he got first guardian teleport powers

    TG: And the best part is that this all ties back into psycho bitches and the dude controlling our current one

    TG: but thats boring exposition shit

    TT: What happens after we kill the batterwitch?

    TG: Well ideally we finish an amalgamation of our two sessions

    TG: our battlefield/skaia in your session since ours got royally fucked

    TG: also because you don't have time/space players

    TG: but pretty much everyone agrees psycho bitch's puppeteer is gonna step in to try to destroy creation

    TG: or something

    TG: i think i fell asleep during this part of the lecture

    TG: or maybe i started writing raps or somthing

    TG: no idea

    TT: So

    TT: Youre telling me that we're going to use the second battlefield

    TT: But for what?

    TG: Well its supposed to like house the new universe

    TG: kind of

    TT: But isn't that what the frog was for?

    TG: Look man I lost track of our plan back when it was "blow up the green sun"

    TG: because you know blowing up a sun would totally work

    TT: I can't believe you guys did that

    TG: well we didnt

    TG: we actually made the green sun

    TT: What

    TT: You know what don't tell me

    TT: I don't need another headache.

    TG: yeah once that made me go godtier i was just like

    TG: "fuck this im just going to say we got rused"

    TG: anyways sup with you

    TT: That's how you went godtier?

    TG: yeah

    TT: Well

    TG: got to fly out of a giant green sun like a coif-wearing douche

    TT: That's cool

    TG: Not when you get called condom hood for three years straight directly after

    TG: but yeah thats my story

    TG: youve already p much told me yours

    TT: At least you have real pants

    TG: can you not change pants?

    TG: Because I just took off the hood after a while

    TT: I don't have any other pants

    TG: I have no idea how to react to that

    TT: It's awful

    TT: They're not pants

    TG: because most people i know have at least 2 pairs of pants

    TT: They're not shorts

    TT: They're pantaloons

    TG: yeah i was gonna say

    TT: And my thighs are so chafed there's no skin left.

    TT: Just muscle and bone

    TG: that is disgusting

    TT: There's blood everywhere

    TG: like youre just a disgusting pantaloon zombie

    TT: My tights are no longer white

    TT: They're red

    TG: I would say do the godtier suicide thing

    TT: Tried it.

    TG: but im not sure thats worth some laundry and shit

    TT: Hurts like a bitch. Lost some memories too.

    TG: though i think john did it to try peanuts so whatever

    TG: ouch

    TT: Yeah

    TG: OK so first order of business when I see you I'm giving you actual pants.

    TT: Yes please.

    TG: also like vaseline or something

    TT: Yes

    TG: because thats straight-up nightmare shit

    TG: Also HOLD ON

    TT: Just don't pass out when you see it

    TT: Okay...

    TG: I just realized youd been condmened to orange soda forever

    TG: how do you know AJ is shit?

    TT: I was told

    TT: By outside sources.

    TG: was it anyone by the name of egbert or crocker

    TG: if so i have a few choice wrestling moves to show them

    TT: It was English

    TT: He told me

    TG: Fuck I forgot to mention him

    TG: can we just agree that everyone who has black hair has bad taste

    TG: or at least bad taste in movies

    TT: Yeah

    TT: Oh god

    TT: You have not suffered until you've sat through a three hour Avatar marathon.

    TT: Like it's a cool movie

    TT: But

    TT: Holy shit

    TG: how do you marathon one movie for three hours?

    TG: I mean i could do it beause time player but still

    TT: Deleted scenes, extras, watching it again with commentary

    TT: It was terrible.

    TG: ouch

    TT: I'm a heart player. I was ready to give myself a heart attack

    TG: I have managed to dodge actually having to watch movies with Egbert

    TG: but Jade has my unending pity

    TT: You lucky bastard

    TG: for the three years of con air and ghostbusters

    TG: that she has had to endure

    TT: Oh that poor girl

    TG: on the other hands

    TG: ((*hand))

    TG: trolls also have shit tase in movies

    TG: as evidenced by the face that their titles are all basically summaries of the movie

    TT: I've never really talked to any so I wouldn't know.

