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RELEASED Avali Race Mod, The second thread!

Discussion in 'Races' started by RyuujinZERO, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. awareqwx

    awareqwx Cosmic Narwhal

    It's not a bug, it's just the avali version of an Ender Chest.
    Valiance30156 likes this.
  2. Kn4ck3br0d37

    Kn4ck3br0d37 Big Damn Hero

    First of all, love the new update. Really good work Ryu.

    Secondly, lore question:

    What is the official Avali ceremonial military headwear? All militaries on earth has some form of non-combat hat to signify if you are a soldier or an officer so do the Avali and if so, what is it?

    Military cap? Officer hat? Beret? American civil war style cowboy hat?

    Idea actually came from finidng a cowboy hat and scrolling through the dye options one of them really looks like the ones the yankees used to wear.

    Come to think of it I really liked the caps they had in ME3 where it had these two little sun blocker things sticking out from the cap itself. Example:

  3. J_Mourne

    J_Mourne Weight of the Sky

    I don't see why the Avali would necessarily follow Earth military traditions, particularly one as stupid as marking your officers as important targets. If they needed to mark officers somehow, I'd assume they'd do it through augmented reality so that the designation only shows up to the eyes of their own soldiers. Even off the battlefield, the Avali command chain doesn't seem regimented enough for such distinctions to be of enough value to merit a special hat.

    Also, keep in mind they fight as a highly-organized, well-trained, excellently-equipped guerrilla hit-and-run force and so have a significantly less-formal command chain. It seems probable to me that "command" simply falls to the most experienced pack in the immediate area, since a guerrilla force can't rely on fighting in highly-structured units like are popular with Earth's western armies. If that is indeed the case, then the simple answer is that they don't even have true officers; only certain individuals who are regularly given command because of exceptional skill at the role.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2014
  4. Sparrows

    Sparrows Pangalactic Porcupine

    Small bug with the Interlocking Door added last update that I don't believe has been reported: when the door's closed, if you stand next to it your character is shifted up a block as if standing on something. The bug's not present when the door is open, and as such doesn't stop you from going through the door, so it's not like the whole mod will be broken if it's not fixed immediately :p just something I noticed while building.

    Aside from that, mod's working great! :D

    Nevermind, bug has already been reported, disregard this post
  5. Kn4ck3br0d37

    Kn4ck3br0d37 Big Damn Hero

    Hmm a fair point, though I was thinking more of ceremonial usage. It's not like higher ranking individuals are running around in hats out on the battlefields of today, they wear kevlar helmets like everyone else. I'm just thinking for parades and such and for recognition. Avali may not be materialistic like the rest of us but I'm sure they appreciate being recognized for their skill/importance.
  6. J_Mourne

    J_Mourne Weight of the Sky

    I'd go with medals or insignia then, rather than hats. Maybe a special clasp for their cloaks or something.

    Hats just seem like too human of a tradition to me. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with them, just that they're usually bulky and impractical.
  7. Sparrows

    Sparrows Pangalactic Porcupine

    Plus, humans don't have to deal with four ears sticking out of their head, as well as feathers for hair.
  8. Kn4ck3br0d37

    Kn4ck3br0d37 Big Damn Hero

    Both very valid points. Clasps and medals are more practical I guess. My thought with the whole thing was that since they naturally have plumage and the whole purpose of the plumage is to be decorative I thought their logic would go something along the lines of "Decorative things go on your head!" Maybe it wouldn't be so much a hat as decorative "ear-covers" because they are highly visible and not as restrictive either. Although when it comes to decorative things practicality is hardly a primary concern.
  9. awareqwx

    awareqwx Cosmic Narwhal

    You also have to remember that the avali have poor eyesight outside of very close to directly in front of them, so something subtle like a clasp probably won't be as easy for them to pick out.
    This sounds like a better example for what it might be.
  10. Zeal

    Zeal Subatomic Cosmonaut

    A easy fix probably would to make the ones that are meant to have dungeon items and other items in them a separate instance while using the same model, and when the ones that are meant to have rewards in them are broken change the id to the player useable one... In theory.
  11. Davekazer

    Davekazer Void-Bound Voyager

    Sorry for the random question but, I can't seem to craft bread as my Avali character. I DID check my other characters and they could craft bread, it's only my Avali that can't. Is that just something that was missed during development, or is it a bug?

