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Outdated Avali Race Mod 0.12.4

The only fluffy nomadic space raptors!

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  1. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    I'd be happy to play with you. I am a strong RPer, helps that I am a writer.
  2. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    maybe we can play sometime. I want to try an in game RP, but I need the game first
  3. Mobius

    Mobius Big Damn Hero

    I would like to, but I'm not sure...considering I haven't RP in years and I forget certain things frequently(maybe I might still know a good amount).
  4. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    and I'd be happy to. we can do it anytime
  5. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    Personally, for stuff like this, I prefer In-game RP
    but since your parents are stingy we can't do that. Eh. I might be interested then, since you can't actually play the game...
  6. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    not yet at least. and even if I did, net connection might be bad. I am simple, but very creative and flexible.
  7. ProkhorVLG

    ProkhorVLG Existential Complex

    Apparently melee weapons will get secondary attacks. This might mean that we may be able to mod actual secondary fire modes for guns!
  8. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Did someone say "underslung grenade launcher"?
  9. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    not sure. I prefer Melee weapons over range ones
    Dolphinowl245 likes this.
  10. 0deneb0

    0deneb0 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Yes yes yes yes many yes such yes.... now that that's out of the way, this adds a lot of flexibility to what we can do in combat now. Even just adding a power shot that does more damage for more energy leads to a lot of interesting possibilities.
  11. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    I have quite a few ideas for melee weapons
  12. ProkhorVLG

    ProkhorVLG Existential Complex

    Tiy said that he is adding secondary attacks for melee, and that is all. Don't get over excited for something that might not happen, yo.
  13. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    we can still dream
  14. Mobius

    Mobius Big Damn Hero

    Until you get the game, message me on my profile(Yes, I don't have skype if you ask. Unless steam is fine?)

    This makes me think, even so it's not much into topic of this but Did the Avali experimented on their own shotgun and explosive weaponry(related to throwable grenades and launchers)?

    (You can ignore this question if this has been answered before)
  15. 0deneb0

    0deneb0 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Heck I'm excited for those alone, anything else is icing on the starbound cake
  16. J_Mourne

    J_Mourne Weight of the Sky

    Lucky. My only buddy bailed on me and Starbound in favor of Titanfall.

    So I created my own pack and backstory for them, one that belongs just to me and my personal identity disorders. That's a perfectly normal reaction, right?
  17. 0deneb0

    0deneb0 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Of course, now just stay here while I call the psych ward :rofl:
  18. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    perfectly normal.
    i mean, who wouldn't react that way?
  19. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Absolutely yes on explosives, their use of explosive weapons are more sophisticated than modern day humans (IFF-fused shaped charge cluster munitions, "smart" frag munitions, self propelled smart-mines...)
  20. MrMadmanx2

    MrMadmanx2 Cosmic Narwhal

    I have Steam, though I am not sure how to use it ^^;
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