[STABLE] Content Updates & Bug Fixes!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Mar 3, 2014.


    ORUNITIA Space Hobo

    Lovely! Now.. how do I download the patch to then insert it into a server?
  2. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    gee man thanks! it worked, that Starreader thing is amazing.
    sad I'll have to remake all those mech techs but hey, beta and all.

    you have my love forever my friend.
    SweFox likes this.
  3. 1337phreak

    1337phreak Void-Bound Voyager

    The one thing I'm waiting for is server-sided inventory. A friend of mine figured out how to modify his ship to be editable and give himself items on my server, which kind of ruins the game.
  4. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Awesome, hope I find a treasure dungeon soon :p
  5. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    Either copy your clientfolder to your server or update with steamcmd.

    ORUNITIA Space Hobo

    Thank you! But how exactly do you do that? How do I find the exact location of the patch? (I Use Clanforge).
    I have googled for an hour now but has yet to find any good information about this.
  7. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    Oh, then you simply go to "mods" and click install. That will update your server!
  8. Ahh I'm being told that you need to have reached tier 4 for the Skyrail Crafting Table to show up as a recipe in the metalwork station. It requires durasteel, so that makes sense.

    ORUNITIA Space Hobo

    Thank you - but.. I need to find the patch to begin with :p Does anyone have it in .rar or something?
  10. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    No its automatic. Just click install and it will lock the panel and update.

    ORUNITIA Space Hobo

    No, It still tells me I need a link, or a file :/
  12. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    Duh, I was thinking of gameserver.com.. Sorry. I know Clanforge has an update button as well though. You cannot update manually on Clanforge, you can only add mods etc. Look around, there should be a button to search for updates.
  13. Insightfulbear

    Insightfulbear Space Hobo

    I'm working with Impervium at this point and i don't have the recipe either
  14. chean

    chean Pangalactic Porcupine

    You probably need to (make and) use the upgrade chip for tier 4 again, to "get" recipes added after your character used the chip the first time; I often have to do this after mod updates, it figures that it works the same when (later-tier) recipes have been added to the base game.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2014
  15. what is nice is that this stable update is invisible to admins on the unstable branch, love @mollygos and chucklefish
  16. odverb

    odverb Aquatic Astronaut

    Are the stable and unstable versions now identical?
  17. odverb

    odverb Aquatic Astronaut

    For characters already at tier four or above, if you re-apply your starmap upgrades and the durasteel upgrade you will be able to craft the skyrail crafting table from the metal working station. If you don't have spares you will have to craft new upgrades, but they won't be consumed when used.
    Kittails and mollygos like this.
  18. Hmm that's not ideal. I'll add a note to the front page though.
  19. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    It's that time again, folks!
    Here it is!
    Changes made between <February 22, 2014 at 12:38 AM Central Time> and <March 03, 2014 at 4:21 PM Central Time>

