Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Psychicgammarays

    Psychicgammarays Subatomic Cosmonaut

    sadly this house no longer exists due to a patch/world wipe. but I LOVED this home.
  2. Mauzel

    Mauzel Void-Bound Voyager

    And I loved that roof tile, where'd to pilfer it?
  3. GOKOP

    GOKOP Big Damn Hero

    Cheats I think. ^^
  4. Trepsik

    Trepsik Zero Gravity Genie

    Private server base in the Delta sector. It is a large jungle planet featuring rain that pools and collects in addition to stardust. Mix of hostile and social animals, a few dungeons but no friendly settlements.

    The Big Picture

    Some close ups of my house

    Warp in zone, or Grand Central as it is coming to be called.



    The Medical Bay

    The Lab

    The Library

    The kitchen and cooks apartment. Grand dining area still under construction.

    Small section of the farm with seed vault
  5. Sonja

    Sonja Pangalactic Porcupine

    Wow, this is amazing!
  6. Sectrix

    Sectrix Phantasmal Quasar

    Aww, you didn't get the electronics lab, or Gary's, or mugwump. I guess that would have been a bit excessive though.
    Trepsik likes this.
  7. Konsai

    Konsai Title Not Found

    It's something I've posted elsewhere but it wasn't entirely complete at the time, so here's the original tower with adjacent guard towers and some sorta checkpoint for traders and general meeting place for guards stationed there. It was supposed to be the mere beginning of an entire town but I've got almost no time for Starbound anymore and the project seemed too ambitious to bother for now, so here it is.

  8. Trepsik

    Trepsik Zero Gravity Genie

    That is one heck of a threshold to cross into town, a shame you aren't able to finish it.
  9. ProkhorVLG

    ProkhorVLG Existential Complex

  10. Jety Lefr

    Jety Lefr Pangalactic Porcupine

    As for me, I have Six separate basements dedicated to holding all my dungeon trophies in chests and crates and what have I.
    My manor is still unfinished, but it does have a dressing room for my none surplus clothes, and other storage areas scattered where I find them most useful.
  11. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

  12. Jety Lefr

    Jety Lefr Pangalactic Porcupine

    Welp, I finally took the time to get this thing done. It took a few hours to get everything captured properly, but I'm satisfied enough... it's still not finished as you'll see, especially where my manor is concerned, and it's had a few overhauls (including the reduction of the orchard, since it used to be x5 bigger!!).
    There are several parts that need some materials I've run out of, but I do like it a lot.

    Left Half


    Right Half

    Sorry for the images.
    I couldn't find a site anywhere that could take the whole image, so I had to cut it in half, and even then they were automatically shrunken down for some reason. This site in particular won't accept even the halves at full size when I did manage to get the first half uploaded full size.

    In the future, I'll probably be tearing out more of the scaffolding [yes it's misspelled in the screenshot] to make room for something else + some other things...
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2014
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  13. MarcusDemonicus

    MarcusDemonicus Space Kumquat
    this may help you get a total view of your complex. just pick your "starbound" folder in the first field and then your planet coords in the second field.
  14. leper

    leper Master Chief

  15. lizabell

    lizabell Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    house.jpg still working on but almost done
    later im goin to make my city and people
  16. yellowsox0

    yellowsox0 Master Chief

    Oh i wish that i could build like this. Its simple but extremely hard for me. :catface:
  17. Trepsik

    Trepsik Zero Gravity Genie

  18. 7Vec7Zus

    7Vec7Zus Void-Bound Voyager

    Yellowsox0, you can build anything. Some have ideas in their head. Some just start putting shit together. You just gotta start creating something. From simple structures then just expand them. Goodluck and post a pic. I
  19. EarlGrey

    EarlGrey Big Damn Hero

    And if the first thing you build looks totally ugly? Be sure, that was the case for most of us. Just look at it, say what you didn't like and try again, until your dream house is complete. Sometimes it's a bit trial and error, sometimes good results come from improvisation due to the lack of specific building materials, etc.

    That's my manor at the moment:
    What you guys can't see are the plantations to the right and the dungeon and treasure room in the Mountain to the left, but they aren't really special.
  20. medjas

    medjas Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This is a house i built a while back im very proud of it :D

    Note that i later improved on this house greatly but i dont have the screenshots to show it :/
    Also id love to hear what you think!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 13, 2014
    Hawk Novablast likes this.

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