    Also my first mod ever and absolutely LOVING it :D
  12. Ruti

    Ruti Big Damn Hero

    Perhaps the decorative item produces some sort of subtle but distinctive sound? That would fit in well, although I don't know what that would look like.
  13. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    Bread is not a normal food for Avali, so they can't make it. you'll have to learn it by finding the recipe
  14. Sparrows

    Sparrows Pangalactic Porcupine

    On the bright side, I think I've figured out what causes the "invisible chest slots" issue on the medium-sized avali container.

    The .object file for avalicontainer1 contains the phrases "slotCount" : 24 and "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config". I've got an unpacked assets folder, so I checked out chest24.config. That config file is actually set up identically to chest16.config, which means any 24-slot container in-game may have 24 spaces for items, but it's only ever going to show 16 at once. Altering the chest24.config file to make sure everything's pointing where it should allows the avali cargo container to actually display all 24 of its item slots.

    This means, by the way, that it's technically an issue with the vanilla game, NOT with the avali mod. Everything on Ryuu's end is set up fine, it's the original game files that are busted. (I'm working on a fix for it right now; I just need to work out how to get the grid properly aligned.)
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2014
  15. Edgewalker_001

    Edgewalker_001 Big Damn Hero

    Otherwise I guess you get that weird UI crash that ruined my earlier save file.
    I should've known it wouldn't be that easy to make your own bigger storage cubes...
  16. Sparrows

    Sparrows Pangalactic Porcupine

    By "bigger", how big are we talking here? If you try to go over 64 slots, you need to make a new config file to match, or else the game doesn't know what to do and just crashes. Or so i'd assume, at least.
  17. BlackTigerz

    BlackTigerz Void-Bound Voyager

    Ohh the Avali mod so lovely
    but yet i thing we need some kind of defense turret,
    a little like this
    Hige dmg.
    Low fire rate.
    withe is the Normal look of it (maybe dye able)
    hang on the ceiling or sitting on the floor.

    just something i think will be great ^^
  18. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Just an update on the new settlement generation mechanics I'm introducing.

    Instead of having lots of random encounters on every planet (and hundreds of tombstones <.<), is now structured like this if all goes well.


    Tundra, Snow, Arctic biomes ONLY:
      • [Merge] Additional sub-biome: AvaliTundra
        • New Microdungeon class: AvaliCampEncounter
      • [Merge] Additional encounter-class: AvaliMiniEncounters
    So, first up, any tundra, snow or arctic type planet has a *chance* to have a sub-biome of the avalitundra class. This is similar to the mushroompatch [Agaran] and eyeball [Eyeball cultist] sub-biomes, in that rather forming a singular close-knit city unit, you'll find Avali homes or facilities loosely distributed across the whole sub-biome. However it is NOT guaranteed that any given cold planet will have the avali sub-biome, only a chance (And, honestly it's not an especially high chance).

    In addition to the sub-biome chance, there is also an encounter class type. When a planet is generated, it tends to have a list of generic random encounters (ie, bandits), and another set of encounters from a pool, ie. "floran", "apex", "human". This is why if you find an avian house on a planet, there is a good chance you'll find another avian mini-encounter. This will give an additional chance of Avali random encounters. These would be distributed across the entirely planet, but very sparsely, these encounters could be found even if there is no avali sub-biome on the world.

    Finally, these encounters would be unique to cold-type worlds (no volcano-avali), and independant from major dungeons (ie. an avali colonised world, can still have a floran or USCM base)


    Finally I will be implementing a different way of handling NPC's that will be simpler for me (less dialogue lines) but also more immersive. instead of having "villagers" with a vast amount of lines, tailored to each species, and generic guards everywhere, I'll instead have a large varity of simplified citizens. ie. "technician" "householder", "logistics", "researcher". Instead of having race-specific dialogue, they will instead have a single batch of generic lines they use with all races that are directly relevant to them personally, ie. if you start badgering a researcher in a lab, he'll talk to you about the work he's doing. if you barge into someone's house and pester them, they'll be wondering what you're doing in his tent, and so on.

    This vastly cuts down on the number of lines, increases mod-race compatibility, and increases immersion by making dialogue relevant and meaning different characters may have different kits; ie. a hunter is unlikely to be helpless and stab you in the face with a lance whereas a tech may seek cover.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2014
  19. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    I like!
  20. Valiance30156

    Valiance30156 Big Damn Hero

    You know, this made me think of the concept art of the Avali hunter. Perhaps, instead of medals, they add some visual decoration to the armour relevant to their pack/ tribe? Like draping a cloth over a part of the armour [with an insignia/ banner on the cloth], or adding another 'segment' of armour as proof of skill? Just my two cents.

    It does sound a bit in-line with what's already been talked about, however.
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