    ADDED : player.config got new tier 4 recipes related to the Skyrail revision.
          { "item" : "skyrailtable" },
          { "item" : "skyrailboost" },
          { "item" : "skyrailbreak" },
          { "item" : "skyrail_asc" },
          { "item" : "skyrail_desc" },
          { "item" : "skyrail_diodeL" },
          { "item" : "skyrail_diodeR" },
    CHANGED : assets.config got a change in the versioning method
    "version" : "Enraged Koala 20140228"
    was replaced with
    "version" : {
        "versionString" : "Beta v. Enraged Koala",
        "protocolVersion" : 639
    CHANGED : versions.config renamed to versioning.config
    CHANGED : Music files may have been packed. This might just be the result of using a different unpacking utility though.
    Animations appear
    ADDED : A new animation was added to animations/muzzleflash
    folder: "bloodvomitmuzzle", 3 files (.animation, .frames, .png)
    CHANGED : biomes/surface/arctic/arctic.surfacebiome had a weather change
        "weather" : [
            [0.7, "snow" ],
            [0.3, "clear" ]
            [0.2, "icestorm" ],
            [0.5, "snow" ],
            [0.3, "clear" ]
            [0.1, "glowingrain" ],
            [0.9, "clear" ]
            [0.03, "meteorshower" ],
            [0.97, "clear" ]
            [0.01, "largemeteor" ],
            [0.99, "clear" ]
            [1.0, "clear" ]
            [1.0, "clear" ]
            [1.0, "clear" ]
            [1.0, "clear" ]
            [1.0, "clear" ]
            [1.0, "clear" ]
    was replaced with
        "weather" : [
            [0.7, "snow" ],
            [0.3, "clear" ]
            [0.7, "snow" ],
            [0.3, "clear" ]
            [0.7, "snow" ],
            [0.3, "clear" ]
            [0.2, "icestorm" ],
            [0.5, "snow" ],
            [0.3, "clear" ]
            [0.1, "glowingrain" ],
            [0.9, "clear" ]
            [0.005, "meteorshower" ],
            [0.995, "clear" ]
            [0.001, "largemeteor" ],
            [0.999, "clear" ]
            [0.25, "hailstones" ],
            [0.25, "snow" ],
            [0.5, "clear" ]
            [1.0, "clear" ]
            [1.0, "clear" ]
            [1.0, "clear" ]
            [1.0, "clear" ]
            [1.0, "clear" ]
    In summary, Arctic biomes got a chance for the new hailstorm weather.
    CHANGED : Basically most of the biomes got weather sections replaced.
    asteroidfield.surfacebiome (technically asteroid fields got replaced with a .spacebiome so this one shouldn't be in use anyway)
    ocean.surfacebiome (you're not supposed to go here yet anyway but modders take notice)
    volcanic.surfacebiome (This is the one to watch out for.)
    CHANGED : forest.surfacebiome had an additional weather change
    The following section was added:
            [0.1, "rain" ],
            [0.05, "storm" ],
            [0.025, "hailstones" ],
            [0.125, "drizzle" ],
            [0.7, "clear" ]
    Yes, this means that you might get hailed on in your forest. Have fun!
    : forest.surfacebiome, grasslands.surfacebiome, jungle.surfacebiome, and savannah.surfacebiome also got two more copies of the first weather condition set. In fact, I think every .surfacebiome besides asteroidfield, ocean, magma, moon, and volcanic had either two duplicates of the first possibility added or two "clear" lines added. I do not understand the significance of this.
    CHANGED : snow.surfacebiome and tundra.surfacebiome got the new weather effect, yadda yadda.
            [0.25, "hailstones" ],
            [0.25, "snow" ],
            [0.5, "clear" ]
    CHANGED : biomes/underground/generic/bottom, all biomes in this folder (rock04layer, rock12layer, rock14layer, rock15layer, rock17layer) got a new microdungeon added to their permitted microdungeons list, "treasureroom".
    ADDED : Two new files were added to cinematics/
    added busy.png and busy.frames
    CHANGED : splash.cinematic got additions to define the "busy" animation.
    ADDED : New microdungeon added under dungeons/microdungeons/randomencounter
    folder: "treasureroom"
    NOTE: Amusingly, Despite two rooms being added (room 1/1a and room 2/2a), only one of these two rooms is defined in the dungeon file. Only variant 1/1a will ever be observed by players. Yo dawg, we heard you like unused stuff, so we put unused stuff in your unused stuff so you can-
    ADDED : New microdungeon added under dungeons/microdungeons/randomencounter/apex/
    agaranmedical.png/agaranmedicalobjects.png is a variant of the apex medical room that has been overtaken by agarans, put in by the lore writer as a plot twist (more like plot straight line)
    CHANGED : Associated changes were made to apexencounter.dungeon to accomodate the new "agaran" variant. Mostly added object definitions, though the apexmocksign had its color key changed for no obvious reason.
    Associated keywithgrid.png was changed. keywithgrid.png has no effect on gameplay whatsoever, and when I glanced over the files I found no differences, so I'm not exactly sure what was changed or why.
    Fun fact: I think one of the keywithgrid.png or key.png files somewhere in here contains an image of an older, larger version of the chain material.
    ADDED : items/ got a new folder
    folder: "skyrail/",
    ADDED : items/guns/randomgenerated got some new generated guns
    folders: "boneassault", "bonepistol", "boneshotgun", and associated .generatedgun data, as well as "bonenames.config"
    MODBREAKER : CHANGED : skyrailplatform.matitem was moved from items/materials/ to items/skyrail
    Mods that overwrote the skyrail material item will need to adjust to this new directory.
    MODBREAKER : CHANGED : under items/materials/, treasurehorde.matitem was renamed to treasurehoard.matitem, and the accompanying png files were also renamed likewise. Furthermore, the itemnames were changed accordingly, from "treasurehorde" to "treasurehoard".