    TG: ((shit BRB, gotta brush my teeth))

    TT: ((Take your time, hon

    TG: ((And I am back, at least for a bit. Might be forced to abscond for real because bed and shit.))

    TT: ((It's alright. I understand. Do you have a tumblr?

    TG: (('Fraid not.))

    TT: ((Ah. Alright.

    TG: ((I do frequent a couple forums, but I doubt I'm such a great dave you'd follow me there for a chance to chill))

    TT: ((I think you're a great Dave.

    TG: ((Shall we continue for the last few minutes or so anyways?))

    TG: ((And thanks. You're a damn good dirk, too.))

    TT: ((Oh thank you. :] And sure let's continue

    TG: ((By any chance did you disconnect on a dave just before you started conversing with me?))

    TT: ((Um... I think? My memory is awful.

    TG: ((Because I managed to get instadumped by a dirk just before meeting you.))

    TG: ((Anyways.))

    TT: ((It wasn't a regular Dave

    TG: but yeah troll movies

    TG: not even once

    TG: ((oh nevermind then))

    TT: Are they really that bad?

    TG: if only because theyre mostly about blood caste based politics then yes

    TG: well either that or theyre exactly the same as human movies but everyones grey and has horns

    TT: Ew

    TG: but im more talking about the actual trolls ive met

    TG: one had a strange fascination for shitty romcoms

    TG: like he even admitted they were shitty

    TG: he like them anyways

    TT: I could understand that.

    TG: ((*likes))

    TG: and a different one had an infatuation with nic cage

    TG: which is less understandable

    TT: I hate that guy.

    TG: he just has that kind of face

    TG: the kind where you want to punch it until it stops looking like that

    TT: But it'll just get worse

    TT: Then a little better

    TT: Then gorgeous

    TT: Then worse than before.

    TG: what is this like the stages of squidwards face

    TG: from that one spongebob

    TT: Yes

    TG: if you dont know that episode of spongebob im going to have to go punch alternate universe me

    TG: somehow

    TG: like he wont even see me just he'll wake up having been punched in the face

    TT: Well

    TG: and there will be no trace

    TT: We didn't really have TV

    TT: But from what I've seen on the internet

    TT: I believe so

    TG: oh OK so you had youtube

    TG: which is better really

    TG: nevermind not going to go punch alternate me

    TT: Good

    TT: That would not be good.

    TG: anyways i gotta keep chasing these fucking dog-demons through this fucking forest and you have like the entirety of your session to fly through to get back

    TG: guess well be seeing each other later

    TT: Alright, I guess.

    TG: ((Yeah I gotta go bro.))

    TT: Good luck, man.

    TG: ((its been rad))

    TT: ((Alright. This was fun. Thank you!

    timaeusTestified [TT] disconnected.

    turntechGodhead [TG] disconnected.

    I just realized the BBCode button could be used to colorize my logs.
  12. elusiveTranscendent

    elusiveTranscendent Pangalactic Porcupine

    That was a nice read.
    Arch-Mage Zandor and Padexin like this.
  13. elusiveTranscendent

    elusiveTranscendent Pangalactic Porcupine

    Steam chats

    2:03 AM - xXxFriedAxolotlesxXx: I bet you can't even write fan fiction and are just using the fact that you dislike fried axolotles as an excuse omg

