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Outdated Avali Race Mod 0.12.4

The only fluffy nomadic space raptors!

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  1. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    I can't see them
  2. Shard of Sorrow

    Shard of Sorrow Pangalactic Porcupine

    Right click it and click "Copy URL" Then paste it into a new tab.
  3. Myifee

    Myifee Guest

    Because I fail at image posting. That, and my internet is not in agreement with me right now.
  4. Raieth

    Raieth Ketchup Robot

    it's a steam thing. I always just upload pics using the upload a file button.

    Like this:

    The new outfit converter for catalina!
    Silavor and Shard of Sorrow like this.
  5. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Well you can't hide Chateau Avalon in it, but It still looks sweet!
  6. Myifee

    Myifee Guest

    Odd. And that's very nice indeed.

    More techy stuff!
  7. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    I like them them both really
  8. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    still cute
    Marxon likes this.
  9. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    I just accidentally deleted that post, lol, so:

    And you thought that was the fun part? The fun part is I just realized I have to start my day in almost exactly 4 hours.
    Meanwhile, the morning after:
    [​IMG] Other questions worth asking, where did the two avali chicks come from, and how did a dragon's head trophy get into my room?
    0deneb0 likes this.
  10. J_Mourne

    J_Mourne Weight of the Sky

    I think he's mentioned that it's occasionally done. I don't think it's seen as very respectable though.
  11. Myifee

    Myifee Guest

    Thank you, though the second one is my primary character now. The first is on my broken laptop.
  12. Arcalane

    Arcalane Pangalactic Porcupine

    Shit like this, right here, is why this thread needs to slow down. People are gonna miss this stuff. :p
  13. Raieth

    Raieth Ketchup Robot

    Oh yeah, feather dyeing is common and not really a big deal. Same with hair feather styling. I can't find the post where Ryuu said that. Search fails me right now.

    I'll be adding more feather dyes in my mod after the next big Catalina Update. Working on the new consoles. ^.=.^

    edit: Including gender-bending, body, fluff, trim, and a few special dyes I'm gonna try and make work.
  14. Myifee

    Myifee Guest

    Something about heat making the feathers curl and such. Can't remember the specifics, or where it was located.
  15. Silavor

    Silavor Pangalactic Porcupine

    The wiki talks about styling head feathers with heat. I don't think it mentions dyeing feathers specifically, but I'm pretty sure it was brought up at least once in the past FOUR HUNDRED pages. :p

    So when do we officially break the server?
  16. Calabrese

    Calabrese Guest

    When this thread becomes bigger than the general bugs one.
    0deneb0 likes this.
  17. Raieth

    Raieth Ketchup Robot

    How big is that these days?
  18. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    You were not prepared!

    No, no I wasn't :S
  19. Calabrese

    Calabrese Guest

    607 pages. Actually, it grows a lot slower than this thread: page 600 was 20 days ago. I think we'll be well beyond that thread before May.

    Which is quite scary.
  20. Myifee

    Myifee Guest

    Aside from the random posts we seem to get... We're more active than bug reports.

    Seriously. We need either a subforum, or IRC dedicated to us.
    OssomSagax likes this.
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