    Mods that overwrote the treasure hoard material item or even mentioned the treasure hoard itemname will need to adjust to this rename.
    ADDED : Two new matitems were added to items/materials
    heavyironbars.matitem and .png, ruinsplatform.matitem and .png
    Fun fact: These point to material ids 275 and 300. The last one was Treasurehoard/horde, which pointed to 180. Spacing is an issue because materials are layered on top of one another based on which has the lower ID. Lower materials layer on top of higher ones. This is problematic because the first blank ID is number 39 or so, meaning no mod-based materials can layer in front of a few dozen vanilla materials, ever.
    ADDED : Six new matitems added to items/skyrail
    skyrail_asc, skyrail_desc, skyrail_diodel, skyrail_dioder, skyrail_boost, skyrailbreak, and accompanying pngs
    Fun fact: These new material items have IDs in the 400,000s. I don't know why.
    ADDED : Two new folders were added to objects/
    objects/hoard/ and objects/skyrail/
    objects/hoard contains barrelgoldfilled, devstatuegeorge, diamonddisplay, goldenpedestal, goldvase1, goldvase2, goldvase3, goldvase4, goldvase5, grail, mysteriouslight, safe, treasurechest, venusdepixel, woodencrategoldfilled. Each of these are one .object file accompanied by whatever other files are needed.
    skyrail/ just contains the skyrailtable object files, not even a subfolder.
    ADDED : Three new objects under objects/floran/
    floranpod1, floranpod2, floranpod3
    these are all related to the new agaranmedical microdungeon because for some reason the lore writer is trying to hype the agarans as part of a menace.
    ADDED : Bone Thorn projectile added under projectiles/guns/bullets/bonethorn/ and four associated files.
    ADDED : A folder was added to projectiles/explosions/
    Folder: "weatheringexplosion/"
    All it contains is a config file.
    ADDED : projectiles/weather got four new projectiles in their own folders, hailstone1 through hailstone4
    ADDED : recipes/level31/ got new recipes related to the skyrail table and the six new skyrail types. The skyrail table can only be crafted once you relearn the recipe by reusing the Delta Sector Starmap upgrade
    CHANGED : The skyrail now costs 1 durasteel bar per 3 skyrails to craft. It formerly required ten pixels on top of that. It also got moved to the new table.
    CHANGED : The skyrail tech chip now costs 10 durasteel bars and 1000 pixels. It used to cost 30 durasteel bars and 1000 pixels.
    CHANGED : Apex name generation got one new suffix, "nerfer". You may now see guys named things like "Helmnerfer" and "Donnerfer" and "Spiralnerfer" running around.
    CHANGED : Avian and Floran name generation also includes "nerfer" as a new suffix. The reasons for this are completely unclear.
    CHANGED : tech/skyrail/skyrail.tech and tech/skyrail/skyrail.lua both underwent some hefty revisions to accomodate the new rails and whatnot.
    MODBREAKER : CHANGED : tiles/materials/, treasurehorde.material and .png were renamed to treasurehorde.material and .png, and the drop item name was changed as well to match the typo fix.
    MODBREAKER : CHANGED :tiles/platforms/skyrailplatform.material and .png and skyraildiagonal.png were moved to tiles/skyrail
    ADDED : material heavyironbars was added to tiles/materials
    ADDED : platform ruinsplatform was added to tiles/platforms
    ADDED : materials were added for the six new skyrail platforms as mentioned above under tiles/skyrail/
    BUGFIX : CHANGED : default.treasurechests was altered such that the heckChest pool applies to both the heckchest AND the heckaltar. Previously the heckaltar would have no treasure because it was not included.
    MODBREAKER : BUGGED : CHANGED : default.treasurepools had the new items bonewingsback, bonehead, and the three bone guns added to the heck treasurepool.
    ATTENTION : This treasure pool is now EVEN MORE BUGGED than it already was! On top of the two existing invalid items in this treasure pool (Item with name "heartthrobbow" does not exist!, Item with name "heartstringsbow" is referred to as a generated gun when it is not a generated gun!), THEY MADE IT WORSE. Upon investigating cedarrapidsboy's post, I discovered that "bonehead" is not a valid item name . They were TRYING to add "goathead", which is the name for the goat skull hat. Fail.
    Note that they STILL have two invalid items in that treasurepool, there is no heartthrobbow and the heartstringsbow is not a generated gun as it is referred to in the treasurepool.
    ADDED : versioning/ got worldmetadata_2_3.lua, which is obviously a compatibility thing.
    ADDED : weather/ got a new folder, hailstones/, which obviously contains the hailstone weather data.
    ADDED : New goat skull hat added under items/armors/decorative/hats/goat/, four files.
    ADDED : New bone wings backitem added under items/armors/backitems/bonewings, three files.

    I may have missed some things, I still don't have the scripts working because I fail at linux forever and can't even figure out how to operate cygwin.
    This has been two hours of my life that I will never get back.
    You're welcome!
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2014
    Eradrann, Liktorn, Varixai and 9 others like this.
  20. Varixai

    Varixai Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Just got it. The exact item you need to re-craft and use is "Starmap Upgrade MK4"

    Edit: I see you now added about the same thing to the front page :whistle:. Uh, just confirming then that the issue was definitely fixed for me after using that. :D

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