    2:33 AM - elusiveTranscendent | FISH.: It was a hot summer day. "Sheesh. I'm burning up..." Cyber groaned. "Cyber, you're literally a burning shell of gas." Rak pointed out. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever.." Cyber said, brushing Rak's comment off. "Want to get ice cream or something?" Rak shrugged. "Sure. I'd be up for it, I guess."
    2:35 AM - elusiveTranscendent | FISH.: The two walked over to their local ice cream shop. "So... you brought money, right?" Cyber asked, nudging Rak. "What? You're the one who wanted ice cream, dumbass. I'll see what I've got..." Rak dug around in his pockets for a bit, amassing $2.43. "I hope this is enough..." The two waited in line.
    2:40 AM - elusiveTranscendent | FISH.: The two eventually reached the front of the line. "Well... looks like one pint is $2.00..." Rak said under his breath. Drat. He really wanted some ice cream for himself. "What d'ya want?" The ice cream man asked with a burly voice. On his chest, you could see the name tag was labelled "Frank." Rak turned to Cyber. "What flavor do you want?"
    2:46 AM - elusiveTranscendent | FISH.: "Vanilla! I'd like vanilla! With sprinkles!" Cyber responded. His mouth would be watering if he had a face. "Alright." Rak turned to the ice cream man."One pint of vanilla with sprinkles, please." Rak hands the ice cream man two dollars. After a bit of waiting, the ice cream was given to Rak. The problem was... it wasn't in a bowl. It was in a large ice cream cone. "Here." Rak handed over the ice cream cone to Cyber. "Thanks!" Cyber enthusastically grabbed the ice cream cone. He stuck some of it to his face, his membrane beginning to wrap around it as the novakid consumed it. Rak turned away. It sure was hot... if only he could have some of that ice cream...
    2:48 AM - elusiveTranscendent | FISH.: "Uh... Cyber...?" Rak's face is a bit red. Cyber looks up from the cone. "What is it, Rak?" "C-could you maybe... share that ice cream cone with me? It's terribly hot and..." Rak begins to say. "Sure!" Cyber cuts him off.
    2:52 AM - elusiveTranscendent | FISH.: "Uh... so... how's this going to work?" Rak asks. Cyber shrugs. "Just dig in, I guess." He continues consuming the ice cream. Rak sheepishly moves to the opposite side of the cone and gives a tentative lick. "So.. good..." Before he knows it, Rak is eating a bit of ice cream himself. Rak gets so absorbed in eating the ice cream that when his tongue bumps into something warm, he jumps back in shock. He realizes that he had accidentally licked Cyber. "O-oh... sorry." Rak's blushing.
    2:57 AM - elusiveTranscendent | FISH.: Cyber is unfazed. "It's fine, Rak..." You can tell that he would be blushing if he had a face. "I-I have to admit... I kind of liked it..." Cyber continues. "O-oh?" Rak asks, his face is red. "Y-yeah..." Cyber unconciously steps toward Rak. "Cyber?" Rak looks into his brand. Cyber wordlessly puts his hands on Rak's shoulders and leans towards him.
    3:03 AM - elusiveTranscendent | FISH.: Rak closes his eyes, expecting a kiss, but he doesn't get one. Cyber looks down at the ground, his brand seems to be glowing a firey red... "I-I'm sorry, Rak. I'd hurt you if I did..." Rak frowns. "But Cyber..." "Darn my biology..." Cyber curses. "No, Cyber, it's okay..." Rak goes over and hugs Cyber. "Even if we can't kiss or anything like that... you're the light in my life." Cyber is a bit shocked. "R-really?" Rak gives Cyber a small peck on the side of his face, not near the brand. It produces a strange, warm feeling on his lips before he parts. "Yeah really..." /End
    3:04 AM - xXxFriedAxolotlesxXx: :l
    3:04 AM - xXxFriedAxolotlesxXx: 9/10 "It's ok" ~ign
    3:04 AM - Shooshy162: that was
    3:04 AM - Shooshy162: ghey
  14. Ikbenbeter

    Ikbenbeter Pangalactic Porcupine

    i still need to watch the newest 2 episodes of suits but hnnng free time
    on that topic, relinies scared me away the first time i joined thread by aggressively enter naming
    > still only 2 ppl replied
    you ungreedy bastards
  15. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    While I don't own it anymore, I already played the game through on XBox, and I wasn't about to take a copy if there were people who hadn't played who wanted to get theirs first.
    If only two people replied though I guess I can take a copy.
  16. Can I have one even if I'm just gonna gift it to someone else? :p
  17. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

  18. lumenLupus

    lumenLupus Guest

    @pyromancerLaurentius I can't reply to your post 'cause the last thred locked, but yeah. It depends, like yeah okay reading every single Rose log is probably a lot of effort just to roleplay one character, but maybe read over a few of the major ones. I RP Dave Strider a lot (Oh joy as if there aren't enough of those fucks out there) and it's often worth just rereading little bits, like for example taking note of the tinier details in Rose: Answer Dave

