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MISSING DERRICK-need help finding certain creature

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Yzzey, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    Your descriptions are always fun to read.
    SirKaldar and Rayze Darr like this.
  2. Rayze Darr

    Rayze Darr Space Penguin Leader

    I won't lie, I'm definitely having a lot of fun roleplaying with this mission.
    SirKaldar and Yzzey like this.
  3. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    heheh, I can tell. It's really fun reading your posts, makes my day.
    SirKaldar and Rayze Darr like this.
  4. NotTheKGB

    NotTheKGB Subatomic Cosmonaut

    So I had decided to take it upon myself to find this creature. I have no experience with zoology, animal tracking, or the outdoors, nor any interest in any of that. However 1500 pixels sound really nice. So here is a log of my first attempt to find him... her... it.
    First off, I found some bipedal wildlife that appeared quite territorial and tried to kill me.

    Then I found this little hut and decided to see if the man (I think it was a man) knew of this species known as Derreck. He (or she) was rather impolite however s/he did usher me in the correct direction.

    I went to a volcanic planet in the same system and decided it was dangerous. So I brought a mech.
    I did not find Derreck and the local lifeforms were unfriendly. The weapon systems on the war machine proved themselves well. Then I got mauled by a pack of predatory animals and I woke up in my ship's medical bay.
    Things are fine, the mech survived. However, that nice Apex jacket I mentioned in my last post did not.

    Edit: Fixed some spelling errors.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2014
    SirKaldar, ggh325 and Yzzey like this.
  5. Rayze Darr

    Rayze Darr Space Penguin Leader

    Small update today. Good old Dr. Pongo is on a roll. And I quote:

    "Hmph. Think that Floran is so good at hunting? I've found the same number of Derricks without even actively searching. It's not about instinct, it's about following the signs, identifying patterns, and having an IQ higher than that of a flower petal."

    I'd like to reiterate: these are his words, not mine. I have plenty of friends who are Floran.

    Well, two.

    Yes, they've both tried to eat me on several occasions. I won't judge them for their culture.

    ... Anyway, the Derrick. Dr. Pongo stated that he found this aggressive species roaming in and around an Apex town that he was investigating. It seems as though this adaptive species has grown a bit of a taste for the local Apex, actively hunting any that it saw. To quote the good Doctor again...

    "It was quite a tragedy, really. A few good, hard-working Miniknog soldiers were right by that door when it accidentally got torn off of its hinges by a stray shot from an unknown Matter Manipulator. Luckily, the innocent civilians were all tucked away safely in their rooms, but let's just say that Big Ape's loyal, proud soldiers took a bit of a hit to their numbers. Truly a sad day."

    The Urban Igor Derrick

    Sector: Delta
    X: 81316741
    Y: 56072814
    Planet: Gamma Algorab Minoris II b
    Biome: Desert

  6. janusforbeare

    janusforbeare Phantasmal Quasar

    "So long, and thanks for all the fish."

    Determined. Together we will bring Derrick home!
    Omega 3 likes this.
  7. NotTheKGB

    NotTheKGB Subatomic Cosmonaut

    So my second (and maybe last) attempt almost got me killed. I went to a moon that was probably Hell. A dry desert world, hot, with areas of snow...
    It had odd rock formations.
    odd formation 1.jpg
    Including gaping holes and chasms I almost broke my legs falling into.
    odd formation 2.jpg
    The wildlife was hostile.
    I barely got off alive.
    I did however get a glimpse of a highly hostile subspecies of Derreck...
    blue derreck.jpg
    SirKaldar and Yzzey like this.
  8. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    yay progress!
    i manage to find one of derrick's fragments but i can give coords due to a modded universe file.
    also say hi to Scheu, she my little native kemono!
    SirKaldar and Yzzey like this.
  9. NotTheKGB

    NotTheKGB Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Modded universe? An extradementional derreck? That's where orange derrick is, another dimension.
  10. SnowFox1

    SnowFox1 Void-Bound Voyager

    i see everyonee still look for derrick
  11. SnowFox1

    SnowFox1 Void-Bound Voyager

    wait is this form the spacefox server and this is ghosthunter
  12. jonwb

    jonwb Aquatic Astronaut

    I shall find this Derreck and slay him, so that our souls can finally rest
  13. Oraiu

    Oraiu Cosmic Narwhal

    you heartless monster.
    i couldve sworn i saw derrick species recently,Sadly,I didnt know this existed..
    So i got no cords
  14. SnowFox1

    SnowFox1 Void-Bound Voyager

    nothing will stop us form look for him
  15. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    Yes its from the said server but im now baffled on who ghosthunter is.... i have legitimate registration for a char named Scheu on the spacefox server and why would i need to mooch off someone else to find a minor fragment of derrick...
    Im confused, sick, and cant even begin to comprehend that statement....
    nvm i just remembered who ghosthunter is, i meet her when hanging out with Minette at her pub/club... shes kinda isolative but i respect her space.
  16. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    Not if we find him first!
    *Hastens search*
  17. Rayze Darr

    Rayze Darr Space Penguin Leader

    At long last, I've done it... a Derrick on a moon! This also marks my... ninth Large Derrick. That's right folks, the very first Derrick I found was small, and the nine I've found since have been large. Oh the painful irony...

    This one was found by myself, but I'm sure my search party has been hard at work hunting for more. These blue, shelled Derricks attack by spitting what appears to be jets of water out of their mouths. That sounds familiar somehow... eh, I'll figure it out later. I think it's also worth noting that, like most of my other finds, they were located in pitch darkness, this time underground. Is this a preference thing for the species, perhaps?

    Also, further down I found a cape.


    I'm not sure I like how it matches my shirt so perfectly, though. I'll wear it for a few more expeditions and see how I like it.

    The Moonwalking Turtle Derrick

    Sector: X
    X: -82413047
    Y: -23891938
    Planet: X Vyrmyryl Majoris II e
    Biome: Moon

    SirKaldar, Hawk Novablast and Yzzey like this.
  18. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    ima try and do another search today...
  19. Oraiu

    Oraiu Cosmic Narwhal

    upload_2014-4-16_21-39-45.png |
    A large derrick,i have found!
    SirKaldar and Yzzey like this.
  20. RizzRustbolt

    RizzRustbolt Existential Complex

    I found an albino Derrick:
    Albino Derrick.png
    Or rather, it found me.
    SirKaldar and SugarShow like this.

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