22nd February

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Trepsik

    Trepsik Zero Gravity Genie

  2. Gothboy77

    Gothboy77 Industrial Terraformer

    I would like to see
    -Variety is the Spice of the Universe
    -Better Asteroid Fields Mod (with the old rusted ship chunks and whatnot)
    -Dungeoneering Dungeons
    -Bandit Camps

    Another good idea would to add a solid water moving mechanic in the game (example a bucket) rather than digging canals all over the place? Thanks and keep up the good work!

    If I think of any others that would be great by default, I'll add then here
  3. Colyeses

    Colyeses Void-Bound Voyager

    As someone else mentioned (And hopefully hundreds more), the Avali race. They look really awesome, I'd love to play as one!
  4. catmonkshiro

    catmonkshiro Phantasmal Quasar

    yeah admittedly i'm eager to see the dye system finally inputted... i wanna dye my armor and stuff :p
  5. Cyyn0

    Cyyn0 Void-Bound Voyager

    honestly i am not very happy this whole mod adding thing because if u want some mods u can do that dounloading them from mod sites? and its pretty easy too in this game. other point there is allways people too who enjoy their vanilla game and like to choose what mods they add or not for example if skyrim makers would have add all fans mods into game i probably havent buy it! this looks to me that designers are rather lazy to creating content on game and now count more to mods sorry but i get that picture of this :( and its not good at all
  6. Dzanian

    Dzanian Void-Bound Voyager

    mods for multiplayer gaming are the most important thing for me. The default starting planet for all is really important. This start planet will be resetted every 24 hours. But I would love to have mods which enable private planets which a small permission mod (owner can decide which players can build i.e.)

    I aggree regarding "too many mods is not good" I think the mods should based on the story, and that the gameplay will be as long as possible before u reach the sector x.
    on the other side, I have prepared a dedicated server with 8GB ram and 6 cpus. its running unopened currently, but I really need the whole thing server sided stored. it makes no sense that someone is joining with a complete equiped character to my server.
    All my backup universe directory and player directory perl scripts for controlling the server, crontab auto start and starbound process watchdog scripts are finished and waiting to be opened to the public ....

    the real fun of this game is to play in multiplayer ... I have two kids who also enjoy playing
  7. Cyyn0

    Cyyn0 Void-Bound Voyager

    yeah i hope they invest time for long story too recent one is way too short and feels like tutorial
    and after that game make u feel like you just wondering around whitout purpose
  8. Fiscor

    Fiscor Starship Captain

    Your Starbound Crew
    Pleaae please please PLEASE add your starbound crew!!!!
  9. molokof

    molokof Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    v6ooo likes this.
  10. Panaxiom

    Panaxiom Subatomic Cosmonaut

  11. NeroAngelo

    NeroAngelo Phantasmal Quasar

    Are all "quick" content patches gonna be ~500MB ? T_T *weeps from capped internet*
  12. Zeraxen Sar'athin

    Zeraxen Sar'athin Void-Bound Voyager

    They aren't lazy; they are simply asking for ideas on content that they can include, as has been mentioned many times by myself and others. They are not being lazy, they are getting ideas for things that players would like to see in the game, whether it be something interesting or cool, such as the dying of armor, or something practical and useful, like crops that grow whether you're on that planet or not or the ability to customize/upgrade your ship however you want. Also in case you hadn't noticed, they have plenty of plans on things to put into the game before it's released.
  13. Gantros

    Gantros Pangalactic Porcupine

    There is no mod for this one that I know of, but I'd like to see more survival modifiers on planets. For example, if you go to a planet with multiple stars, and therefore likely to have desert planets in the inner system, you run the risk of overheating during the day and freezing at night. Currently you can only freeze to death, not overheat. Also, I'd like to see some planets be orbitally locked with their star, meaning that they don't have a day/night cycle unless you run the length of the planet.
  14. Mint888

    Mint888 Big Damn Hero

    Fully customizable ship mod. Early access to this as building on planets is redundant for me and I think many others given the popularity of that mod. I like to explore and go to other planets, mine and pillage them and move on. I don't want to go back to my home base planet after that, I want my ship to be my home base. I want to be able to relax and build on my ship not worrying about the environment killing me or destroying my work. I want to be able to farm and organize/build yet still get up and go AFK without coming back to find everything destroyed. I then want to take it all with me as I go to a new solar system.

    Progression should not only allow larger ship but full customization.

