Welcome Metadept

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. SaitaM

    SaitaM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Congratulations on joining the team mate!

    And good luck on your future tasks!

    Keep up the great work Chucklefish!
    vanella, JoeBlk and Serenity like this.
  2. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    There was a joke, someone replied to joke, someone missed the joke and took it serious.
  3. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    Oh man I am excited for the mob changes, the previous ai tended to piss me off a bit, because it just kept spamming grapple or magic wind or whatever it uses, then the other monsters would swarm me. Now at least I can see which ones will try to do that, I think.
    Anyone else notice that he does seem to look bit like a err delivery guy.
    The one who rings your doorbell holding a package?

    Like a package with a new monster ai system in it and a few odd changes.
  4. Keito

    Keito Void-Bound Voyager

    A new member to the team! Let's hope starbound progress much better! I can't wait for more updates.
    vanella, JoeBlk and Serenity like this.
  5. Katzeus

    Katzeus Chucklefisherman Chucklefish

    Great addition!! Congratulations Metadept, looking forward to seeing those awesome planned changes!!
    vanella, JoeBlk and Serenity like this.
  6. [pixelmonster]

    [pixelmonster] Big Damn Hero

    Nice to meet you Metadept, look forward to seeing your work :D
    vanella, JoeBlk and Serenity like this.
  7. Adam05PL

    Adam05PL Pangalactic Porcupine

    Glad to see you in official starbound team =) Good kuck with everything! Stay awesome ^^
    JoeBlk and Serenity like this.
  8. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    What are you talking about it's like this never happened!!!
  9. Juxtor

    Juxtor Phantasmal Quasar

    This is awesome news.

    Starfoundry is my favorite mod as it adds elements that I believe are crucial in a game like Starbound. Granted, your addition to the team doesn't guarantee Starfoundry functionality will be incorporated into the main game, but it makes the possibility much greater!

    And your skills with scripting and lua functions applied to monster actions (and npcs too please!) Are going to go a long way towards making Starbound truly great!

    (Now who's that modder who makes those AWESOME mechs? He needs to be brought on board as well!)

    "That would be http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/authors/tshinzon.218827/"
    That's the very one!
    Thanks Darklight!
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2014
  10. [pixelmonster]

    [pixelmonster] Big Damn Hero

    OH MY!

    Check http://playstarbound.com/team/ Metadept is not there!
    You must fix this now chucklefish! Before the universe explodes... or something!

    EDIT: This has been fixed now... Phew!
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2014
  11. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    Or implodes, and the final elements form... a penguin.
    Serenity likes this.
  12. Malicante

    Malicante Phantasmal Quasar

    Congratulations, Metadept! Looking forward to what you can bring to the table for us modders, and normal players alike!
    JoeBlk and Serenity like this.
  13. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    That would be http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/authors/tshinzon.218827/
    Juxtor and Serenity like this.
  14. sleepy123

    sleepy123 Big Damn Hero

    Congratulations and welcome!
    Your mods are amazing so I can't wait to see more of your awesomeness in this game.
    JoeBlk and Serenity like this.
  15. Doctor Stein

    Doctor Stein Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hooray! More people to make Starbound even better =3. Welcome to the family Metadept!
    JoeBlk and Serenity like this.
  16. Darkyx_Phantomas

    Darkyx_Phantomas Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    As I say earlier, Congrats meta !

    Keep doing all the great job you're doing Chucklefish Team ! Your game is already great, and worth the money we gave ya !
    JoeBlk likes this.
  17. jimmyjack

    jimmyjack Phantasmal Quasar

    This is hands down one of the best modders out there at the moment , his starfoundry mod is amazing and should be in the game no question! I'm really looking foward to what he can do for the game and its future!
    JoeBlk likes this.
  18. FeCyrineu

    FeCyrineu Void-Bound Voyager

    Welcome to the team
    i hope you make starrbound beter
    JoeBlk likes this.
  19. Ponjkl

    Ponjkl Subatomic Cosmonaut

    good! i hope this will make easier for some mods to become part of the real game (like skyrails 2.0 or starfoundry, or a lot more)
    JoeBlk likes this.
  20. Welcome aboard, Metadept!
    JoeBlk and Serenity like this.

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