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RELEASED Avali Race Mod, The second thread!

Discussion in 'Races' started by RyuujinZERO, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. thakyZ

    thakyZ Cosmic Narwhal

    You should try Paint.net its free...
  2. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    People on my server are reporting that if you place an avali door and remove it, a invisible wall replaces it that you can't remove or go through.

    You can get rid off it by putting blocks and removing them.

    Sorry if it has already been reported.

    Oh, seems like it was only pre-update doors.

  3. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    You might have forgotten to do this while you were scrambling about fixing stuff.

    Here's the post about the AvaliMerchants download.
  4. Ruti

    Ruti Big Damn Hero

    So, any instructions on where to place it? Mods folder, I presume? (I know you have to start a new Avali/delete their ship.. after installation)
  5. J_Mourne

    J_Mourne Weight of the Sky

    You're looking for the white and black door, correct? It's not grouped with the other door. Scroll through the list carefully.

    Huh. Went to try and find it for you, and now I don't see it either. Must've gotten lost during the rapid-fire bug fixes.
    Something else for the non-critical list, I suppose. The black-and-orange industrial door makes a cloth draping sound on open/close.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2014
  6. Starbound playa

    Starbound playa Pangalactic Porcupine

    New furniture update! Everybody says NOW THATS BLING! :rofl: awesome well wanna see my bling? its wasteland Bling

  7. awareqwx

    awareqwx Cosmic Narwhal

    Starbound playa likes this.
  8. Anonfox123

    Anonfox123 Pangalactic Porcupine

    replace contents of mod's ship folder
  9. capthavic

    capthavic Phantasmal Quasar

    There is a little bug/glitch i just found, when shift clicking items into the avali crate (the smaller 16 slot new one, not sure about the larger one as I didn't test it) if the crate is full and you try to send something to it the it destroys the item. Lost a few items that way, they weren't on the floor and were gone from inventory completely. Hope that helps.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2014
  10. J_Mourne

    J_Mourne Weight of the Sky

    Lore Question!

    Avali Tribes: How permanent are they? Are Avali born into a tribe more or less members for life, or do Avali packs join tribes that specialize in that pack's interests?

    Say for instance we have a pack interested in science that lives in a tribe dedicated to mining. Does this pack end up becoming miners anyway? Do they end up becoming "science-miners" (geologists), combining their love of research and science with their tribe's specialty in mining? Or is the pack free to leave their original tribe and join any other it pleases to pursue whatever field its members find most interesting?
  11. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    OOoooookay. Minor stuffs to report here. Mostly graphical bugs. Ran out of flyswatters.
    I. It seems equipment footlockers don't stack with ones from previous versions. Pixel-cost discrepency likely the cause.
    II. All spears are called "Unnamed Item". Not a big deal.
    III. May be a Starbound bug. When using directional spears in the up-facing-direction (eg. up-right when facing right), the back arm can be seen disconnecting from the rest of the body.
    IV. May be unfixable because of shield positioning. When using the soldier's shield emitter, the actual device appears to move from the hand to around the elbow. Not a big deal, again, more my mild-sort-of-not-quite-OCPD yelling at me.
    V. Might be intentional, might not be implemented yet, it's my first time using Avali spears so I don't know. They seem to use a basic attack "swoop", even the aerotech ones.

    ...That is all. Back to the other thread!
    Gyeh! I've seen some pretty bad stuff in Fallout... but what the hammock happened to that ghoul's face? (I mean, asides from the radiation and decay and probably a multitude of bullets)
    Starbound playa likes this.
  12. awareqwx

    awareqwx Cosmic Narwhal

    Tribes are essentially a group of packs that all fit into a specialization. For example, if you were a pack who specialized in computer programming, and they were currently in a tribe of scouts or explorers, they wouldn't be forced to be bad scouts who were good at programming. The avali use a meritocracy, remember, so rather than getting stuck in a job you're bad at, you can change to a tribe that specializes in an area you're more comfortable with.

    To quote your example, the pack might transfer over to a science tribe, but the same mining tribe they used to be a part of could recruit them to help determine where the best mineral veins are and such, for a number of reasons. But overall, they wouldn't be stuck as mining scientists.
    RyuujinZERO likes this.
  13. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    As Aware says, very plastic. Packs freely transfer between tribes, some packs that have useful transferable skills (ie. technicians) may move about quite a bit. "tribes" in the modern context are more akin to corporate villages, combining both a function, with a population centre/community.

    I. It seems equipment footlockers don't stack with ones from previous versions. Pixel-cost discrepency likely the cause.
    Quite a few things won't stack with old versions since the new versions have palette options now.

    II. All spears are called "Unnamed Item". Not a big deal.
    Oops forgot to fix that one, that was in last patch too.

    III. May be a Starbound bug. When using directional spears in the up-facing-direction (eg. up-right when facing right), the back arm can be seen disconnecting from the rest of the body.
    Same happens to vanilla races, going to wait to see what Chuckelfish does on their end first

    IV. May be unfixable because of shield positioning. When using the soldier's shield emitter, the actual device appears to move from the hand to around the elbow. Not a big deal, again, more my mild-sort-of-not-quite-OCPD yelling at me.
    You mean the arm-mounted generator that is strapped around your bicep? :p - Working as intended.

    V. Might be intentional, might not be implemented yet, it's my first time using Avali spears so I don't know. They seem to use a basic attack "swoop", even the aerotech ones.
    Ah yeah, bug - my bad

    Neither of the new craters are 16 slot.

    The Smaller large crate is 20 slot, the biggest is 64 slot. *goes test*
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2014
  14. Railgunner2160

    Railgunner2160 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    @RyuujinZERO, Do you have anything against me posting a homemade patch for the Moveable Containers mod so that avali container's keep what you put in them if you pick it up???

    (Just need to add a warning against dying the containers with stuff inside and I can post if you give the okay.....)
  15. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Seems like a great idea - if you link it I'll add it to the overview page too
  16. Railgunner2160

    Railgunner2160 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Last edited: Apr 26, 2014
  17. Starbound playa

    Starbound playa Pangalactic Porcupine

    well i blew it in the head with a riot shotgun with hand load shells and i paused time and shot then took a screenie
  18. DionZeromus

    DionZeromus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Not sure if I'm the first to spot this, but got a PGI requirement on the Plated Door.

    Recipe as shown in game:
    Circuit Board x1
    Perfectly Generic Item x6
  19. capthavic

    capthavic Phantasmal Quasar

    Okay i think I found the problem, the cargo crate is showing only 16 slots but it IS holding more than that. The only way to get the other items back is to break down the whole crate so it drops everything inside.

    Attached Files:

  20. DionZeromus

    DionZeromus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Also, as a note Ryuu, I wonder if it'd be possible for you to have the Avali able to make the Circuit Boards/Laser Diodes, since they have several recipes needing those. Only reason I ask is cause it's a right headache trying to find a USCM base, and hoping to the Oracle you get those to drop from the robot enemies present.
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