    Great game so far, looking forward to more.
  15. Bantar

    Bantar Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi there,
    at first I'd like to say that I'am not sure if just tacking a mod into the game is the right way to go, the more as it is a commercial product that is there to give you and your hired stuff a way to keep your bills paid. I don't know how you made it in the past, how you came to a agree with Modders, be it the name in credits , some sort of compensation for they'r work or what else, at least i hope its they'r decision if the mod gets integrated into the game.

    even I don't like to see mods simply integrated, i'll use some of them for good examples in wich way the game could be improved further.

    what is this game about for me ? its mostly about exploration and progression from a start with no rescources, to a point where i can tackle every challenge the original game has to offer and probably create some new challenges of my own later on or maybe get bored and stop playing.

    What do Modds tackle in the first place ? they mod around or beyond limitations the game sets,or functions and things the players desire.

    So what i'd like to see is as much freedom as possible in the way i develop my skills and my enviroment, but also only through progression and work through different stages and based on some fundamental sensemaking rules in a scifi setting.

    here some examples of what i think could be improved and how. some of that is maybe allready covered from mods (honestly i haven't looked at all of them out there) some are inspired by some mods i use myself while playing.

    so where to start ?....okay THE START:

    i allways found it irritating that my ship is in best condition from start, it has bright glowing lights, a functional naviconsole, not to mention the power to support a beaming system and so on, on the other hand all it needs is me getting to the surface pick some coal, smash it in the fuelsystem and iam good to go hypertraveling to all planets in sector alpha.

    how about this approach ?
    my ship is a wreck, it can barely support the lifesystem and transporter, it has several hull breaches, the different sections i need to go to make some fixes are sealed with doors, wich only opens when i fix the hullbreach behind. so i do have the precious mattermanipulator to place objects at places i can't normaly reach and fix the hull that way, but i miss all the rescources i need for that. time to go to the planet and search for it.

    == so what i think the game should have in this case, is the ability to reconfigure and rebuild your ship in any form and shape based on some fundamental rules. Rules like: a complete hull for rooms that should contain atmosphere, reasonable materials to craft the hull from (no snow, sand, wood or the like), maybe some kind of progression in buildability aka: the bigger, the more energy, the more lifesupport; the faster you want it, the more engine technology you have to research and so on. but i come to that progression later again...

    Now we're on the surface of our starting planet:

    another point i find irritating is what i've got from the locker in my ship: a super hightech all purpose tool (chopping, mining, placing) then a medieval braodsword ? some tar-torches and (how convenient) some seeds i can grow. then the questline lets me invent the stone pickaxe to mine ores like iron with that ? would take probably ages to get any ore with a flintstone axe if any at all. we are in the future! why would i start to invent stuff from the stoneage again when ive got all i need, in form of my manipulator, in my hands allready ?

    how about this ?
    I grab out of the locker the last survival kit, that contains the manipulator, some dryed foodrations, some water, a couple of flares for signals or fire, some kind of limited flash/headlight and a tent that keeps me warm at night and lets me regenerate some health. for the weapon part it could be a wrench, metal beam even a knife that i grabbed before leaving the ship, everything that fits better in a scifi scenario then a medieval braodsword. When spinning the idea further the Manipulator itself could be a limited first weapon, a thing that can chop wood and mine ore could easyly harm enemies aswell.
    Now i have to explore the planets surface to find some stuff to work with , allways using my Manipulator (for example give it switches in the hotbar to determine what it does. chop , dig, prepair the ground for crops, place tiles or act as a weapon.) by chance i'll find some crops with seeds i can grow, some wood to craft essentials with, some very few ores on the surface.
    the ore distribution should follow some basic logical rules. like:
    to get more and better/higher tier ores i have to dig deeper into the planet or refine even rarer minerals later on, by getting more of my ship back to functionality and researching new technologys. (i nerver liked that you can simply run around the planet and find all you need without effort)

    to bring more diversity in you could have planets with lots of one or a few materials but the lack of all others, or let them have rich minerals but hostile enviroment (corosion, acidic, no atmosphere etc) or let them be fertile to be a good place to grow crops but limited in minerals.
    only exeption in this should be the starting planet, that should hold at least so much resources that you can rudimentary repair your ship and travel to the next planet within your starting system.
    atm it doesn't matter much on wich planettype you settle down (aside from inconveniences like acid rain cold or meteors) as you can find everything , depending on tier/threadlevel, on every single planet. even crops will grow in all enviroments no matter if its underground without light, underwater even on lava or on moons with just some prepared dirt under them.