    TG: ok wait hold on why am i getting this stupid game for you
    TG: youre the one who should be wrist deep in puppet ass
    TT: What is the specific problem?
    TG: the problem is i am up to my goddamn neck in fucking puppet dong
    TT: You know you like the mannequin dick. Accept it.
    TG: i am enrobed in chafing, wriggling god fucking damned puppet pelvis
    TG: an obscenely long, coarse kermit cock is being dragged across my anguished face
    TT: Let's put this into perspective. You put up with the puppet prostate because you love it.
    TT: Also, coarse is a good word.
    (Note that Rose actually enjoys words and wordplay, as opposed to simply using long words. Making the time to state that coarse is a good word implies that she actually rather enjoys the sound of words and the connotations of them because even though coarse is not a particularly long word she still states enjoyment of it.)
    TG: you dont seem to harbor any sympathy for the fact that ive burrowed fuck deep into lively, fluffy muppet buttock
    TG: im whirling in the terrible cyclone at the epicenter of my own personal holocaust of twitching foam noses
    TG: its like a fucking apocalypse of perky proboscis here
    TG: like
    TG: the proboscalypse i guess
    (For example here would be a perfect place to note that Dave breaks lines moreso when he is agitated than when he is not. We see this again when Bro dies.)
    TT: Are you going to start rapping about this?
    TG: what no
    TG: no listen
    TT: Prong of flesh bereft of home
    TT: Found solace 'twixt a cleft of foam.
    TG: no oh jesus
    TT: Of apocalypse your thoughts eclipse
    TT: A painted pair of parted lips
    TT: That dare through kiss to stir the air
    TT: That teases tufts of orange hair.
    TT: And though faces flush in lovers' fits,
    TT: Hands snug in plush as gloves befit.
    TG: ok dickinson if you can shut your perfumey trap for a half second
    TG: this is serious
    TG: i am just saying
    TG: if i see one more soft bulbous bottom being like
    TG: kind of jutting out and impudent or whatever
    TG: im gonna fly off the handle
    TG: im gonna do some sort of acrobatic fucking PIROUETTE off the handle and win like a medal or some shit
    (Here we could note that Dave is actually rather uncomfortable with the whole male sexuality, like we already know he doesn't like smuppets, and hey no one can blame him, but there's something about the line "if i see one more soft bulbous bottom being like kind of jutting out and impudent or whatever im gonna fly off the handle" that suggests either an uncomfortableness with a submissive pose, which would make sense due to his upbringing leaving him feeling that weakness was something that couldn't be afforded, or possibly a complex with male sexuality in the first place, which again could link back to his upbringing seeing as his Father figure was effectively a male pornstar)
    TT: Then let's hope there will be a squishy derriere somewhere below the handle to break your fall.
    (We can note here then, that Rose is almost bordering on malicious in this last line, Dave has just told her how uncomfortable these things make him and she replies in turn by mocking him. It's quite possible to infer then that Rose gets rather snippy when she's annoyed, and she is because Dave's taking ages here and she needs to get her Server Player.

    Basically it's a lot of inference, what can we tell about the character that ain't said and how can we translate that into our own portrayal of them.
  19. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    Spacestation 13 logs

    Xenos have invaded!

    Context: Cargo Tech is getting arrested for marrying a alien queen

    Chaos Engine (AI) [145.9] states, "You bred with Queen"
    Tim Ebow (Cargo Technician) [145.9] exclaims, "HELP, I JUST GOT MARRIED!"
    Bicycle (Standard Cyborg) [145.9] states, "It is a happy moment for all of ush."
    River Reade (Scientist) [145.9] says, "WE ARE AT THE TIME OF ENLIGHTENMENT"
    Bicycle (Standard Cyborg) [145.9] states, "Us even."
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2014
  20. Warped Perspectiv

    Warped Perspectiv Pangalactic Porcupine

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