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RELEASED Avali Race Mod, The second thread!

Discussion in 'Races' started by RyuujinZERO, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. DionZeromus

    DionZeromus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Awesome thanks! Been RPing with a friend/roommate of mine, who plays a Peglaci, and we were going with the idea that my Avali was hired on/recruited to help said Peglaci, but kept in regular contact (at least as regular as running around with a Peacekeeper can be!) with his pack via the Nexus.
  2. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    I'm guessing though that full cut off from the pack (damaged link to the nexus, or loss of the pack) would ever so slowly take it's toll on even the strongest. Human beings go nuts pretty quick from complete solitude (cabin fever), I'd imagine it could only get worse for Avali, especially when combined with grief.
  3. Lazurkri

    Lazurkri Star Wrangler

    Hey, 'twasn't me who said that!

    oh Ryuu, I'm more wondering about their resistance to sudden G-forces, like you'd experience in a aircraft, and how much they'd be able to lift in a Earth standard environment.

    Still wondering if, assuming they have our equivalent of a nasal system, if they'd be able to handle a Human comfortable Oxy-Nitro atmosphere if they used a cannula for breathing oxygen, or would a Oxy-Nitro atmosphere be actually toxic to them?

    But wouldn't the presence of another Sentient being help with the cabin fever? I mean, the Avali aren't a hive mind, so IF they are separated from their pack for whatever reason, so long as they are not truly "alone", (Like having another Sentient being around, or something to take their mind off of things), wouldn't they be able to cope with the separation?
    Last edited: May 3, 2014
  4. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Also, noticed how surprisingly well the feet of 2 avali line up when sleeping on properly spaced cushions.
    MrMadmanx2 likes this.
  5. ECC

    ECC Big Damn Hero

    D'awwww, look at them play with their feetsies. Littler adorable things, look at em!
    Marxon likes this.
  6. Battle Bee

    Battle Bee Heliosphere

    Wouldn't their claws go into eachothers' feet?
  7. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    If it wasn't for the migraine making it hard to even walk, I'd be getting off my phone, out of this dark room, and on the server to shake all the D'awwwws out of you.
    ECC likes this.
  8. ECC

    ECC Big Damn Hero

    Sept I am not on the server, I was making this:

    alll for you. Or rentek. God I hope they use my sprites.
  9. Intrebute

    Intrebute Pangalactic Porcupine

    Can this be a thing?
    An actual avali bonding thing?
    If not cuddling, then sleeping feet high-fivesthrees?
    Please let it be a thing. It's adorable.
  10. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Me and @Comito thought nothing of it at the time... Just 2 good friends catching a nap after running the smelters.
  11. Intrebute

    Intrebute Pangalactic Porcupine

    Nono I'm not asking if it is.
    I'm asking if it can be.
    For avali.
    In general.
    Like squeaky voices aaaaaaaaaa
  12. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Heh, whatever you say, we're all friends here.
  13. AlexanderTemple

    AlexanderTemple Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Quick question, would it be possible for an Avali to have been born and raised but subsequently abandoned once able to care for itself? I'm mostly wondering if an Avali can live without the communal necessities if raised without contact from others. Essentially being born and raised as a hermit, with little to no external contact until a later point in its life when said contact was no longer needed for the Avali to retain its sanity.

    Reason I'm asking is because I want to make an Avali, RP wise, which was born on a hostile planet, and its parents were killed leaving it to fend for itself, alone. Before eventually finding the ship which its parents used to arrive on the planet. Which at this point had been floating empty and in space, needed to be repaired, ETC ETC. :)
  14. Battle Bee

    Battle Bee Heliosphere

    Presumably. If the young Avali was abandoned immediately after birth and has no knowledge of what a pack is.
  15. Intrebute

    Intrebute Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm pretty sure that the whole pack structure thing they got going on is because it's hard-wired into them by this point.
    Y'know, evolution and all that.
    So my guess is that the avali would grow sad and miserable.
    And lunatic.
    The crazy is real.
  16. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Seems a bit far fetched the circumstances in which that could have arisen.

    If the parents were killed there'd been an automated alert which would have seen a rescue team come out. If the kid is still a baby, then it's VERY unlikely they'd survive (Imagine leaving a human toddler alone on a hostile planet by themselves), if the kid is older (puberty equivalent) they'd already have a pack.

    Even if we assume a toddler did, somehow, manage to survive for a decent length of time, and a rescue team was not alerted, then they'd have no way to operate their ship; if they have a nexus uplink, they'd have sooner or later (even if unintentionally) alerted the authorites prompting a rescue. If they lack nexus access they'd have no way to learn to fly their ship. If the lack of nexus access to due to them not having neural augmentation (Likely if they were seperated pre-puberty), then they would have no way to interface with the ship's neural uplink.

    Taking it to the extreme, and assuming the ship does in fact have manual controls available, no alert was sent, and the kid does not have a pack - yet survived to adulthood, and actually has some idea what a spaceship is... without formal education in astrophysics and space flight, they'd only crash and kill themselves anyway.

    And that's without even thinking about how a lone kid could figure out how to repair a damaged dropship with paperclips and bubblegum :p (Even bigger trick if it is, as you describe "drifting abandoned in space" given the presence of a transporter is not canon and will in due time be replaced)
    J_Mourne likes this.
  17. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    I love how you apply hard sci fi to more or less a space opera where it's basically made into a complete joke, and you actually do a good job somehow at it. (I mean for the love of Darwin every planet has macroscopic lifeforms!)
    Intrebute likes this.
  18. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Because I'm "that guy" who points out how daft half the stuff in Star Trek is purely for the sake of drama :p

    There's a difference between playing something for laughs (Something I want to get into the avali lore a bit more), and doing something that is just nonsense
  19. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    I'm applauding the fact you can actually pull it off no matter how hard it gets. It's a compliment man, just take it as one.
  20. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    So, finally working on that new tech I had planned for so long. I plan to make it a high end semi Avali themed mobility tech but I haven't ironed out the fine details on it even to the point of what to name it. @RyuujinZERO if you would be so kind as to give me some ideas on what kind of cutting edge mobility enhancing tech the Avali would have available, military, clandestine, scientific, prototype, or otherwise? (what I'm working on is very much more like a prototype than a massively fielded system though)
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