Outpost Art

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    I kinda got the impression that we'd be able to. I hope so.
  2. dawg911

    dawg911 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Seriously? i always taught that this kind of games were made for people who loved to build stuff ... :whistle:
  3. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    bad. it is a word of opinion in this case. furthermore, i cannot speak for you, but i can dislike opinions you hold without changing my own opinion of you. you are not "bad" if you happen to like their "bad" concepts. it only means that to me, you have poor taste. nothing exiting about that, most people have bad taste, according to me.

    if you are going to dispute my points, i will rebut. there are no two ways around it. i will defend my opinion until i decide it is undefensible or i am shown a better opinion. also, you are wrong:

    underline emphasis mine.

    i can tell the implementation will not be what i want, have you not been reading the thread? they have explicitly stated that it will not be what i want.

    ok, now i know you werent reading.it's not just "because math", it is because the math breaks their lore. i mean, the story is so important that boss order has been stated to be immutable. if that is the case, why are they burning the house of lore they built with this thoughtless concept? you also seem to have missed the many, many suggestions i have made that would result in a more dynamic, fleshed out, game. what was the quote? "it's not about making choices, it's about making choices that matter".

    i dont count such mindless support as anything. c'mon now, you know a great many people would say "good job, i love it, i cant wait!" to anything posted. mindless support is just as harmful as mindless antagonism. i typically ignore all such posts. i have a suggestion for you, make a guide on how to leave positive feedback. and before you ask, yes, i also ignore mindless praise for my own project, of which i did manage to get a little bit.

    as to "hidden or revealed" - it is a new PLANET type, not a new settlement, and not a new biome. this means it is labeled as such on the starmap.

    as to "taking a step back", to late, i did so approximately three hours before you posted.
    Liktorn likes this.
  4. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    I'm sure Chucklefish is just trying to get everything right, oh master.
  5. Chronopolice

    Chronopolice Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This screenshot reminds me of the Starfoundry mod.
    Now I hope that they don't include xenomorphs in the game.
    pop-yotheweird likes this.
  6. Unendingfear

    Unendingfear Cosmic Narwhal

    I don't know if this has been addressed already or not, but will it be possible to get NPCS to colonize a non-outpost planet? I've started heavily terraforming one but I'd like to know if it'll never have full NPCS or renters or not.
  7. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    the language implies that you'll be convincing outpost residents to move into your built housing.
  8. Mikerlantz

    Mikerlantz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Okay cool but, OCEAN BIOMES?!?!
    Konsai and Kyasupah like this.
  9. PJRamaglia

    PJRamaglia Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Only Tiy is capable of being in 4 different places at once ;)
  10. Sese

    Sese Pangalactic Porcupine

    In this early BETA stage they are creating a new Planet type for:
    - you can find it easy (easier to find as new rare items)
    - you can test the quest system and the shopping system with many traders at once
    - they can implement changes easier because they only have to change one planet type

    Later on, if everything looks fine, they will "let them out", and randomly spice the universe with shopkeepers and quest-givers.
    If they don't do it, we will siege these outposts and free the traders!
  11. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    no other additions (other than new planet types) have gotten this stand out procedure, and it also clashes with tiy's statements on why CF does not provide a real changelog; because a changelog "would kill the mystery of exploration".
    Sartorius and Liktorn like this.
  12. Deathedge736

    Deathedge736 Giant Laser Beams

    that doesnt mean Sese is wrong tho. they may very well do those things. and they have changed the lore once or twice. This is not a finished product and as such nearly everything, including the lore, is subject to change by the developers.

    they already stated that the current progression system is temporary and only in place to make the game playable.
  13. Kyasupah

    Kyasupah Pangalactic Porcupine

    So damn keen for ocean biomes, why are they being neglected?!
    Sartorius and Mikerlantz like this.
  14. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    I told you already that Avian religion, with it's talk of the evils of technology (some Avian description), likely discourages space travel, and therefore, you can expect to find six billion devout Avians on their homeworld of Avos, more than enough to outweigh the various grounded villages you meet. Also note that the Glitch villagers you meet are part of the hivemind so outcasts are actually pretty rare.
  15. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    woah, really? I thought all those Glitch villages were said outcasts, and the Glitch Castles were of the hivemind.
  16. Deathedge736

    Deathedge736 Giant Laser Beams

    nope all are hiveminded. the faithfull avians do have ships. they are used by a specific caste of avian society. even with that most would remain on their homeworld.
  17. Aggravated

    Aggravated Aquatic Astronaut

    Hopefully we'll see them spring from being a settlement on a planet to being its own independent space station?
    Not a lot of space in Starbound. A bit disappointing in that regard so far.
  18. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    does that mean that all Glitch that have been encountered thus far are all connected to the Hivemind?
  19. Deathedge736

    Deathedge736 Giant Laser Beams

    yes. if in castle or village then yes. the demons in the oculomon biome are an exception(they are glitch but not part of outcast glitch either so idk bout them).
  20. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    nope, kluex labs and towers, as well as faithful individual settlers. mainline avian populations already exist, and by virtue of the number of planets in the game, outnumber a hypothetical avos population.

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