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Gindew's Home Wares [Deleted]

Discussion in 'Outdated Mods' started by Gindew, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. ThaOneDon

    ThaOneDon Parsec Taste Tester

    I think we can detect them better if we tested it all in server. I use that to test all mods in the modpack. So i start up a server and you know you can immideatly see what errors are there and what not before the game even starts.
    Gindew likes this.
  2. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    Good Idea, so it fills out the error log instead of starting the entire game up?
  3. ThaOneDon

    ThaOneDon Parsec Taste Tester

    Yeah, just the server part starts.
    Gindew likes this.
  4. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    Just an Idea...
    Po Spawner.gif
  5. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    Gindew updated Gindew's Furniture Mod with a new update entry:


    Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

  7. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    Next Update will be on Thrusday / Friday time becuase of the new Weekly Schedule. Already there is a few of changes. here is the current Changelog:
    - Added Red, Brown and Green Fabric
    - Changed Recipes of Clothes to new Fabrics
    - Added Green Dye

    These are all in the Knitting Bench, i don't know where this is going but i really like this idea. makes a change from doing Objects over and over again...
    crazygreggy likes this.
  8. ThaOneDon

    ThaOneDon Parsec Taste Tester

    Inside tea12.recipe
    { "item" : "teabag", "count" : 1 } should be in the "input" not "output" section just like with other tea recipes.
    Otherwise it causes this:
    Gindew likes this.
  9. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    Ohh... Only i would make that error. Fix in the next Update later this week.
  10. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    3.2.2 will introduce some new Dyes and Fabric colours, to further push on the Knitting stuff i have now.

    It will be released around Thursday-Friday time.
  11. crazygreggy

    crazygreggy Phantasmal Quasar

    Have you thought about making " Knitting Patterns " that unlock costumes or whatever like those randomly found scrolls of recipes that already exist in game ?
    Gindew likes this.
  12. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    I thought about Dungeons which have my Objects in them, but i have no idea how. :(
  13. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    Gindew updated Gindew's Furniture Mod with a new update entry:


    Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

  15. ThaOneDon

    ThaOneDon Parsec Taste Tester

    Really good work on the latest update. No errors for me except for having to rename few items. (most likely similarly named stuff in some other mod)

    Gindew likes this.
  16. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    Yay! a successful Update!

    I am guessing it might the Dyes or the Fabric?
  17. ThaOneDon

    ThaOneDon Parsec Taste Tester

    The same teacup1 and teapot1 as before.
    Gindew likes this.
  18. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    Next Update on Friday / Tomorow if i can. (aka the week schedule is out of the window!)

    - Greendye renamed Greendyes for compatability
    - Banners now require Dyes and Fabric to be made.
    - Needle now has better Shading
    - Added new Codex in Random Treasure Pools.
    - Removed Teacup1 and teapot1
    - Kept their recipes
  19. ThaOneDon

    ThaOneDon Parsec Taste Tester

    You should just rename them not remove. I renamed them Teacup8 Teapot8, then it works ok. Ofcourse scripts and recipes need to be fixed inside as well for this to work.:chucklefish:
  20. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    Teacup1 is the exact same one which is the base game, so i thought it would be easier just to keep the recipe. :)
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