    When seeding crops, mods like persitant farmables, shouldn't be nessecary at all.
    it has to be implemented to the game itself, based on the information if a player is playing or not for singleplayer or in case of a server when the server is running the crops will grow. if thats a technical problem with huge databases in the engine then it has to be solved, but honestly i doubt that cause the game allready keeps a record of every single ore i mined, every torch i placed and so on.
    additonal to that, give the enviroment more meaning when growing crops. some may need a watery enviroment or even have to be underwater to grow, some like it dry , some only grow underground without light, there are so many possibilitys one can come up with to make it more interesting and challenging, then simply throw some dirt and everything grows.

    back to the story

    once we have the basic materials , researched some stuff to produce items we can use to fix some important parts of our ship, produced some food that will keep us alive, it's now time to return to the ship.

    Back on the ship we are now at the point to fix some of the hull breaches with the items we made on the planet. that may contain iron sheets, glass patches, copper pieces etc etc. because our matter manipulator has a reach of couple of meters to place tiles, we are now able to repair the hull of the navigation room through the still sealed door. once it has atmosphere in it again, the door will open and we have access to the navigationconsole and fuelsystem. some other parts of the ship might also be repaired that way, like a smal storage room and a place to work in.
    like i said in the introduction i don't like the idea of fueling an interstellar spaceship with coal like an old steamboat, there will be fuel enough for now to keep the smal ship and a few systems going, but the engine is malfunctioning only capable of smal travels within the starting starsystem and you cant reach the engineroom at this point.

    dang it, i didn't thought that it would take so much text and time to explain, in a language that i learned 35 years ago, what i like to see.
    I'am gonna try to speed things up a bit.

    Now we have reached a point, were we have more access to our ship equipment, that might be a real electric powered furnace, a workingplace and computer or other first devices for research and crafting in the workroom, probably a slightly better Manipulator in a locker in the storage room and maybe our first real scifi weapon (weak blaster, weak laser sword or whatever you migth think is fitting the setting, but please no medievel meele weapons ^^)
    from now on we are in the position to continue research and exploring further.
    as we explore the next planet in our first Starsystem we have to do some research aswell to improve our equippment even further.
    that will reach from:
    - improving machines to work faster/process better higher tier raw materials.
    - research and improve machines that craft new /better tools to work with (tiered manipulators, more reach more speed other functions; spacesuit to reach the damaged parts of your ship/or expand it as you like.
    - better engines for the ship; bigger lifesupport system to be able to build an even bigger ship.
    - new materials like composites to build larger objects (f.E. a huge dome to cover your ships agriculture wont be made of simple glas, more likely out of an advanced polymere)
    - very important if we like to travel further, find some fuel scource like radioactive material
    - find more crop seeds to grow or even reseach ways to genetical enhance what you have found so far
    - the list could be endless

    some nice mods i've played allready or i have only read about covers this way of progression and are a good point to look at or start with
    - ISE/ Industrialisation (sad that the author has paused the develoment)
    - a lot of mods that cover ore distribution and more realistic mining
    - mods that cover planet diversity
    - mods that gives you the ability to build your ship the way you like and need
    - mods that add micro management to a certain degree (like my example with a huge ship that cant be powered without a proper engine lifesystem)
    sorry for not being able to know all exact mods names

    one thing that have come to my mind several times and I'am still not able to get the idea behind is the use of pixels.
    even right now I'am not sure how explain;
    one purpose is to have a currency to be able to buy from NPC traders, well, on the other hand it is generated allmost out of nowhere to a point later in the game you have so much that it doesn't matter.
    then you build in some sinks for it like research(but no scientist that does the work for money), crafting(wich is kinda strange to give an anvil money) the 3D printer(wich does not fit either, cause if i want a metal product i'll probably feed it metal to get what i want)
    how about a currencysystem based on what is more in demand, used and not endless generated like ore. once i've stripped a planet from all resources i'll have to move on. no way to slaughter endless waves of respawning squishies to fill my wallet.
    Reseach could be based on that aswell, instead of pixels you'll need some material and time.
    NPC trading could be done that way too
    you could even have different tiers in that ore based currency like pennies/copper quarter/silver and so on
    transporting shouldn't be a big problem either cause most people will mostlikely carry couple of ore stacks with them right now , so not much of a change
    the loss on death could be handled also this way, you'll loose a percentage of what you carry like it is now.

    anyway, I think that wall of text is long enough
    even it was not clearly centered on what mods i'd like to see integrated into the game, i hope i was able to explain some points i'd like to see be it mods or not.
    i'am curious to see more of your plans for the future development, like the branches you can go into with your character.
    hope that it will be exciting and worth the trouble you sometimes like to give us in this beta testing ;P
    modder45089 and Carter X like this.
  16. Carter X

    Carter X Void-Bound Voyager

    This too. Actually, 'd prefer this approach to mad tulip's spce ship mod sadly.
  17. modder45089

    modder45089 Void-Bound Voyager

    Completely agree with everything. Something like the OKEA kiosk that just sells you a bunch of stuff cheap, easy stuff without requiring you to find or earn it first will be VERY damaging to our server's gameplay. It'll basically an in-game version of a microtransaction store from an F2P MMO. Some cool stuff, sure, but very harmful to other gameplay elements like exploration or combat. As Octopaige said, being able to just buy cheap stuff for your house from some box in hardly adventurous.

