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Outdated Avali Race Mod 0.12.4

The only fluffy nomadic space raptors!

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  1. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Aaaaaaand, bosh!
  2. Battle Bee

    Battle Bee Heliosphere

  3. 0deneb0

    0deneb0 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Not many more, considering this was the last one for page 399 :rofl:
    Edit: I think someone deleted a post
  4. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Welcome to page 400, you're late ;)
  5. Battle Bee

    Battle Bee Heliosphere

    I still achieved something!
  6. OssomSagax

    OssomSagax Cosmic Narwhal

    Happy page 400 Ryu! :D
  7. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Self referencing post? Crafty.
  8. 0deneb0

    0deneb0 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Dangit, I didn't get the memo
  9. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    I wish i could post the epic I'm seeing on my screen right now... i mean, i COULD but, I'm gonna wait til the epic piles up, and drown everyone in the wave of epic
    Marxon, Battle Bee and OssomSagax like this.
  10. Battle Bee

    Battle Bee Heliosphere

    To celebrate this mod's huge success, we should throw a virtual party!
    Honey mead's are on me!
    OssomSagax likes this.
  11. OssomSagax

    OssomSagax Cosmic Narwhal

    Barrels or kegs?
  12. 0deneb0

    0deneb0 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    You sure about that, there are a few people in this thread I'm scared to see even just tipsy, like myself :lickitung:
  13. Shard of Sorrow

    Shard of Sorrow Pangalactic Porcupine

    M-must.... hold back laughter... I'mtooeasilyamused.

    And now it's only 100 pages away from 500, where I think a new thread will have to be made.
  14. OssomSagax

    OssomSagax Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm still waiting on the new forum o:
  15. Myifee

    Myifee Guest

    That's what I'm afraid of looking forward to
  16. Battle Bee

    Battle Bee Heliosphere

    Whole spaceships!
    I totally understand. xD
    OssomSagax likes this.
  17. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova


    I'll leave you to read what you will into the numbers xD
  18. Icebelly

    Icebelly Weight of the Sky

    EDIT: Durr I'm an idiot. We've been in page 400 for a while now.
    Also regarding how many avali characters we have, I have two.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014
  19. Battle Bee

    Battle Bee Heliosphere

    I am starting to feel like we are going to have the population of a whole town soon.
  20. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    well it's obvious to see what race is number one, just from that...
    OssomSagax likes this.
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