Avali Clan Thread the Third

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by RyuujinZERO, Jun 13, 2014.

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  1. Surge

    Surge Phantasmal Quasar

    *puts on helmet and takes cover*
  2. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

  3. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    *is become hugged*
  4. Zeal Wyman

    Zeal Wyman Void-Bound Voyager

    All the hugs.

    *joins in while wearing protective suit*
  5. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    no your not silly *smiles and lets go*
  6. Surge

    Surge Phantasmal Quasar

    *excuses himself to go work on the Gemini system*
  7. Setsy

    Setsy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    *curls up and rolls around zhy hugglers*
  8. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    ack... agh... uhhh... ooo...
    *starts dry heaving*
  9. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    you ok? sorry about that
  10. Setsy

    Setsy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So I got this Rune ... with a socket slot to put another Rune in.
    ...Runeception much?

  11. 0deneb0

    0deneb0 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Is that Forge Quest?
    Setsy likes this.
  12. Setsy

    Setsy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  13. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Yeah... I think, wait...
    *quickly turns head to avoid vomiting on anyone*
  14. Surge

    Surge Phantasmal Quasar

    Some things in ME3 just make me grin like madman, like the "list of recent purchases by Zaeed Massani"
    Incendiary grenades (bulk purchase)
    Ammo (bulk purchase)
    Medi-gel (bulk purchase)
    Flamethrower fuel (bulk purchase)
    Armor plating
    Field rations
    Weapon repair kit
    Scotch whiskey (2 bottles)
    Rifle parts (discontinued series)

    Then again Zaeed was my favorite DLC in ME2, so I can make perfect sense of that list
  15. 0deneb0

    0deneb0 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Didn't think anyone here played it. *sets a shiny pocket Eevee on AEykzel's head* You get this
    Setsy likes this.
  16. OmniGeoff

    OmniGeoff Weight of the Sky

    *Doodles around and lifts off the paper, only to discover it's writing in the air...*
    ... Wat... :unsure:
    Intrebute and Setsy like this.
  17. Setsy

    Setsy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Tehehe! *pokes the Eevee with his tail*
    I'm pretty new to it, unfortunately ... but I've been wanting it for quite a time already :3~
    Wanna test a new character and aim it to be a full-supporter kind of mage
  18. Battle Bee

    Battle Bee Heliosphere

    Summer is getting hotter, and my fuzz isn't helping.
    *rubs own face with bandana*
  19. Setsy

    Setsy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    *pulls to plummage* |3
  20. 0deneb0

    0deneb0 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    WELL SPEAK UP *set's a shiney pocket Eevee on Bee's head*
    ...Wait size difference D:
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