    I absolutely love the idea of persistent or physics-based content, but it has to be better optimized to make giant long-term worlds full of this stuff viable. Still, since I like advanced stuff like this a lot, it'd better be implemented into the game in one form or another. Just try to optimize it when you decide to include it.

    New races don't seem to be worth the effort in my opinion. There are enough races to play with already and adding any more of them now will mean that any race-specific content (loot, armor, NPCs, etc) you'll come up in the future will have to be adjusted for any extra race you decide to include now. I would add any mods that enhance and flesh out the already existing races first and wait until some modder comes up with a fully, throughly fleshed out race of their own.

    Spaceships made out of wood is just a bad, silly idea. Customizable spaceships that can be upgraded with extra sections, features, and crew members is a far better idea to concentrate on. I especially would love to see something like this, since we'd rather have a single giant home ship full of upgradeable opportunities for our co-op group than small separate ships for each of us.

    I would love this direction very, very much. In fact, I'd rather start the game from some desolate planet (Terraria-style) and work my way through my first basic wooden houses and stone tools all the way up to air, interplanetary, and later interstellar flight in some cool, Civilization-like progression. That idea aside, the game definitely starts out too advanced. One great thing about games like Terraria and especially Minecraft is how threw you into their worlds with practically nothing, only to see you survive, succeed then and bend the world around you to your will afterward. Good stuff.

    In short, I'm all for adding more ways for vertical and horizontal progression, not adding some quick and simple player-created shortcuts.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2014
    Bantar likes this.
  18. Kellanved

    Kellanved Master Chief

    The Avali race mod would be awesome, as would that one ship mod that included craftable and deployable drop pods so that a quick base can be established on new planets easily.
  19. Famcio

    Famcio Poptop Tamer

    -replace humans with ningen mod....or even just the eyes, i just dont like the dot eyes for some reason....
    -Variety is the Spice of the Universe
    -anything adding more dungeons!
    -avali race mod
    -combat overhaul
    -persistent containers
    -dungeon boss

    -honestly id be happy with just getting rid of the dot eyes >_>

    edit: would also like to see a voice selection option, maybe? i love the yukari mod voice for example~
    - and lastly harder bosses mod....along with more bosses :D
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2014
    Ms_Starbound likes this.
  20. hamsterpowerftw

    hamsterpowerftw Void-Bound Voyager

    ok first off i think ships being upgradeable is a good idea but make it end game stuff like u need rubriem to make ship parts and stuff basicly add a new ship panle that u can craft at end game to upgrade our ships also UPGRADEABLE CHESTS i mean i like the tech chest but what if what if you colud use each tier and upgrade your tech chest to every tier like iron then steel and so on..... but that brings me to new rases me i don't care ether way i am ALWAYS GOING TO BE AVIAN! so add new races or not i rly dont give a rats butt then we have tiered beds i mean it makes since that a iron bed heals more then a wood one right? ok i love to esplore in every shape and way possible so i would like the tierd stuff to be found like a BP for a imprivim chest cuz crafting it would be wayyyyy to OP!

    so now we move onto biomes and wether and you know envroment stuff.... first i wolud like to see more wether like in deserts sand storms so u cant see vary far. or maby a new type a dedly rain FIRE RAIN but only in volcanic biomes or maby laser showers i mean why the hec not! also make palnets have only one rashal structre set in one planet like apex buildings on one and avian on anhother.

    well i guss that leaves us with NPCS like i think (this is just me) that u find a crew on your jernys across the galicses like u can find a sincsetist in a apex lab about to be turned into a monster and u save him and he sells new tech and lab stuff new monsters well..... we have like a milion difrent mobs sure some look like walking hotdogs and others like pokemon but some are epic and with a radomized attack i think we have anoth crap trying to kill us also tons of boses to fight and epic stuff they drop lso a lab to make stims and tech on your ship (end game) and make it kinda like stim lab but less OP maby new tech like a AVIAN MECH and a JET PACK and maby an WAY TO CHANGE TECHS FROM ONE SLOT TO ANOTHER so u can us four techs at diffrent times like lets say i have one avian mech one morth ball and one jet pack u open ur inventory and move the mech to two and the jet pack to one so u can fly vice versa for the mech

    well thats my ideas and rebutles so like this or not i could care less wut haters think so bye for now!!!

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